Holocaust-Era Assets

Military Agency Records

Theaters of Operations

Records of U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II (RG 260)

Office of Military Government, U.S. Zone (Germany) (OMGUS)


Foreign Exchange Depository Group

The Foreign Exchange Depository (FED), located in the Reichsbank Building, Frankfurt am Main, was the successor organization to the Currency Branch, SHAEF, which had been created by Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force on September 7, 1944. The primary function of the Currency Branch was the receiving, holding, and supplying of occupation currency for Allied Armed Forces and for Military Government operations, but it was also empowered “to act as required as depository for and/or to exercise control over assets seized or impounded by Allied Military authorities.”

The Currency Branch/Depository was always under the control, supervision, and direction of the Finance Division of the following successive headquarters:

SHAEF G-5 to July 14, 1945
USFET G-5 to October 1, 1945
OMG (U.S. Zone) to April 1, 1946
OMGUS from April 1, 1946

With the termination of operations in other European countries and restriction of remaining operations to Germany, the Currency Branch became a Section of the Foreign Exchange Depository.

The FED was completely organized in April 1946, with Executive, Administrative, Depository, Claims, Currency and Accounts sub-sections.

In the course of its development the FED established its primary functions into five categories:

  1. Custody, inventory and accounting for assets uncovered in Germany by Allied Forces.
  2. Custody of assets delivered in U.S. zone under Military Government Law No. 53.
  3. Investigation of ownership and claims pertaining to assets held.
  4. Custody, issue, retirement and accounting for Allied Military marks of U.S. Forces.
  5. Accounting for Military Government Court fines.

Under special authorization additional services were rendered, including:

  1. Acting as custodian for special jewel collections.
  2. Acting as custodian for Military Payment certificates prior to their issuance by Disbursing Officers.
  3. Acting as custodian for valuables seized by G-2 Censorship Division.
  4. Acting as central clearing agency in processing payments to released German prisoners of war.

In addition to its normal currency operations, the FED, during the early part of 1945, began to receive foreign exchange assets from various sources in Germany. A suitable structure for the latter purpose was found in the Reichsbank Building in Frankfurt, which was taken over and altered in certain respects to provide great vault space and security.

The first shipment of valuables, from the Merkers Mine, was received at the FED on April 15, 1945. FED personnel at Merkers Mine supervised the loading and transport of this enormous hoard consisting of gold bullion, gold and silver coin, platinum, jewelry, a large quantity of “SS Loot,” and various currencies, including 2.7 billion Reichsmarks. Almost 12,000 containers of various types were transported by truck convoys, over a period of several days, guarded by military escort. Before the end of 1945, a total of 76 additional shipments of foreign exchange assets were received. They came principally from the U.S. zone of occupation in Germany, but also from Austria, Czechoslovakia, and other areas into which the Army had penetrated.

In June 1945, a team of gold experts from the Treasury Department arrived in Frankfurt to make a survey of the major precious metal stocks in the FED. They continued their work for some 60 days with the assistance of FED personnel, and at the conclusion submitted a comprehensive report with a total valuation close to $300 million for precious metals, consisting principally of gold bullion and gold coins.

During the next three years the FED received, stored, inventoried, and disbursed well over $500 million worth of loot and other valuables. FED responsibilities were turned over on September 21, 1949, to the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, where it was placed under the HICOG’s Finance Division.

Top of Page

Central Files, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 588)
Boxes 392–466

Box # File # Selected File Title or Subject
392 U.S. Concerns in Germany
  U.S. Treasury
  War Diary
393 Outgoing Correspondence, 1946
  300.61 Letters: OMGUS
394 310.3 Removal of Assets from FED: Authorizations Required
  900.10 Organization and History of FED
  900.11 Organization and History of Currency Section
  900.13 Organization and History of Depository Section
  900.14 Plan for Operation of the FED
  900.151 Title 16: Finance
395 900.152 Title 17: Property Control
  900.164 Law 53
  900.17 Instructions to Military Government Financial Officers: No. 3
  900.20 Government: German Land and Local: U.S. Zone
  900.30 Joint German Committee for Finance
  900.40 Investigations: Field
  900.45 Inspections: IG
396 900.80 Joint Foreign Exchange Agency
396–397 900.10–900.15 Cables
397 900.30–900.37 Standard Operating Procedures
398 910.44 Memorandums: Currency Section
  910.45 Memorandums: Depository Section
  910.42 Memorandums: Administrative Section
  910.43 Memorandums: Claims Section
  910.46 Memorandums: Executive Section
  910.49 Memorandums: Others
  910.40 Memorandums: Numbered
  910.70 Internal Security: Guard Orders
  910.71 Internal Security: Key Plan
  910.72 Internal Security: Vault Entry Regulations
  910.73 Internal Security: Vault Entry Register
399 910.73 Internal Security: Violations
  910.731 Internal Security: DP Register
  910.75 External Security
  910.90 Reports: Berlin (FD) Trips
  910.910 Reports: Conferences: Currency
  910.911 Reports: Conferences: Depository
  910.92 Reports: Daily Journal, 1950
  910.92 Reports: Daily Journal, 1949
400 910.92 Reports: Daily Journal, 1948
  910.93 Reports: Weekly Reports
  910.94 Reports: Monthly Reports
  910.95 Reports: Weekly Staff Conferences: FED
  910.96 Reports: Outgoing Suspense Items
  910.97 Reports: Monthly for OFA [Office of the Financial Advisor]
  910.98 Reports: Weekly: FED Status Report
401 920.401 FED Space and Liquidation
  930.31 Procedures
401–414 Inventory Forms
415 930.72 General Work Papers
  930.73 (Internal) Audits and Examinations
  930.91 Reports: Monthly, 1944
  930.91 Reports: Monthly 1945–1946
  930.92 Reports: Special
  940.01 Claims: General
415–416 940.002 et al Claims: Belgium
416 940.01 et al Claims: France
  940.006 Claims: Britain (Securities)
  940.12 Claims: France (Rothschild Jewels)
  940.21 Claims: Hungary
  940.0241 Claims: Italian (Platinum)
  940.0242 Claims: Italian: Gold
  940.025 Claims: Poland (Securities)
  940.026 Claims: Poland (Precious Metals)
  940.03 Netherlands Gold
417 940.031 et al Claims: Netherlands
418 940.04 Claims: Czechoslovakia (Jewelry)
  940.04 Claims: Czechoslovakia: Silver
  940.04 Claims: Czechoslovakia: Gold and National Property
  940.04 Claims: Czechoslovakia (Securities)
  940.05 Claims: Norway: Currency
  940.055 Claims: Monaco: Silver Goods
  940.07 Claims: Yugoslavia: General
419 940.075 Claims: Degussa Silver
  940.076 Claims: I.G. Farben Platinum
  940.76 I.G. Farben-Owned Stocks of Platinum and Iridium
420 940.08 et al Claims: Individuals
  940.091 Claims: Yugoslavia: Gold Bullion
  940.10 et al Claims: Rejected
  940.15 Restitution: General
  940.15A Restitution Policy (Paris Conference)
  940.15 Restitution
  940.151 Restitution: Currency
421 940.151 Currency: Merkers Mine
  940.151 Analysis of Currencies Held at FED
  940.151 U.S. Currency Shipment
  940.151 Restitution: Currency
  940.152 Restitution: Numismatic Coins
  940.153 Analysis of Securities Held by FED
  940.154 Second Turnover Over to the International Refugee Organization
  940.154 Restitution: Monetary Gold
422 940.1551 Monetary Gold: First Distribution
  940.1551 Monetary Gold: Second Distribution [Contains Colonel Bernard Bernstein’s report on SS loot.]
  940.1551 Monetary Gold: Netherlands
  940.1551 Restitution: Monetary Gold
  940.1552 Restitution: Silver
423 940.16 Reparations: Paris Conference
  940.17 Restitution Control Branch
  940.18 External Restitution Statements
  940.18 List and Evaluation of Assets Restituted or Released by the FED
  940.30 Investigations and Inquiries
  940.302 Investigation: Helmuth Maurer
  940.303 Investigation: Foreign Missions
  940.304 Bruno Melmer
  940.304 Investigation: Melmer
  940.304 Melmer Deliveries
  940.304 SS Loot Melmer
    The 940.304 files contain information about the Melmer SS account at Reichsbank; statement by Albert Thoms [Note 57]; information on the distribution of looted SS gold; an order of May 16, 1939, for Jews to give up their possessions; list of individual savings account records from concentration camp victims; and detailed interview with Emil Puhl.
  940.3061 Hauphreuhandstelle Ost
  940.306 ROGES File
  940.306 Investigation: ROGES
  940.307 Investigation: Devisen Schutzkommando
424 940.309 Precious Metals
  940.31 Field Trips
  940.32 Liaison
  940.32 Liaison Visits
  940.34 Assets Held by French Authorities
  940.35 Reichsbank Gold Transactions
  940.36 Assets Held by British Authorities
  940.37 Records: Precious Metals Department of the Reichsbank
  940.38 PCIRO: General
  940.40 Shipments: General
  940.401 Joint Inventory: Schedule “A”
  940.401 Joint Inventory: Schedule “B”
  940.401 Joint Inventory: Schedule “C”
  940.401 Restitution of Silver to Yugoslavia
  940.401 Shipment No. 1
  940.401 Outgoing Shipment No. 1
425 940.401 Merkers Mine [Includes information on looted art.]
  940.401 Gold List “A”
  940.401 Gold List “B”
  940.401 Gold List “D”
  940.401 Gold List “E”
  940.401 Cage Sheets
426–428   Shipping tickets and related records, including Hungarian silver.
429 940.4020 Outgoing Shipment: Hungarian Gold
  940.4020 History of the Hungarian Gold
  940.4020 Photographs of the Hungarian Gold Shipment
  940.4020 Shipment 20 Book I
430   Shipment records, including Dutch diamonds.
431 940.4022 Netherlands Diamonds Restitution
  940.4022 I.G. Farben Platinum and Iridium
431–439 940.4022 et al Shipment Records
439 940.55 Valuables Not Located in Reichsbank
  940.5601 Interrogations of Karl Friedrich Wilhelm
  940.5602 Interrogations of Karl Graupnet
  940.5603 Interrogations of Karl Jahnke
  940.5604 Interrogation of Emil Puhl [September 18, 1945]
440 940.60 Howard [Note 58] Report Concerning Gold, Silver and Platinum
  940.60 Overall Gold Report
  940.60 Gold Report and Original Work Sheets
  940.60 General Papers on Gold Study
  940.60 Gold Report Work Sheets
  940.60 Gold Report (Work Papers) Shipment Summaries Gold Report Work Sheets
441   Gold report worksheets used to generate the Howard Report inventory of gold at FED, Summer 1945. Provides detailed information on gold bars.
442 940.601 Gold: Belgium
  940.602 Gold: Turkish
  940.603 Gold: Rumania
  940.604 Gold Found in Austria
  940.605 Gold: Luxemburg
  940.606 Work Papers: Italy Gold Report
  940.606 Gold: Italy
  940.606 Monetary Gold: Italy
  940.6015 Gold: Spain
  940.6025 Gold: Yugoslavia
443 940.607 Czechoslovakia: Gold
  940.607 Czechoslovakia Gold Report
  940.608 Gold: Netherlands: General Correspondence
  940.6081 Netherlands Gold
  940.6082 Netherlands Gold
444 940.61 Gold: Bank for International Settlements
  940.62 Work Papers
  940.63 Gold: Neither Monetary Nor Non-Monetary
  940.64 Gold: Tripartite Commission
  940.65 Gold: German Foreign Office
  940.6096 Transactions Between Reichsbank and Swedish Riksbank
  940.6096 Gold Transaction: Swedish Riksbank
  940.62 Gold Stocks: Reichsbank Berlin
  940.62 Gold Reserves of Reichsbanks
445 940.65 German Foreign Office Records
  950.0 Cash: General
  950.011 Cash: Inventory
  950.02 Cash: In Reserve
  950.03 Banks: General
  950.035 Banks: FFM.1922-B: General
446 950.280 POW Payments: Instructions
  950.2831 et al Correspondence: OMG, Hamburg, Bremen, Greater Hesse
447 950.282 et al Lists of Military Payment: Orders Paid
448 950.2834 et al Correspondence: OMG: Greater Hesse, Württemberg-Baden, Bavaria
449 950.2837 Correspondence: OMG: Berlin Sector
  950.284 Correspondence: Central Disbursing Officer
  950.2838 Correspondence: French Zone
450 950.285 Correspondence: L.C. Banks
  950.286 Correspondence: OFD
  950.287 PW Payment Expense Bills
  950.2871 et al Correspondence: Berlin, Bremen, Hesse
451 950.2874 et al Correspondence: Württemberg-Baden, Bavaria
  950.29 Disbursement: War Crimes Commission
  950.3 Currency: General
  950.31 Currency: Counterfeit, 1945
  950.311 Currency: Counterfeit Investigations
452 950.32 Currency: Invalid
  950.33 Currency: Mutilated
  950.349 Currency: Destruction: AMM Notes
  950.34 Currency: Destruction
  950.35 Currency: Exchanges
  950.37 Currency: Worthless
453 950.36 Currency: 1000 Mark Notes
  950.38 Currency: Printing
  950.39 Currency: Russian
  950.391 Currency: Photostatic
  950.932 Currency: Military Payment Certificates
  950.4 Funds: General
  950.40 Funds: Currency Made Available
454–455 950.401 Funds: AM Marks
456 950.402 Funds: AMM Currency Register
456-457   German Marks: Shipments
457 950.41 Funds: Military Government Current A/C
  950.404 Funds: RM General
  950.420 Funds: General: Captured and Confiscated
  950.421 Funds: Receipts: Captured and Confiscated
  950.422 Funds: Claims: Captured and Confiscated
  950.42 Funds: Captured and Confiscated
  950.43 Funds: POW
  950.430 et al PW Funds
458 950.433 PW Funds
  950.45 Funds: Sale of Materials
  950.460 Funds: Unclaimed: Owner Known
  950.461 Funds: Unclaimed: Owner Unknown
  950.470 Funds: Special Deposit: Account A/C CDO
459 950.471 Funds: Special Deposit: Monthly Statement
  950.480 Funds: Special Deposit: Suspension
  950.5 et al Vouchers
  950.522 MG: Court Confiscations
  950.52 MG: Court Collections
  950.521 MG: Court Fines
  950.55 Sub-Accountants
  950.60 Personnel: German: Currency Section
460 950.61 Personnel: Other: Currency Section
  950.70 Correspondence Out: IRS
  950.71 Correspondence In
  950.720 OFD Correspondence
  950.721 OFD: Reports
  950.75 Postage Stamps: Germany
  950.760 Austrian Currency Section
  950.761 Belgium and Luxembourg Currency Section
  950.762 Netherlands Currency Section
  950.763 Denmark Currency Section
  950.764 France Currency Section
  950.765 British Currency Section
  950.90 Reports: Semi-Monthly: Cash
461 950.90 Reports: Semi-Monthly: Cash, 1946
  950.90 Reports: Semi-Monthly: Cash, 1947–1948
  950.91 Reports: Monthly Finance Division, 1945
  950.91 Reports: Monthly Finance Division, 1946
462 950.91 Reports: Monthly Finance Division [1947]
  950.92 Reports: Quarterly: Currency
  950.93 Reports: Audits and Investigations
  950.94 Daily Progress Reports
  950.990 Reports: Incoming OFD
  960.10 Inventory: General
  960.11 Inventory: Silver
463 960.12 Inventory: Gold
  960.13 Inventory: Coins and Currency
  960.14 Inventory: Jewelry
  960.15 Inventory: SS Loot
  960.16 Inventory: Securities
  960.17 Lists of Securities
  960.17 Master Catalogue: Foreign Securities
  960.17 Supplemental Catalogue: Foreign Securities
  960.19 Inventory: Other Assets
464 960.20 Appraisal: General
  960.23 Appraisal: Coins and Currency
  960.26 Appraisal: Securities
  960.30 Property: Incoming
  960.301 Property: Incoming: Non-Monetary Gold
  960.40 Property: Outgoing
  960.411 National Bank of Hungary
  960.50 Currency: International Rates
  960.55 Balances and Other Weighing Instruments
  960.60 Operations
465 960.61 Security Officer Daily Reports, 1946–1947
466 960.61 Security Officer Daily Reports, 1948
  960.90 Reports
  960.901 Reports of Deposits of Foreign Exchange
  960.902 Marshaling of Assets in U.S. Zone
  960.903 Accounting Discrepancies

Top of Page

Miscellaneous Records Regarding Operations, Payments and Shipments, 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 589)
Boxes 467–471

Box # Selected File # and/or Subject
467–468 Liquidation of SHAEF Currency Section, first custodians of gold, Currency Section inventories and related records.
469 Currency Section inventories, cables and files, 11/427/11 and 11/427/13 contain standard operating procedures on transfer of non-monetary gold to PCIRO.
470–471 Files on “Merkers’s Mine Report” including rough inventory of gold, files on restitution by country, and related material.

Records Relating to Operations “Birdog” and “Doorknob,” 1948–1950 (A1, Entry 590)

Records pertain to efforts to have the American Bank Note Company and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing produce German currency. Within the files is very specific information about the shipments of uncovered/looted monetary and non-monetary gold and other valuables to Frankfurt, 1945. Note: the first two boxes in this series appear to be a continuation of the Miscellaneous records. Box 472 contains “vouchers” containing detailed inventories of every shipment of valuable received by the FED. Box 473 contains the end of the previous section of file. Included are “Inventories of Shipments,” which are inventories for the first 64 shipments of valuables received by the FED; and “Statements of shipments,” which includes a register of shipments received by the FED. Box 483 contains a Prussian Mint gold bar list.

Boxes 472–483

Records Relating to Shipments of Gold and Silver, 1945–1947 (A1, Entry 591)
Boxes 484–488

Box # Selected File Title
484 Delivery of Gold: France
  France: Monetary Gold
  Italy: Set Aside
  Schedule of Monetary Gold Coins
  Gold Delivery: Netherlands
  Gold Delivery: Luxembourg
  Gold Deliver: Belgium
485 Austria: Monetary Gold
  Austria: Good Delivery: Bars
  Gold Set Aside: Coin: Austria
  Italy: Coin List
  Italy: Prussian Mint
  Monetary Gold Coin Inventoried by FED
  Tallies: First Movement
  Bar List
  Coin List
  Coin List: Netherlands
  Luxembourg Coin List
  Weight List
  Distribution of Gold Bars and Coin
  Gold Bar Control Sheets
  Location Charts
  Analysis of Gold [Reconciliations of Howard Report with actual gold count by the Foreign Exchange Depository.]
486 Miscellaneous Lists
487 Netherlands Delivery
  Austria Coin List
  SOP: First Distribution
  Operation SOP’s Original Location Sheets
  Belgium Coin List
  Austria Set Aside
  Gold Delivery: Luxembourg
  Gold Delivery: Netherlands
488 Gold Delivery: Belgium
  History of Gold Pot Delivery No. 1
  Inventory Shipment #1 Working Papers
  Banding Officers Report
  Bar List
  Worksheets of Inventory Completed 29 August 1945

Top of Page

Records Relating to Tabulation and Classification of Deposits, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 592)

Includes inventory worksheets, gold and diamond lists, currency and coins records, records relating to securities, and shipping records.

Boxes 489–559

Box # Selected File Title
531 Daily Volume Report
  Weekly Progress Report: Depository Section
  Vault Transfer Record Forms
532 Tally In
  Lists of Gold Bar Numbers
  Bar List: Prussian Mint
  Bar List: Prussian Mint: Alloy Bars
  Bar List: No Melters Stamp
  Bar List: Good Delivery
  Bar List: Russian Mocksa
  Bar List: Norddeutsche
  Bar List: Jugoslavian B.O.R.
  Bar List: Italian Lab
  Bar List: Degussa
  Miscellaneous Gold: Summary of Page Totals
533 Gold Lists
534 Tally In
535 Gold Lists

Inventory Forms of Assets Released, 1945–1947 (A1, Entry 593)
Boxes 560–563

Miscellaneous Registers, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 594)
Boxes 564–567

Records of the Currency Section, Financial Branch, G-5 Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944–1945 (A1, Entry 595)
Boxes 568–574

Records of the Currency Section, 1944–1945 (A1, Entry 596)

Includes records pertaining to Reichsbank safe deposit (Box 578) and records pertaining to Eva Braun (Box 580).

Boxes 575–582

Top of Page

Cultural Affairs Branch

Records Relating to Monuments, Museums, Libraries, Archives, and Fine Arts, 1946–1949 (A1, Entry 622)

This series consists of reports, memorandums, correspondence, questionaires, photographs, and other records pertaining to the restitution of art works. Subjects include investigations of crimes involving art objects, conditions of archives and libraries in the American Zone and their holdings, problems encountered in reopening museums, libraries, and archives, and the exchange of experts and exhibits.

This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1921, Rolls 1–14.

Top of Page

Land Director

Central Office Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 629)
Boxes 12–178

Box # File # Selected File Title or Subject
12 000.5 War Criminals, 1945–1946
  004.2 Banks and Banking, 1945–1946
  007 Fine Arts
35 383.7 Displaced Persons; Refugees (Directives), 1945–1946
36 386 Property Rights, 1945–1946
42 000.5 War Criminals, 1947
  000.5 War Criminals Directives, 1947
45 00.4 Banks and Banking, 1947
45–46 007 Fine Arts, 1947
82 383.7 Displaced Persons, 1946–1947
87 386 Property Rights, 1947
96 000.5 War Criminals, 1948
100 004.2 Banks and Banking, 1948
100–101 007 Fine Arts, 1948
132 386 Property Rights Directives, 1948
133–137 386 Property Rights, 1948
144 000.5 War Criminals, 1949
152 004.2 Banks and Banking, 1949
  007 Fine Arts, 1949
172–174 386 Property Rights, 1949

Top of Page

Intelligence Division
Predecessor Intelligence Offices

Office of Strategic Services Research and Analysis Branch Reports, 1944–1945 (A1, Entry 892)
Boxes 95–103

Finance Division
Finance Branch
Blocking Section

General Correspondence and Other Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 978)
Boxes 84–86

Records Pertaining to Blocking and Unblocking Accounts, 1946–1948 (A1, Entry 979)
Boxes 87–88

Investigation and Enforcement Branch

General Records of Investigations of Individuals and Firms, 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 987)
Boxes 113–122

Box # Selected File Title or Subject
113 Deutsche Bank
Gold and Silver
118 BMW Karlsfeld, Germany
120 Rothschild’s Family
121 Siemens

Records of the Investigation of the Messerschmitt Firm, 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 988)
Boxes 123–124

Reports and Correspondence Concerning the Investigation of Dr. Kurt Weigel, 1945–1946 (A1, Entry 989)
Box 125

Financial Records of Private Individuals, 1944–1948 (A1, Entry 990)
Boxes 126–135

Finance Division Field Team in Nuernberg

Records Concerning the Supervision of Insurance Companies in Nuernberg, 1945–1946 (A1, Entry 995)
Boxes 143–147

Records of the Supervision of Banks in Nuernberg, 1945–1946 (A1, Entry 996)
Boxes 148–156

Records of the Investigation and Enforcement Branch in Nuernberg, 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 997)
Boxes 157–158

Office of the Financial Adviser

General Records, 1946–1950 (A1, Entry 998)
Boxes 159–167

General Correspondence and Related Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1000)
Boxes 171–192

Records Relating to the Bavarian Mint, 1932–1946 (A1, Entry 1002)
Box 196

Property Division
Reparations and War Potential Branch

Records Relating to Industrial Plants, 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 1109)
Boxes 1–2

General Records, 1946–1949 (A1, Entry 1110)
Boxes 3–10

Restitution Branch

General Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1111)
Boxes 11–18

Property Control and External Assets Branch

General Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1113)
Boxes 20–35

Finance Branch

Investigation Reports of Bank Employees, 1948 (A1, Entry 1298)
Box 624

Report on the Investigation of the Deutsche Bank, 1946 (A1, Entry 1300)
Boxes 626–628

Report on the Investigation of the Reich-Kredit-Gesellschaft, 1946 (A1, Entry 1301)
Box 629

Property Control Branch

Records Pertaining to Property Under Control 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1307)
Boxes 653–659

Property Control Case Files 1947–1950 (A1, Entry 1309)
Boxes 661–848

Economics Division
Industrial Management Branch
Reparations and Restitutions Section

General Records 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1364)
Boxes 357–369

Records Concerning Restitution Claims (A1, Entry 1365)
Boxes 370–383

Finance Branch

Correspondence and Other Records 1945–1948 (A1, Entry 1418)
Boxes 365–456

Top of Page

Property Division

General Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1500)
Boxes 1237–1293

Box # Selected File Title
1252 Duress Property
  Decontrol: Allied and Neutral Nations, 1947
  Decontrol: Allied and Neutral Nations, 1948
  Decontrol, 1949
1253 Foreign Exchange Depository: Frankfurt
1254 I.G. Farben
1256–1257 Lists of Properties’ Owners
1261 Netherlands Property Interest
  Former Jewish-Owned Property
1263 Reich-Owned Property
1264–1272 Reports
1273 SS Companies
  Wehrmacht Properties
1274–1275 Reparations
1278 Restitution and Releases
1279–1282; 1284 Restitution Claims
1283–1284 Correspondence: Restitution
1285–1286 Reparations
1289 Reports
  External Restitution
1290 Restitution
  Restitution Successor Organization
1291–1292 Polish Property
1293 Export of Cultural Objects: Claims Under Military Government Law No. 52

Economics Division
Office of the Financial Adviser

General Correspondence, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1744)
Boxes 1204–1208

Property Division
Restitutions Branch

General Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1764)
Boxes 1287–1289

Restitution Claim Files, 1945–1947 (A1, Entry 1765)
Box 1290

Top of Page

U.S. Element of Inter-Allied Organizations

Subject Index to General Records, n.d. [Note 59] (A1, Entry 1789)
Box 1

General Records, 1945–1949 (A1, Entry 1790)
Boxes 2–89

Box # File # Selected File Title or Subject
2 1005 Potsdam Agreement
4 1005/1 Potsdam Conference
5 1020 Functions of the German External Property Commission
6 1025 POWs and Displaced Persons
  1044 Archives Committee
9 2003/7 Funds Left on Deposit in Germany During the War by Yugoslavians and Displaced Persons
13 2006/4 Inventory of War Material in Neutral Countries
22 6003 German Records, Use of By Occupation Forces
24 7023 Plans for Reparations
25 7024/1 Iron and Steel Industry
  7024/3 German Chemical Industry
  7027 Report of the I.G. Farben Committee
26 7027 I.G. Farben
  7047 Letter From the Netherlands Military Mission Concerning Restitution of Metals
30 7090 Decartelization
35 9001 German External Property Commission: Vesting and Marshaling
36 9001/1 Allied and Neutral Property in Germany: Industrial Property
  9001/3 Czech Property in Germany
  9001/5 Return to Allied and Neutral Countries of Property Belonging to Ex-War Criminals
  9001/6 Greek Property Seized by Germany: ROGES
  9001/7 Disposition of Property, Securities, Accounts, etc., Belonging to Certain Organizations
  9001/8 Disposition of Heirless Property
  9001/10 Confiscated Property: Poland: Immovable
37 9030 Banking Decentralization
  9034 Exploitation of Former German Reichsbank Records
  9036 German Mortgage Bank
39 9040 Insurance: Termination of German Insurance Companies Abroad
  9040/1 Insurance: Foreign Insurance Company Control and Operation of
40 9040/7 Insurance: Decentralization of the Insurance Industry
  9046 Denazification of Finance
  9047 Central Finance Ministry: Power of Former Reich Finance Minister
41 9049 Decentralization of German Public Finance
  9063 Banking: Blocking (Non-German Securities)
  9065 Claims Against Germany and the Occupying Powers
  9065/1 Unpaid Wages in Germany Due to Czech Citizen Labor
42 9080 Foreign Securities: Investment
43 9082 Registration of Securities
43–51 10007 Reparations
51 10007/28 Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
  10007/29 Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
63 12004 Major War Criminals
  12004/2 Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS)
64–65 12004 War Criminals
71 13023 Refugees
  13025 POWs and Displaced Persons
72 13201 Refugees: Denmark
  13022 Refugees
  13027 Repatriation of Germans From Sweden
  13027 Repatriation of Germans From Neutral Countries
74 13057 Central Tracing Bureau
86 15039 German External Property Commission Monthly Report

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United States Forces, Austria (USFA)

The U.S. Allied Commission for Austria (USACA) Section was responsible for civil affairs/military government administration. It was organized concurrently with the establishment of Headquarters, United States Forces Austria (HQ USFA), July 5, 1945, as a component of U.S. Forces, European Theater (USFET). The single position of Commanding General USFA and U.S. High Commissioner for Austria was held successively by General Mark Clark, July 5, 1945–May 16, 1947; and Lieutenant General Geoffrey Keyes [Note 60], May 17, 1947–September 19, 1950. USACA Section provided the U.S. element of organizations comprising the Allied Commission for Austria, the name of four-power occupation administration established by a U.S., British, French, and Soviet agreement, signed July 4, 1945, and made effective July 24, 1945 [Note 61]. USACA Section also administered occupation government in U.S. zone of Austria and U.S. sector of Vienna. USACA Section was abolished following transfer of U.S. occupation government from military to civilian authority, marked by the Presidential appointment of Walter J. Donnelly as Envoy (later Ambassador) to Austria and U.S. High Commissioner for Austria, effective September 20, 1950. Donnelly was succeeded by Ambassador Llewelyn E. Thompson, Jr., July 17, 1952. U.S. occupation government in Austria officially terminated July 27, 1955, the date of the entrance into force of the State Treaty for the Re-establishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria, signed May 15, 1955.

Director of USACA

Files of the Director, 1946–1951 (A1, Entry 1990)
Boxes 1–71 (Box 34 contains, under file number 386, information concerning restitution and other property matters.)

Decimal Files, 1946–1951 (A1, Entry 1991)
Boxes 1–74 (Boxes 42–43 contain information on restitution.)

Reparations and Restitution Branch [M1926, Rolls 1–156] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Claims, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1992) [M1926, Rolls 1–140] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Roll #Country Filing Claims
1–6 Austria
6–8 Belgium
8 Britain
9 Bulgaria
9–23 Czechoslovakia
24–28 Netherlands
29–51 France
51–52 Germany
52 Greece
53–92 Hungary
92 Iran
92–111 Italy [For lists of factories taken over by Germans, see M1926, Roll 110.]
112 Luxembourg
112 Miscellaneous
112 Norway
112–122 Poland
123 Rumania
123–124 Russia
125–138 Yugoslavia
139–140 United States

Top of Page

General Administrative Records, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1993) [M1926, Rolls 141–156] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Roll #Selected File Title or Subject
143 Reports: Restitution by USFA
144 Fine Arts: Miscellaneous
  Austrian Letter re Return of Fine Arts from CCP [Central Collecting Point] Munich
  Manfred Weiss Concern
  Field Reports
145 Field Reports
147 Miscellaneous Loot: Origin Unknown
  Linzer Kunstmuseum List (Only Partly)
  Kremsmunster Depot
148 Tapestries
  Schloss Kogl: Art Depot
  Final Status Reports on Art Restitutions
  List of Unidentified Paintings Stored at Residenz: Depot Salzburg
149 Benedictine Abbey
  CCP [Central Collecting Point]: Austrian Group Claims
  Salzburg Art Depot
  Alt-Aussee Salt Mine [Note 62]
150 Alt-Aussee Salt Mine
  Intelligence Cases: Fine Arts
  Art Depot (Old)
151 MFAA Field Reports (Miss Tucker)
  MFAA Field Reports, 1945
  Official List of Monuments and Other Buildings, Sites and Archives in Austria
  Cultural Looting of the “Ahnenerbe,” March 1, 1948
152 Austrian Shipments from CCP [Central Collecting Point]
152-155 Paintings: Restituted
156 Semi-Annual Reports, 1946–1948
  History of R&R Branch: Semi-Annual Report, June 30, 1948
  Semi-Annual Report, December 31, 1949

Top of Page

Monuments and Fine Arts Branch [Note 63] [M1927, Rolls 1–14] Adobe Acrobat PDF

General Records of the Monuments and Fine Arts Branch, 1945 (A1, Entry 1994) [M1927, Roll 1] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Roll #Selected File Title
1 Staatsoper
  Stefans Kirche
  Belgian Cultural Material
  Belgian List of Cultural Items
  Austrian Bells at Isenburg
  Views on French Proposal [Requiring from the Austrians a declaration disclosing the presence of stolen or looted goods.]
  German Archaeological Institute at Rome
  Art Objects and Collections Taken by Germans in France [Aktion Rosenburg]
  Art Objects: Linz
  Policy Correspondence of the Archives Office
  Ministerial Business (Lists of Personnel)
  Miscellaneous Correspondence
  Tibetan Collection in Castle at Mittersill
  Correspondence Relating to Munich and Austria (Buildings and Art Objects)
  Correspondence Relating to Project Staatsdenkmalamt
  French List of Art Treasures in Austria
  List of Art Objects Stored at Schloss Kogle, St. Georgen
  Deposits (Locations of Contents)
  List of Protected Monuments: Vienna
  Correspondence Relating to the Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire
  Correspondence Relating to Deposits at Bad Aussee (Churches) and Salt Mines at Alt-Aussee and Lauffen
  Various Austrian Maps
  Plan of a Tobacco Building
  Notes Concerning United States Forces Austria and United States Allied Command Austria Functions
  Kardex Equipment
  Correspondence Concerning the St. Florian Monastery
  Correspondence from Field Office Salzburg
  Correspondence Pertaining to Art Objects: Land Salzburg
  Vienna: Votivkirche
  Art Object List: Salzburg
  Correspondence Pertaining to Roman Statue From Salonik
  Correspondence Concerning Masterpieces to Be Used for an Exhibition From the Salt Mine at Lauffen
  Frick Regional Maps: Austria [Geographical listing of archives buildings.]
  Frick Town Plans of Innsbruck, Austria
  Correspondence From the Austrian-American Institute of Education
  Draft Agenda from Allied Commission for Austria for the Monuments and Fine Arts Meeting of October 1, 1945
  Inventory of Polish Archives at Schloss Fischorn
  Correspondence Pertaining to the Return of Cultural and Scientific Libraries to Vienna
  Correspondence Relating to the Art Treasures and Archives Looted at Salt Mine Lauffen
  Miscellaneous Photos of Austrian Buildings That Were Bombed
  Photos of Bomb Damage at the Kunstgewerbemuseum
  M-12 to M-28: [Frick regional maps and geographical listings of buildings, archives, libraries, and art object repositories.]

Top of Page

Claims and Receipts of Property, Monuments and Fine Arts of Various Countries, 1932–1950 (A1, Entry 1995) [M1927, Rolls 2–9] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Monuments and Fine Arts Lists, Receipts, and Reports of Objects for Restitution to Legal Ownership, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1996) [M1927, Rolls 10–14] Adobe Acrobat PDF

German External Assets Branch [M1928, Rolls 1–132] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Reports on Businesses, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1997) [M1928, Rolls 1–77] Adobe Acrobat PDF

  • For list of businesses or sole proprietors, see Appendix [M1928 ] Adobe Acrobat PDF

General Records, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1998) [M1928, Rolls 78–114] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Roll #Selected File Title or Subject
79 Summary of Nazi Laws on Confiscation of Property
80 Austrian Laws: General
  Laws and Decrees Affecting Austrian Insurance
  Charts: German Ownership
81 Sale of German External Assets
  Insurance: General
  Nazi Laws
  Statistical Summary on German External Assets Reports
82 Final Act: Paris Conference
83 German External Assets in Italy
  German Accounts in Austrian Financial Institutions
82 Special Report to Senator George W. Malone on German External Assets in Austria
  List: Austrian Interests in German Companies
83 Washington Accord
  Patent Rights: Germany (for Austrian Firms)
  Property of German Persecutees
  IARA [Inter-Allied Reparation Agency] Interests in Austria German Assets in Hungary
84 United Nations Nationals File
  War Booty
  United Nations Property in Austria
  Tabulation of German External Assets in Austria by OMGUS
  German External Assets Statistical Charts
  Martin Bormann’s Property
  German External Assets Reports to Washington
85–110 Files on Companies and Individuals
110 Laws Passed in Germany by Military Government of Interest to RD&D Division
111 German External Assets Reading File
  Summaries of Austrian Laws Affecting RD&D Division
  Austrian Laws
  Russian Confiscation and Violations of Property Claims by United States Citizens
  Blocking and Control of Propery: 1945
112 American Properties in the French Zone of Vienna
  American Properties in the British Zone of Vienna
  American Properties in the British Zone of Austria
  American Properties in the Russian Zone of Vienna
112–113 American Properties in the Russian Zone of Austria
113 American Properties in the International Zone of Vienna: Banking Accounts
  British Properties in the American Zone of Austria
  French Properties in the American Zone of Austria
  USACA Semi-Monthly Flash Reports, 1948–1949
114 Laws of the Austrian Government

Miscellaneous Records, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 1999) [M1928, Rolls 114–130] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Box #Selected File Title or Subject
114 Foreign-Owned Assets in Austria
115 MGAX Extracts
117 German External Assets and the Institution of Insurance in Austria
  MGAX Extracts
  Report of Completed Cases From the German External Assets Branch
118 OMGUS Report March 1, 1947: “Report on German Cartels and Combines 1946,” 3 volumes (I: German Economic Decentralization; II: Survey of Germany’s Major Industries; and, III: Germany’s Major Industrial Combines)
119–130 Computer Printout: Austria: German Property in and Claims Against Foreign Countries

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GEA Reports on Austria Firms Wholly Owned by German Companies, n.d. (A1, Entry 2000) [M1928, Rolls 131–132] Adobe Acrobat PDF

Property Control Branch

Correspondence and Related Records (P Files) Regarding Pending Claims, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 2006)
Boxes 1–24

Correspondence Relating to Claims and Queries, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 2007)
Boxes 1–31

General Correspondence Files, 1945–1950 (A1, Entry 2009)
Boxes 1–11

Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945 1950 (A1, Entry 2010)
Boxes 1–12

Reports on Property Control and Restitution Claims, 1945–1951 (A1, Entry 2013)
Box 1

Claims: Upper Austria, 1945–1951 (A1, Entry 2014)
Boxes 1–5

Claims and Restitution Reports on Property Administered by the Military Government, 1939–1950 (A1, Entry 2015)
Boxes 1–2

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