Kentucky State University

Meeting Minutes

"Example Copy of Minutes"

 JUNE 19, 2003

The Board of Regents of Kentucky State University met on Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Julian Carroll Academic Services Building at Kentucky State University.

Chairman Wilson asked for a moment of silence in memory of Kenneth Miller, Jr.


The following Board members were present: Regents Mikiyon Alexander, Charles Bennett,

Cornelia Calhoun, Marlene Helm, Roger Reynolds, Brenda Schissler, and Chairman of the

Board, William Wilson.


Mr. William Pennell, Chief Financial Officer, stated that the overview of the items in the FY2004 budget is to help facilitate the Regents review of the budget package. The budget process took longer than anticipated due to several different factors. Mr. Shipman, Budget Director, presented an overview of the FY2004 budget summary which included the following: Board parameters for the FY2004 budget, increased spending in Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, participation from staff and Board members, revenue realities, corrections from FY2003, established foundation for Baker-Hostetler changes, budgetary highlights, revenue highlights, and Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Athletics, Finance & Administration, and central accounts highlights. He distributed a copy of his presentation to the Board members. The Board of Regents were given an opportunity to ask questions and/or make comments on the budget.


President Turner distributed a summary of the overarching observations and issues which include the specific area of the College of Arts and Sciences from the first 30 pages of the Baker-Hostetler Report. President Turner and the Board members discussed the summary and the draft mission statement developed by President Turner. Regents Bennett and Helm will work with President Turner on the mission statement for review at the June 27, 2003, Board meeting. President Turner will continue to work on the remainder of the Baker-Hostetler Report and include a report on accomplishments.


Chairman Wilson asked for a motion to adjourn. Regent Reynolds so moved; Regent Alexander



The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:24 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Rita Evans, Office of Academic Affairs