Immigrate to Manitoba, Canada. This is the official Government of Manitoba Immigration website. All information on this site, including application forms for immigration is provided free by the government.
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  • Follow these steps
    Things you should do to as soon as possible after you arrive in Canada such as obtain government documents and starting English classes.
  • Settlement
    Guides to "settlement" issues -- getting information, assitance, getting around the city and province, finding a place to live, etc.
  • Work
    Start looking for a job. The Work Guide explains the steps you need to take.
  • Learn English
    English communication skills are essential to settling and finding a job. Manitoba offers free language classes. Find out more in the Learn English Guide.
  • Health & family
    The health & family section has guides to medicine, your children's education and other issues of importance to families including enjoying life in Manitoba.
  • Finances
    The Finances Guide explains banking, shopping, taxes and other money matters.
  • Community
    Read the Community Guide to learn about Manitoba's cultural diversity, laws, the media and more.
  • Education & training
    Opportunities for education and training in Manitoba universities, colleges and vocational schools. School for children. Learning English.
  • Services for immigrants
    In Manitoba immigrants are provided with free settlement, health and employment services to help you get established in your new home and at work.