Holocaust-Era Assets

Records of the Pauley Reparations Missions. 1945-1948 (Lot File M-17 & M-18)

On April 27, 1945, President Harry S Truman designated Presidential Special Assistant Edwin W. Pauley as his personal representative, with the rank of ambassador, to head the U.S. delegation to the Allied Reparations Commission considering German reparations. At the Crimea Conference the major powers had agreed that Germany would be "obliged to the greatest extent possible to make reparations." After negotiating the formula and methods for exacting reparations, Pauley led the U.S. Reparations Mission to Japan in late 1945 and a third mission concerning Japanese assets in Soviet occupied Korea and Manchuria in 1946. On March 7, 1947, Pauley transferred to the Department of State and was designated Special Advisor to the Secretary of State on Reparations.

General Records 1945-1948 (Entry 1106A)
Boxes 1-9

European Mission Subject Files 1945-1947 (Entry 1106B)
Boxes 10-20

Box # File Title
10 Alien Property Custodian
Complete Index to Files European Mission-ACR [provides a document level description of all files in this series]
11 Cable Index
Cables (8 folders)
Commission Papers
Claims (Individuals)
Captured Currency
Claims and Procedures
11-12 Committees
12 External Assets
Council of Foreign Ministers
13 Farben, I.G.
Foreign Economic Administration
Externals Assets
Safehaven [contains United Nations Declarations; Swiss Report; Note Presented to Spanish Government; Internal Memoranda and Reports on Safehaven Objectives; and, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS).]
14 Gold [included are, among other things, a June 29, 1945 memo from DuBois to Paul concerning assets (including "Hungarian Gold"); a a July 2, 1945 cable from the Secretary of State to Pauley stating percentage reparations should include France, U.S. advocates a minimum of 50% for USSR, and gold not to be demanded by U.S.; a July 12, 1945 memo from Monckton to Paule on restitution of works of art; a July 18, 1945 note used for discussion with President at Potsdam giving reasons for the restoration of identifiable gold to banks in liberated nations; a July 26, 1945 transmittal note from Kindelberger to Pauley concerning report on treasures held at Frankfurt; a August 4, 1945 letter from Paul to the President concerning disposal of gold captured in Germany; a August 13, 1945 cable from Pauley to the Secretary of State on the share of France in reparations and restitution of captured gold; a August 14, 1945 telegram from Clayton to the Secretary of State advocating the "Gold Pot theory of disposal of captured gold; a August 8, 1945 cable from the Secretary of State to Pauley concerning the retention of a lien on gold looted from occupied countries by Germany with a view towards settling U.S. claims against such countries; and a August 20, 1945 cable from Truman to Pauley indicating that State Department opinion should prevail in the matter of handling gold captured in Germany and all correspondence on the matter should be addressed to the Secretary of State.]
15 Memorandum on the Provisions of the Berlin Protocol Relating to
16 Poland
Protocol-Berlin, Copies of
Protocol-Berlin Conference
Progress Report, ACR
Reparations Plans
Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
German Report-Bennett
Known German-Owned or Controlled Firms in the European Neutrals and Latin America as of April 1, 1945
Report to the Secretary of State: German Reparations for Council of Foreign Ministers Conference November 1947 by Edwin W. Pauley
17 German Reports
Preliminary Studies of Reparations from Selected German Industries, Foreign Economic Administration Report, 317 pp. May 1945
German Reparations Report
A Report on German Reparations to the President of the United States February to September 1945, Edwin W. Pauley
18 Mueller Documents
19 Restitution
Reparation Shares
Reparations (4 folders)
"Problems of German Reparations, OSS Report December 30, 1944
20 Speer Papers
Stateless Persons
War Booty

Records Maintained by the Fine Arts and Monuments Adviser 1945-1961 ("Ardelia Hall Collection") (Lot File 62D-4) (Entry 3104A)

This series is divided into several subseries. Boxes 1-11 are arranged generally chronologically by year (1949-1961) and thereunder arranged by subject. Boxes 11-16 are arranged alphabetically by subject. Boxes 16-24 are country files for Austria, Italy, Germany. these records are arranged by country name and thereunder by subject. Boxes 25-26 pertain primarily to lists of missing art objects. Boxes 26-28 deal primarily with restitution in Germany. Boxes 29 and 30 deal with arts and monuments policy and problems in Europe and the Far East.

Boxes 1-30

14- 20-
Box # File Title or Subject
1 SWNCC [State, War, Navy Coordinating Committee] 322 Documents [SWNCC 322 deals with "Return of Looted Objects of Art to Countries of Origin]
Tripartite Agreement Documents
SWNCC 322 and Navy Coordination with the War Department
Circular Letters to Universities, Museums
T.D. [Treasury Department] 51072 Documents--Regulation [dealing with art objects]
Bills of Lading
Request for Packing and Shipping Expenditures
Receipt form for art returned to Claimant Government [blank forms]
Completed cases objects returned
Index of Cases [giving for 61 entries the case number, the number of objects, a description of the object(s), reported by, and investigated and recovered by]
Seven Cases--949 coins 13th C.M. S. Cranach painting, etc.
2 949 coins--Cooper, Edna, Kansas-returned to Germnay
Droochsloot painting returned to Germany
Cranach painting returned to Germany
Mughal and Rajput minatures--Detroit--returned to Germany
Kassel Ivory Diptych--Los Angeles--returned to Germany
Mannheimer Collection--Jewel figurine--returned to Germany
Nurnberg: Durer Engraving
Book of Hours
Five Tapestries--Transferred to C.C.P. returned to Austria
Shipment of 11 lots to HICOG [High Commissioner for Germany] April 1949
Chinese ceramic collection Desjardin--returned to Chinese Embassy
Monet painting--Detroit--returned to French Embassy
1457 Mainz Psalter from Dresden Landes Bibliothek
Two paintings in Arkansas returned to Poland
3 Korean Leopard Skin Rug (Giltner-Pueblo, CO) returned to Korean Embassy
Egyptian Gold Ring from Meroe (M&A Boston) returned to Germany
MS of Political Testament of Frederick the Great--Returned to Germany
Books from Syracuse University--returned to Germany
Books from University of Pennsylvania--returned to Germany
Rubens painting--Los Angeles and other paintings from same source
Okinawa Crown, Necklace and 24 bound MSS--returned to Okinawa
Mrs. Bodo Zimmerman--January 9, 1954
4 Indentures from England from Columbus and Duluth
Aachen Banner
Weimar Coin Collection
Catalogs and photos, 1-4 (4 folders)
5 Catalogs and photos, 5-7 (3 folders)
Gem Collection
6 Books and MSS Dutch etc.
MS of Hildebrandslied from Kassel (3 folders)
1945--Missal from Wurzburg
SWNCC 322--Rechsteiner Case Petrarch MS
7 The Hertling Fake German Antique Jewelry
Korean Embassy Cases Korean Sword and Crown
Czech Record Books--1955
Papyri of the Janda Collection
Japanese Swords
Ikons in Houston, Texas
Silver and Rugs returned by QMC to Austria
German artifacts and 2 books from Rochester Museum
"Ludwig II Objects from Herrenchiemsee"
8 Wiede Claim Paintings Stamps and Coins
Hersbruck 50,000 Tin Soldiers
Dachau Burial Urn
9 31 Artifacts from U.S.S.R.
Mrs. Brizle's Korean Objects to be returned
Book held by Princeton Library--Danzig Song Book Returned in 1960
Haydn Letter from LC
Paintings from Bad Wildungen Repository--Koebroek
Paintings by Nuffs interior of Antwerp Cathedral
Index set of photos and documents for each Czartoryski Collection
Schede'sche Weltchronik Arts, Monuments and Archives
Greek Vase
Wurzburg Vase
Japanese Gold Coin
Losses from Schloss Taxis "Schatzbehalter" and Haberstock Library
St. Patroclus Shrine (Kaiser Friedrich Museum) in Flatkurm Fire
10 Rosenberg Claim for Baroque Painting
Japanese Bell in Boston
Saarbrucken "Golden Book"
Russian Standards in Dresden-No Action
Japanese Sword in Colorado Springs
No Action Taken
Coins from Michigan returned to owner-no value
Paintings (2) by Bombois German Claim--Rare Book
"Anti-Christ" Speagle--no action required
Jawlensky paintings--no action warranted
Van Kessel painting--no action required
Declaration of Independence
Laemmle Statue claim against Dumbarton Oaks
Miniatures in St. Paul case--closed
Beer Steins--Hetherington--no action required
11 Portrait of Hitler--Reed--no action required
Luther-Melanethon Letters Jackson--no action required
Ascension of Christ-Los Angeles--no action required
Tintoretto Painting in Caracas--no action
Painting by Fieninger--no action
Japanese Sword Fittings--no action
Painting of crucifixion--no action required
Dutch paintings Man in Hyattsville--no action warranted
Neolithic Axe in Columbus, OH--no action required
San Bernardino, CA Case--regarding possible location of looted art
Vollard Collection 560 paintings--no action required
Julius Coin Collection
Alien Property Custodian
Browne: Raggio Claim
[Congress] H.R. and S. Bills concerning to Arts and Cultural Programs
C [contains nothing]
China-Burma and Far East
D [contains nothing]
Department of the Army
12 E
MFA&A [Museum, Fine Arts and Archives] Files from HICOG to Department in
Kansas City Record Center Files re MFA&A Files
Roberts Commission File on 1951 Loan
Transfer of Art Looting Investigation Unit, OSS [Office of Strategic Services],
Files to OIC
Transfer of Roberts Commission files to Department of State
1951 MCCP to Dept.-MFA&A Files of Faison
1953 loan from Kansas City Record Center
Records from HICOG
MFA&A Folders sent back by ARH from HICOG to Dept. in 1952
1954 loan of Goering folder from Kansas City Record Center
1955 loan of Yugoslav claims from Kansas City Record Center
1955 loan of MFA&A Austrian records
Info on Army files and Kansas City Record Center
Declassification of MFA&A records
13 G
Germany-Volume II
Hungary-Crown of Stephen
Japan: Japanese Exhibition in the United States
Korean War, Protection of Art
Korea: Korean Art Exhibition
L [nothing in it]
La Fage, L. Bancel [folder empty]
MAC, MC [folder empty]
Metropolitian Museum of Art [folder empty]
National Park Service [folder empty]
The Netherlands
Polish Paintings at the New York Worlds Fair [1939]
Priest, Alan [folder empty]
14 R
15 Scalzo and Scalzo Case
16 Switzerland [folder empty]
Safehaven [folder empty]
Safehaven-Proposed International Jewish Trustee Corp.
Thai Exhibition
United Arab Republic
Zamoyski Correspondence-Czartoryski Claim
Correspondence with Vienna concerning Restitution, July 1955 Kassel, Kiel,
Lubeck Collections
Austria Alt Aussee: Unidentified items, 1951-1952 (2 folders)
17 Austria Alt Aussee
Austria (2 folders)
Kassel, Kiel, Lubeck Collections in Vienna (2 folders)
18 A/AM HICOG efforts at recovery; Sivero 967 Alt Aussee Paintings from
Photostats of Correspondence re Austrian repositories evacuated to MCCP
(3 folders)
Vienna Kassel pictures
Kassel Collection
Kassel Staatl. Samml.
Austria--1949-1950--Alt Aussee-Unidentified items
Austria Restitution Policies
Protests on return to Italy
19 II Italian Claims
Intelligence Policy
Bad Wildungen 69881 Greek Looting
Restitution Italy
Aliu file
Wildenstein Case
Claimants in Germany and for property in Germany
20 Inventory of Property of Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar
German Restitution Problem
Baltic Cultural Property
21 Lists/Receipts/Indexes [re Restitution Claims in Germany]
21 Mr. Max Finge [folder empty]
Transmittal of claims to Federal Republic of Germany and other claimant
Coin Collection in HICOG
Rothschild Jewels
Monte Cassino Altarpiece--returned to Italy
Aubusson Rug (Mrs. Mayer-Feld)
22 Ownership-Italian (2 folders)
MFA&A Section Files sent to Inactive records depot
Receipts from Washington
Lost or Missing Works of Art
Kalman-Franck Claim
American Claims for Cultural Property
Claim, Trytell
Receipts for Miss Hall
23 Focke Claim Germany
E.S. Safehaven Cases
Perls Claim
Receipts for cultural objects
Individual Resitutions
Lists of Photographs made by the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point
Summary of Outstanding Depositories of objects of art discovered in the American
Zone in Germany and Austria
MFA&A Cooperation with Roberts Commission
Owen J. Roberts
American Commission Final Report
24 Jewish MS of Darmstadt Library
Gjertesen Claim for Lohr Library
Thorah Claim
Art Dealer-Fitz Weber
List of Photographs made by Photo Marburg at the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, 1946-1947
Correspondence- Bad Gastein/Blum/Schultz-Mattler
Newspaper Clippings
French, Dutch, Austria, and Canadian Shipments made
Receipts for Washington
Roberts Commission
25 List of Missing Objects-France
Luxembourg-Prince Consort Property
SWNCC 322-OMGUS, MFA&A Lists of Missing Objects
Germany-see OMGUS also
Stern Paintings
Arts Monuments & Archives-Greek Vase
Lists of Missing Objects-Austria
Lists of Missing Objects-Belgium
Lists of Stolen Objects-Italy
French List Missing Art-Distribution
26 Works of Art Stolen in the United States
Korean Losses
Lists of Missing Objects Poland (2 folders)
Painting by Sweerts
The Netherlands
Restitution Progress
27 T/Sgt Armstrong-German Scientific Museum Collection
Interzonal Exchange
Replace in Kind
Official Gazette and German HICOG Reports
Berlin Paintings
European Military Government Regulations
28 Germany-Jewish Property
European Salvage Commission
Liaison with other Commissions
Transfer Cultural Restitution to Germany
HICOG Restitution Program
European Directories
Gemany-Licensing of Art Dealers in American Zone
Meeting March 14th
Council of Foreign Ministers
29 Arts and Monuments-European Policy
Far Eastern SWNCC Documents
Law 19
JK Drafts of Far Eastern Policy
[Looted Art-Far East]
Arts and Monuments-Far Eastern Policy
Far Eastern Commission
30 ADO Drafts of Far Eastern Policy
Far East Policy Under Consideration
Far East-Japanese Imperial Household Problem
Memoranda on Far Eastern Policy

Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas, 1946-1949 (Entries 505D and 505E) (Lot File 55D370)

Commissioned in February 1946, the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas was directly responsible to the Secretary of State for the coordination of State Department policy on all occupation matters. The Assistant Secretary was the State Department representative on the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and later was named permanent committee chairman. The Assistant Secretary submitted matters of concern to the appropriate bureaus for action and was the means by which all policy matters relating to occupied areas were presented to agencies outside the Department.

The major concerns of the Assistant Secretary were the occupation and governments of the four occupied countries (Germany, Austria, Japan, Korea), issues such as disarmament and security, economic and financial questions, and, with the aid of an Advisor on Refugees and Displaced Persons, relief and relocation of the victims of the war.

Box # File Title
2 Reparations
5 230.365 Reparations, economy, finance
6 334 German Assets, Reparations Vol. 1
  386.3 Reparations, German, Vol. 3
7 451.1 Restitution: Austria to Italy

Records of the Bureau of European Affairs

Records of Component Parts of the Bureau of European Affairs 1944-1962

Briefing Books, 1944-1951 (Entry 1601) (Lot File 54D394)

Box 3 "German Assets in Austria", 1947--Report by U.S. Delegation, Austrian Treaty Commission

Records of the Office of European Regional Affairs

Records Relating to the Inter-Allied Reparations Agency, 1948-1956 (Lot File 60D500) (still part of Entry 1601)

Box # File Title
36 German External Assets (GEA)--General
Germany, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States
History of the German Reparation Program, 1949-
United Kingdom
German Patents
Annual Report
Reparations Accounts (Treasury)
Chronological File, United States Delegation
Reparation Summaries, Status Reports, 1948-1949
Claims for Reparations
Accounting Problems
Final Report, 1951
Administration, 1956
36-37 Minutes 70-265
37-38 Documents 260-1601, Parts I-III; Documents160-1601, Parts IV-V

Records of the Office of European Affairs, 1935-1947 (Matthews-Hickerson Files)

Records of H. Freeman Matthews 1942-1947 and John D. Hickerson 1935-1947. Matthews was Chief of the Division of European Affairs, 1943-44; Deputy Director of the Office of European Affairs, 1944; and Director of the Office of European Affairs, 1944-1947. Hickerson was Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs, 1937-1944, and Deputy Director of the Office of European Affairs, 1944-1947 (Lot Files 54 D394 and 395) National Archives Microfilm Publication M1244: (Entries 374-380)

Files of John Hickerson

Roll # File
7 "Reparation paper - Edwin W. Pauley"

Files of H. Freeman Matthews

Roll # File
11 "Argentina"
14a "Germany - Reparations"
18 "Portugal," "Spain," "Switzerland"

Miscellaneous Office Files of the Assistant Secretaries of State for European Affairs, 1943-1957 (Entry 1274) (Lot File 59D233)

Boxes 22-34

Box # File Title or Subject
26 German Assets [1954-1956] (two files)
27-28 Country files on Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland [1948-1955]

Records of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, 1941-1953 (Entry 1172) (Lot Files 54D224 and 59D559)

Country Files

Box # File Title
13 Germany- "Assets in Switzerland"
14 Germany- "Reparations and Restitution"
19 Sweden-"Looted Gold"

Records of the Office of Western European Affairs

Records of the Office of Western European Affairs Relating to Italy, 1943-1951 (lot File 54D328) (Entry 381)

Boxes 1-10

Box # File Title
1 Agreements, Pacts, and Treaties
2 Economic Matters, including Proclaimed List Vestingby Alien
Property Custodian and Gold
4 Italian-Great Britain Reparation
German Libraries-Background aaa Negotiations-Disposition of German Libraries in Italy
6 313 German Assets
315 Looted Property [1950]
7 313 German Assets
315 Looted Property [1951]
8 522 Reparations [1950] aaa 522 Reparations [1951]

Records of the Officer in Charge of Italian and Austrian Affairs

Subject Files Relating to Italian Affairs, 1944-1956 (Entry 1285) (Lot File 58D357)

Boxes 10-21

Box # File # File Title
12 519 Reparations 1952-1953
14 522 Reparations 1953
16 520.02 Albanian Gold 1954
17 514 German Assets (Minutes) 1954
18 520 Looted Property 1954
19 520.01 Salzburg gold 1954

Subject Files on Austria 1945-1950 (Entry 1174A) (Lot File 54D331)

Alpha-Numeric File

Box # File # File Title
3 A-50 Reparations [1945]
4 A-711 Reparations [1946]
6-7 A-400 External Assets, German Assets, Gold Pot [1948]; [1949]

Austrian Desk Files, 1950-1954 (Entry 1174B) (Lot File 56D294)

Alpha-Numeric File

Box # File # File Title
9 A581
German Assets in Austria [1953-1954];
Looted Securities [1953-1954]

Records of the Office of Italian and Austrian Affairs, 1949-1953 (Entry 1174C) (Lot File 54D541)

Austria Alpha-Numeric File

  • Box 4 File A-400 External Assets, German Assets, Gold Pot [1950]

Austria Numeric File

  • Box 8 File 585 External Restitution (Individual and Program)
  • Box 8 File 586 Internal Restitution

Italy Decimal File

  • Box 9 File 315 Looted Property

Decimal Files Related to Italy and Austria, 1953-1958 (Entry 3092)
Boxes 1-3

Box # File # and File Title or Subject
1-2 Alien property claims related to Austria, 1957-1958
3 514 Italy, German Assets 1957

Records of the Officer in Charge of Italian and Austrian Affairs (Entry 1282) (Lot File 58D71)

Subject Files Relating to Italy, 1953-1956
Box 6

File # Title
514 German Assets in Italy
514 German Assets in Italy-Correspondence
514 German Assets in Italy- IARA - Third Countries
514 German Assets - American War Damage Claims 1955
519 Reparations
520.02 Albanian gold (Monetary Gold)

Records of the Officer in Charge of Italian and Austrian Affairs

Subject Files Relating to Austrian Affairs, 1954-1956 (Entry 1283) (Lot File 58D72)

Box 7

File # Title
320 German Assets in Austria
391 Looted Property & Art

Subject Files Relating to the Austrian Occupation and Peace Treaty 1949-1955 (Entry 1284) (Lot File 58D223)
Boxes 7-9

File # File # Title
7 412 German Assets in Austria
585 External Restitution
586 Internal Restitution
586 Austrian Reparations to Israel July-Dec.1953

Records of the Office of Western European Affairs

Records of the Spanish and Portuguese Desk Officers 1942-1955 (Entry 1400) (Lot Files 59D108)
Boxes 1-11

File # File Title
3 1954 German Assets, Portugal
7 1956 German Assets
9 1957 German Assets in Spain

Alpha-Numeric Files of the Swiss-Benelux Desk, 1951-1962 (Entry 3091)
Boxes 1-15

File # File and File Title
11 N.19.8 Dutch gold pool claims
14-15 contain numerous files on the Interhandel case, relating to Switzerland, 1953-193
15 S.6C.3 Return of German assets, 1957-1961
S.7.2A Swiss banking secrecy problems, 1956-1959
S.10.2 Claims and trials

Miscellaneous German Files, 1943-1954(Entry 1174E) (Lot File 55D371)

Subject File

File # Title
6 Reparations
Restitution - German Internal

Records of the Office of German Affairs

Alpha-Numeric Files Relating to the Federal Republic of Germany, 1960-1962 (Entry 3090)

Boxes 1-14
Boxes 5-12 contain information on German assets in the United States and Vested Assets in the United States 1949-1961

Records of the Office of Eastern European Affairs

Records Relating to Economic Affairs, 1943-1963 (Entry 3087)
Boxes 1-4

File # Title
1 Claims and Blocked Assets, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia
Gold and foreign exchange reserves
Poland claims, 1957 and before
2 Poland claims 1958-1961
US Polish claims negotiations, 1960

Miscellaneous Office Files, 1952-1960 (Entry 1276) (Lot File 76D232)
Boxes 41-42

Box 41 contains information on Tripartite Gold Commission (1958), Polish Claims Records Relating to Czechoslovakia 1958-1963 (Entry 3082)

Boxes 1-5
Box 1 File C-400.2 Tripartite Gold Commission

Miscellaneous Office Files, 1952-1960 (Entry 1276) (Lot File 76D232)

Boxes 41-42
Box 41 contains information on Tripartite Gold Commission (1958), Polish Claims

Records Relating to Czechoslovakia 1958-1963
(Entry 3082)

Boxes 1-5
Box 1 File C-400.2 Tripartite Gold Commission

Records of the Eastern European

Division (Czechoslovakia), 1946-1950 (Entry 1173A) (Lot File 54D426)

File # File # and Title
2 C-400 Restitution [1948]
3 C-400 Restitution [1949]

Records of the Central European Division, 1944-1953 (Entries 381A,B,C)

These records were maintained by the Division of Central European Affairs formed in January 1944, to handle U.S. relations with Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. As part of the Office of European Affairs, this Division consisted of a German Branch and an Austrian- Czechoslovakian Branch. The mission of the Division was to direct the daily conduct of relations with these countries. In order to fulfil this assignment, the Division evaluated information from various sources, prepared studies, tried to anticipate major problems, coordinated U.S. policy with other agencies, and worked with Allied and Occupation authorities.

The bulk of the records were created between 1944 and 1949, and deals primarily with the occupation of Germany, the problems of Austria, inter-Allied relations, economic and financial questions, legal and political affairs, and reparations. Included are files on external assets, reparations, restitution, restitution claims, and claims against Germany.

Boxes 1-5

Records of the Office of American Republic Affairs, Its Predecessors, and its Successors

A Division of Latin American Affairs was created in 1909. In 1937 the name was changed to the Division of American Republics. At the same time, the Division of Mexican Affairs was incorporated into the Division of American Republics. In 1944 the Division became the Office of American Republic Affairs. In 1950 the Office of American Republic Affairs became the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs.

Memorandums Relating to Individual Countries, Mar. 2, 1918-Dec. 31, 1947
(Entry 209)

Boxes 17-20 Argentina Jan. 1937-December 1947

Miscellaneous Memorandums Jan 4, 1938-Sept. 12, 1947
(Entry 214)

Box 65 File Proclaimed List, Aug. 1941-Dec. 1941

Records of the Office of Middle American Affairs (Guatemala and El Salvador) 1942-1954
(Entry 1146) (Lot Files 58D78 and 58D18)

Boxes 1-3
Box 2 File Guatemala, German Assets, 1954

Records of the Office of Middle American Affairs (Costa Rica and Nicaragua) 1951-1955
(Entry 1147) (Lot File 57D15)

Boxes 1-6

Box # File Title
4 [Costa Rica 1954] German Assets
6 [Costa Rica 1955] Finance-German Assets

Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs

Records Relating to Guatemala (Entry 1156) (Lot File 60D647)

Boxes 1-6
Box 5 File German Assets [1958]

Records Relating to the "Argentine Blue Book," 1945-1946

The Department of State on October 3, 1945, initiated consultation among the American republics concerning the collaboration of Argentina with enemy agents for espionage and other activities damaging to the war effort of the Allies. From October 1945 to February 1946, there was assembled and evaluated under the direction of Carl B. Spaeth, Office of American Republic Affairs, all information in the possession of the U.S. Government bearing on relations of Argentina with Germany and Italy. The results of the investigation, obtained from records of the U.S. Government, those of Germany and Italy, and from interrogations of Germany and Italian officials responsible for activities in and with respect to Argentina were set forth in a memorandum, Consultation Among the American Republics With Respect to the Argentine Situation, commonly known as the "Argentine Blue Book" because of the color of its cover.

"Argentine Blue Book." 1946 (Entry 1083)

A printed copy of the "Argentine Blue Book" and typed copies of the index.
Box 1

Drafts and Documentary Material for the "Argentine Blue Book." 1945-1946
(Entry 1084)

Arranged according to the book's table of contents. Contains drafts of parts of the book and copies of documentary material used in its preparation. Included are copies of diplomatic and consular reports, telegrams, reports of the State Department's Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, and printed and processed materials.
Boxes 1(part)-7

Despatches From U.S. Embassies 1945-1946 (Entry 1085)

Arranged alphabetically by name of country and thereunder chronologically. Despatches from U.S. embassies in Latin America and Europe regarding significant trends in political affairs and international relations in Latin America, local comment on the situation in Argentine, editorial comments on affairs in Argentina and U.S. action concerning them, and other matters of interest to those charged with preparing the "Argentine Blue Book."
Boxes 8-15

Telegrams From U.S. Embassies 1945-1946 (Entry 1086)

Arranged alphabetically by name of country and thereunder chronologically. Telegrams from U.S. Embassies in Latin America and Europe dealing with the procurement of material for the "Argentine Blue Book," editorial and other comments in foreign countries regarding the Argentine situation and the release of the "Argentine Blue Book," political and other international developments, and matters of interest to those charged with preparing the "Argentine Blue Book."
Boxes 16-20

Interrogation Reports of the Poole Mission on the Argentine Situation 1945-1946
(Entry 1087)

Arranged alphabetically by name of person interrogated. Copies of the reports of the Special Interrogation Mission to Germany headed by DeWitt C. Poole, on its interrogations of German diplomatic, consular, military, and other officials regarding German activities in diplomacy, propaganda, and espionage.
Boxes 21-22

Box # Person Interrogated
21 Ernst Wilhelm Bohle
Ernst Franz Johannes Borchers
Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff
Herbert von Dirksen
Heinz Truetzschler von Falkenstein
Ulrich von Gienanth
Fraueulein Hanna Feldtange
Hermann Goering
Bernd Gottfriedsen
Andor Hencke
Heinrich Herwarth
Col. Gen. Heinz Guderian
22 Andor Hencke
Ernst Adolf Hepp
Nicholas Horthy von Nagybanya
Baron Oswald von Hoyningen-Huene
Field Marshal Gen. Wilhelm Keitel
Wilhelm Keppler
Dr. Eugen Klee
Gerhard Johannes Georg Kleeburg
Dr. Erich Kordt
Richard von Kuelhlmann
Hans-Heinrich Lammers
Otto Meissner
Baron Joseph Hermann
Friedrich Eduard
Maria von Mentzingen
Dr. Hermann Neubacher
Freiherr Constantin H.K. von Neurath
Capt. Dietrich Niebuhr
Dr. Erich Kurdt
Dr. Theodor Paeffgen
Friedrich Wilhelm von Prittnitz und Gaffron
Carl Berthold Franz Rekowski
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Dr. Karl Ritter
Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht
Paul Otto Gustave Schmidt
Harold C. Vedeler
Franz Xaver Schwarz
Col. Conrad Steinhaeuser
Dr. Karl Stroelin
Wilhelm Ernst August Tannenberg
Hans Thomsen
Fritz Ernst Adalbert von Twardowski
Dr. Edmund Vessenmayer
Fritz Kolbe with Harold C. Vedeler

Miscellaneous Affidavits and Interrogation Reports 1945-1946 (Entry 1088)

Arranged alphabetically by name of informant. Reports of interrogation of German diplomatic and consular officers and some affidavits of officers regarding their activities during the war.
Boxes 23-26

Box # File Title
23 Ernst Wilhelm Bohle (2 folders)
I.G. Farben Documents.
25 Ribbentrop
26 Friedrich Wolf

Reports on Examination of Enemy Embassy Archives in Argentina 1945 (Entry 1089)

Arranged under Germany or Japan and thereunder chronologically. Reports of U.S. representatives in Argentina regarding their examination of the archives of the German and Japanese embassies in that country.
Box 27

Miscellaneous Reports and Background Material 1945-1946 (Entry 1090)

Arranged in part randomly by agency transmitting the records, in part randomly by subject, and thereunder chronologically. Reports of the War, Navy, and Justice Departments; copies of Argentine public statements; and biographical sketches, chiefly of Argentine officials.
Boxes 28-29 (part)

Memorandums on the Preparation of the "Argentine Blue Book" 1945-1946 (Entry1091)

Arranged chronologically. Memorandums of the Department of State regarding the procurement of material, the assignment of duties to personnel, the organization of the project, and other matters related to the preparation of the"Argentine Blue Book."
Box 29 (part)

Exhibits and Appendixes 1945-1946 (Entry 1092)

Arranged numerically, 1-7. Copies of memorandums, reports, and miscellaneous materials compiled in support of the U.S. position in the "Argentine Blue Book."
Box 30

Records Relating to Reaction to the "Argentine Blue Book" 1946 (Entry 1093)

Arranged alphabetically by name of country of origin of the reaction. Various records relating to the reaction of the publication, including domestic and foreign press and official reactions from other American republics.
Boxes 31-32

Miscellaneous Records 1944-1946 (Entry 1094)

Arranged randomly by subject or kind of record. Copies of memorandums, affidavits, telegrams, press releases, and other materials relating to preparation and publication of the "Argentine Blue Book."
Box 33

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