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Israel Shells U.N. Headquarters In Gaza

Israel Shells U.N. Headquarters In Gaza

The compound and a warehouse were engulfed in fire, and thousands of pounds of food and humanitarian supplies intended for Palestinian refugees were destroyed.

Brit Condemns War On Terror As 'Mistaken'

Brit Condemns War On Terror As 'Mistaken'

Foreign Secretary David Miliband suggested the U.S.-led war on terror may have "done more harm than good" as he issued a sharp rebuke to the outgoing Bush administration.

20th Year Since The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

20th Year Since The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

The anniversary will be marked with a three-day festival Nov. 7-9 at the Brandenburg Gate, which lay for years behind the East Berlin side of the wall.

Ukraine Rejects Russia's Latest Gas Request

Ukraine Rejects Russia's Latest Gas Request

Bid to pipe natural gas west to increasingly frustrated EU consumers is shot down, deepening a bitter economic and political dispute.

Elephant Count Surprises In Malaysia

Elephant Count Surprises In Malaysia

A count of elephant dung revealed a surprisingly large endangered elephant population -- more than 600 -- in Malaysia's biggest national park, researchers said.

Dozens Allegedly Linked To Mumbai Arrested

Pakistan has arrested 71 people in a crackdown on groups allegedly linked to the Mumbai attacks, officials said, while adding that the information India has handed over needs work.

US: Helicopter downed in Afghanistan

(01-15) 22:37 PST KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The U.S. military says one of its Black Hawk helicopters has gone down near Afghanistan's...

AP 1.15.09 10:37 PM

China to celebrate day Tibet feudal rule ended

(01-15) 21:58 PST BEIJING, China (AP) -- Tibet's China-backed government on Friday proposed the creation of a holiday to mark the...

AP 1.15.09 9:58 PM

Court upholds arrest of SKorean blogger

(01-15) 20:58 PST SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- A Seoul court has upheld the arrest of a blogger accused of spreading false economic...

AP 1.15.09 8:58 PM

Pakistan says militants killed in Swat valley

(01-15) 20:47 PST ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) -- Pakistan's army says security forces have killed and injured a large number of militants...

AP 1.15.09 8:47 PM

Afghan veteran wins Australia's top valor medal

(01-15) 20:22 PST CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- An Australian soldier was awarded the top military honor in the British Commonwealth on...

AP 1.15.09 8:22 PM

Report: China's wild camels increasing

(01-15) 19:33 PST GUANGZHOU, China (AP) -- The number of wild camels _ rugged creatures living in a former nuclear test zone with...

AP 1.15.09 7:33 PM

Mexico police accused of spray-painting teens

(01-15) 19:11 PST MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) -- Four teenagers say police in a northern Mexican town spray-painted their hair, shoes and...

AP 1.15.09 7:11 PM

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