Statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the Class of 2007 SAT Scores
Archived Information

August 29, 2007
Contact: Casey Ruberg
(202) 401-1576

Secretary Spellings made the following statement on the Class of 2007 SAT scores:

The College Board's recently released SAT test scores for the class of 2007 reaffirm the need for greater accountability and increased rigor in our nation's high schools in order to prepare students for college and the workforce. While this year's class of SAT test-takers is the largest and most diverse, the decline in reading and math scores for the second consecutive year is unacceptable when 90 percent of the fastest growing jobs now require some post secondary education. As part of the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, President Bush is calling on states to better align their standards with college and workforce expectations, increase access to rigorous coursework, and report a more accurate high school graduation rate.



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Last Modified: 08/29/2007