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The following is a list of posters available on this site which are electronic replicas of posters originally published by the USGS South Florida Ecosystem History Project. Posters are listed by title, author(s), and talk presented with the poster designer in parentheses.

Reconstructing the History of South Florida's Ecosystem: The role of modern and paleoecological data, Lynn Brewster-Wingard, Scott E. Ishman, and Debra A. Willard, Penrose Conference 1998 (designer: Rob Stamm)

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability, Thomas Cronin, Lynn Brewster-Wingard, Scott E. Ishman, Harry Dowsett, and Chuck Holmes, Florida Bay Science Conference 1999 (designer: Rob Stamm).

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective, Debra A. Willard, Lynn Brewster-Wingard, Thomas Cronin, and Chuck Holmes, Florida Bay Science Conference 1999 (designer: Rob Stamm).

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores, Lynn Brewster-Wingard, Florida Bay Science Conference 1999 (designer: Rob Stamm).

Diatoms as Indicators of Environmental Change in Florida Bay, Jacqueline K. Huvane and Sherri Cooper, Florida Bay Science Conference 1999 (designer: J. Huvane)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? Debra Willard et. al., South Florida Restoration Science Forum.

For more information, contact:
Lynn Brewster-Wingard, MS 926A, USGS National Center
Reston, Virginia 20192




U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: /flaecohist/posters.html
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Last updated: September 01, 2006 @ 10:57 AM (HSH)