Yellow Starthistle Information

Yellow Starthistle home page

introduction & spread button
impacts button
biology & ecology button
management button
strategic plan button
weed management areas button

references button
new publications button


How to Use this Website

The goal of this website is to provide current information on the biology, ecology and management of yellow starthistle in the western states. In addition to written information, the site also contains detailed data, numerous photographs and an extensive list of references.

From the homepage it is possible to access specific topics including Introduction and Spread, Impact, Biology and Ecology, Management, References, New Publications, Developing a Strategic Plan, Weed Management Areas and Legislation. Within most of these categories will be subcategories to more specific topics. For example, under the Biology and Ecology homepage is included sections on Identification and Taxonomy, Reproduction, Germination and Dormancy, and Growth and Establishment. Each of these subcategories will contain more specific information on that topic.

Throughout the text, words or phases are color-coded. Clicking the colored text provides additional information.

  • Words highlighted in red will denote a photograph associated with that topic;

  • Words or phrases in blue can be clicked to show data, maps or illustrations supporting the statement;

  • Words in green are defined in a glossary.

A complete list of references can be accessed from each page. In addition, publications within the previous year are available under New Publications. Links in the text allow the user to move to the main menu or to the appropriate sub-menu from any window. Each section is available to download and print. To view an entire outline of the site visit the site map link from the home page. There are also a number of links to other appropriate webpages.

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We hope you find this site useful. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us at