Research Results

Policy Initiative

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This initiative supports policy options that foster a sustainable agriculture. This includes policies to help beginning farmers establish ecologically sound and profitable farming and marketing operations, that reward farmers for producing public goods such as ecologically restored landscapes, and that modify regulations which sometimes put locally owned micro-enterprises at a competitive disadvantage.

What's new

  • 2008 Farm Bill  What's in the farm bill for organic producers? For local food supporters? Neil Hamilton, director of the Drake Agricultural Law Center, talks about organic provisions in the bill [NOTE: PDF is 900 KB in size]. The Northeast-Midwest Institute offers an analysis of local foods provisions.

  • Local food, local policy  The Johnson County Local Food Alliance recently met with local policymakers, businesses and interested residents about their foodshed. Read more in the final report from this special project, funded by the Leopold Center [PDF].



Competitive grant  The initiative will fund a two-year study to develop state policy alternatives that will encourage sustainable production of biofuels feedstocks. Read project profile 

Previous projects  Read about projects that began in 2004, 2006 and 2007.



About the initiative

The Leopold Center's 2007 Request for Projects resulted in 60 preproposals and 20 competitive grants for 2008. List of all 2008 competitive grants [PDF]  

The Center has identified the policy arena as a major component of developing and implementing sustainable agriculture practices and systems. We are interested in research that will help policy makers formulate sound decisions. We are interested in research that will identify potential policies and/or barriers. Finally, we also are in search of basic research needed to help evaluate policy proposals and alternatives.  

The Center does not take positions on specific legislation. It is our hope that work in this area will help inform policy makers and stimulate creative thinking about potential policies and the consequences of those policies.

Areas of interest

Initiative leader: Jerry DeWitt,, (515) 294-7836.