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National Marine Sanctuary
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Resource Protection

Our Mission Statement

"To protect the Olympic Coast's natural and cultural resources through responsible stewardship, to conduct and apply research to preserve the area's ecological integrity and maritime heritage, and to promote understanding through public outreach and education."

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary is one of our nation's most treasured marine areas. The mission we've been given is to protect this area and ensure that future generations are able to use and enjoy it too. That means that we manage the sanctuary to both conserve its resources and encourage uses that are compatible with conservation.

With the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA), Congress directs the Secretary of Commerce and NOAA to identify, designate and manage National Marine Sanctuaries for the American people. Federal law also provides the authority to adopt Regulations and issue Permits for certain activities. Congress also directs each National Marine Sanctuary to have a Management Plan and to periodically review and update the plan. Olympic Coast NMS will begin its next Management Plan Review in 2007.

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary is guided by laws, regulations and policies established by legislative, executive and judicial branches of the U.S. Government. Browse our Public Documents section for these and other important publications.

Resource Protection

Area To Be Avoided

Overflight Regulations

Derelict Fishing Gear

Boundary Map

National Marine Sanctuary Programs

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This page last modified on: Tuesday, November 25, 2008