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What is Xeriscape™?


Xeriscape Plan




A Xeriscape Landscape Plan
Landscape Challenge on the Middle River, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean
A Guide to Identification and Propagation of Xeriscape Plants

All Xeriscape and Water Conservation links have been updated for the 2007 Florida Water Restrictions

New and exciting Water Conservation Links for this year's drought: This summer's feature water conservation in the landscape links come from Broward County, Florida

NatureScape Broward: Between Sawgrass and Seagrass
A neat publication to assist homeowners in developing Florida-friendly landscapes, gardens, and yards, which are beneficial to plants, people, and animals. Get certified! Put your home on the NatureScapes County Map today by planting native plants in a water efficient design.

Water Matters
What are Broward County's fresh water resources? Learn why 2 million citizens living in Broward County must adopt their roles as individual water managers in their District.

Phase III Water Restrictions for Broward County
The District is back with their signature Phases. What are they all about? When may citizens water their lawns?

More Florida Water Management Information

gold.gif (861 bytes)Frequently Asked Questions About Water Restrictions
South Florida Water Management "Water Shortage Alert"

Large Map of Florida's Water Management Districts: South Florida, Southwest Florida, St. John's River, Suwannee Rive, and Northwest Florida

gold.gif (861 bytes)Links to All Florida Water Management Districts
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Water Management District Map
grey.gif (119 bytes)About Tampa Bay Xeriscaping
Definition and origin of the word, from Web Coast info-magazine of the Tampa Bay Area.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Collier County, Florida Water Department
Water conservation information. Offers a Phase II Water Restrictions video.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Florida Guide to Environmental Landscaping
By Edward F. Gilman and Sydney Park Brown, UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension, reviewed 1991.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Irrigation of Lawns and Gardens
By Dorota Z. Haman, Gary A. Clark, Allen G. Smajstrla, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), May 1989.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Irrigation Systems for Xeriscape Landscapes
Water Efficient Practices for Saving Your Landscape by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Landscape Design for Water Conservation
By Gary W.Knox, UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension, revised March 1991.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Miami-Dade County Water Conservation
Water restrctions and usage in Dade County, Florida.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Sarasota County, Florida
Water restrictions.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Water Wise Landscape / Southwest Florida Water Management District

Retro-fitting with Xeriscape. This dandy site has information about watersheds, information about Florida-friendly yards, documents and publications.

grey.gif (119 bytes)WaterSmart
Water conserving landscape information from the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority, Georgia.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Xeriscape
Complete instructions from the Sustainable Building Source Book

grey.gif (119 bytes)Xeriscape
By Douglas F. Welsh, Extension Horticulturist, William C. Welch, Extension Landscape Horticulturist, and Richard L. Duble, Extension Turfgrass Specialist (retired),Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

grey.gif (119 bytes)Xeriscape Plant Selections and Ideas
H-957 (Revised), December 1994; Ronald C. Smith, Horticulturist;Rose Larson, Landscape Architect; North Dakota State University Extension.

Florida Lawn Handbook

Find out what you should really be doing in your yard...read

The Florida Lawn Handbook: An Environmental Approach to Care and Maintenance of Your Lawn, second edition

Edited by Kathleen C. Ruppert and Robert J. Black


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