Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center
Produce Facts:   Produce Facts  |  Indicadores Basicos en Espanol  |  Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
About Us:   Center goals, activities, and contact  |  Endowment
Order Publications:   Order Forms  |  Sales Promotion  |  Link to DANR Sales Catalog
Publications:   Center  |  DANR  |  Perishables Handling Quarterly  |  Central Valley | Publications Organized by Topic
Calendar:   Calendar
Education:   Undergraduate  |  Graduate  |  Short Courses & Workshops
Resources:   List of Selected References  |  Resource Directory  |  Other Useful Sites
Find Experts:   Extension Specialists  |  Faculty
Site Map

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      • Announcements
    • Contact information
    • Announcements

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      • Faculty by Department - UC Riverside
      • All Faculty - UC Davis
      • All Faculty - UC Riverside

  • Recommendations
    • Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality
      • Fruits & Melons
      • Vegetables
      • Ornamentals
      • About Produce Facts
    • Indicadores Básicos en Español
      • Frutas y Melones
      • Hortalizas
      • Ornamentales
      • About Produce Facts
    • Produce Facts in Arabic
    • Home Storage
      • Publications Organized by Topic - Home Storage and Handling
    • Physiological Disorder Facts Sheet
      • Apple
      • Grape
      • Olive
      • Pear
      • Persimmon
      • Pomegranate
      • Stonefruit
    • Properties and Recommended Conditions for Storage of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
      • By Common Name
      • By Scientific Name
      • Nombre Común en Español
    • Compatibility Chart for Fruits and Vegetables in Short-Term Transport or Storage
    • Compatible Fresh Fruit and Vegetables During 7-Day Storage (pdf)
    • Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Better Taste (pdf)
    • Controlled Atmosphere Recommendations (pdf)
      • Fruits Other then Apples and Pears (pdf)
      • Apples (pdf)
      • Pears (pdf)
      • Selected Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables (pdf)
      • Selected Harvested Vegetables (pdf)

  • Postharvest Bookstore
    • For Sale Publications
      • Postharvest Horticural Series (Descriptions and Table of Contents)
      • Order Form (pdf)

  • Postharvest Library
    • Publications Organized by Topic - over 500 articles in 89 categories from Apple to Water Disinfection
    • Download Free ANR Publications
    • Postharvest Information for Fruits and Nuts (UC Kearney Agricultural Center)
    • The Central Valley Postharvest Newsletter
    • List of Selected References
      • Addendum 2002-2003 (pdf)
      • Addendum 2001-2002 (pdf)
      • Postharvest Handling and Physiology of Horticultural Crops - List of Selected Reference (pdf)
    • Brief Book Reviews
    • Center Publications
      • The Central Valley Postharvest Newsletter
      • California Horticultural Crops: Statistical Information 2002 - 2005
    • Postharvest Technology Publications - UC ANR Online Catalog
    • Postharvest Visual Aids - Slide Sets, Videos, Posters, Other

  • Postharvest Integrated Pest Management Workgroup
    • About
    • Objectives
    • News
    • Links
    • April 2002 Postharvest IPM Research Summaries
    • April 2000 Postharvest IPM Research Summaries
    • Controlled Atmosphere for Insect Disinfestation: 2001 Summary Tables
      • Time Required to Kill Certain Arthropods by Controlled Atmosphere (pdf)
        • Arthropods - Individual Summary Tables by Arthropod
          • Aphids
          • Beetles
          • Bugs, True
          • Fruit Flies
          • Leafrollers
          • Mealybugs
          • Mites
          • Moths
          • Scales
          • Thrips
          • Weevils
        • Commodities - Individual Summary Tables by Commodity
          • Fruits
          • Vegetables
          • Flowers
      • Tolerance of Horticultural Perishables to Controlled Atmospheres (pdf)
        • Commodities - Individual Summary Tables
          • Fruits
          • Vegetables
          • Flowers
    • Influence of Ozone Gas on the Appearance of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
      • Fruits
      • Vegetables

  • Education
    • Postharvest Graduate Studies
      • Postharvest Biology and Technology Postgraduate Certification Program
      • Certificate Program
      • Degrees
      • Horticulture and Agronomy
      • Plant Biology
      • International Agricultural Development
      • Food Science
      • Plant Pathology
      • Biological Systems Engineering
      • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
      • Financial Assistance
    • UCD Postharvest Courses
      • List of Postharvest - related courses taught at UCD
    • Short Courses and Workshops
      • Management of Fruit Ripening
      • Postharvest Technology Short Course
      • Fresh-Cut Products: Maintaining Quality and Safety
      • Food Safety and Processing Classes
    • International Curriculum for Postharvest Technology (ICPT)

  • Calendar
    • Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center Calendar
    • UC Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
    • UC Vegetable Research and Information Center
    • Agribusiness Online
  • Postharvest Yellowpages
    • Chemicals and Quarantine Treatment Systems
    • Consultants, Business Services, & Labs
    • Controlled and Modified Atmospheres
    • Cooling and Refrigeration
    • Environmental Measurements
    • Food Service Equipment & Supplies
    • Gas Sampling, Mixing, and Analysis
    • Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables
    • Packinghouses
    • Produce & Seed Sources
    • Publishers
    • Quality Evaluation
    • Ripening Facilities & Supplies
    • Transportation

  • Related Sites
    • Most Useful Internet Sites
    • Other Useful Sites
      • Biotechnology Extension and Information
      • Commissions, Boards, Organizations
      • Consumer Education
      • Federal and State Government Agencies
      • Food Safety
      • International Postharvest Information
      • Research & Extension Information
      • Seed Sources

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UC Davis
Postharvest Technology Research Information Center Endowment Contribution graphic
Department of Plant Sciences
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University of California
One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616-8683
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