Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center
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Postharvest IPM Workgroup 

About the Postharvest Integrated Pest Management Workgroup

Purpose: To promote an exchange of ideas and cooperative research among an interdisciplinary group concerned with postharvest integrated pest management of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. To explore opportunities for funding of cooperative efforts.

Format: Areas of interest and research will be grouped under six general objectives, as shown below. Each participant will be asked to prepare a summary of current research under each objective. This information will be compiled for distribution to the membership. At our annual meeting, there will be informal presentations of current research organized under each objective. Ample time for discussion will be included in the meeting format to encourage interaction and discussion of potential for cooperation in research.

Objectives 2002



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Ipm/ipmindex.shtml updated May 21, 2004