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The UC Postharvest Program Endowment

The UC Postharvest Program Endowment Fund was established in 1989 to support teaching, extension, and research activities related to postharvest biology and technology of fruit, ornamental, and vegetable crops. The interest on this endowment is currently used to support the maintenance of our website ( as the best source of information about postharvest biology and technology of horticultural perishables. This website has become increasingly popular, now receiving an average of more than 230,000 page visits per month from users like you. Continued development and free access to this website depend on the availability of funds from this endowment.

The current balance is almost $450,000 and the ambitious goal of our 2008 "30th Anniversary fund-raising campaign" is to reach $550,000 by December 31, 2008. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in achieving our goal by sending your contribution and by encouraging your organization to make a contribution. If you have any questions about the Postharvest Endowment, please call me at (530) 754-9270 or contact me by e-mail ( Thank you.


James R. Gorny
Executive Director,
Postharvest Technology Research & Information Center

 Link to the 2008 Mail-In Contribution Form (PDF)

Many thanks to the individuals and companies who have contributed to the Postharvest Program Endowment Fund. Donations are cumulative.

The 1977 California Practices Act requires UC Davis to provide the following information to individuals asked to supply information about themselves: UC Davis is requesting this information to maintain accurate donor files in the Office of University Relations. Furnishing the information is strictly voluntary and it will be maintained confidentially. The information may be used by other university departments in the regular course of business but will not be disseminated to others except if required by law. You have the right to review your own data file. Inquiries should be forwarded to the Director of Advancement Services, University Relations, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. The University is grateful for the support it receives from alumni and friends. One of the ways our thanks is expressed is through listing the names of donors in various publications. Should you wish that your name not appear as a donor, please notify us if you have not already done so. It is the policy of the University of California, Davis to and the UC Davis Foundation to utilize a portion of the gift principal and/or the short-term investment income on current gifts and grants to support the cost of raising and administering funds.

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about/fund.shtml updated April 23, 2008