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The UC Davis Postharvest Program Endowment Contributor List

Many thanks to the following companies and individuals who have contributed to the Postharvest Program Endowment. Donations are cumulative. Please click here to contribute to Postharvest Program Endowment.

Corporate Donors:

Silver - $15,000 - $24,999 Sponsor - $5,000- $14,999
Patron - $1,000 - $4,999

Century Club - $100 -$999

Century Club - $100 -$999 (cont.)
Contributor - $10 - $99

Individual Donors:

Sponsor - $5,000 - $9,999
  • James R. Gorny
  • Adel & Aileen Kader
  • Roger & Ann Romani

    Patron - $1,000- $4,999
  • Marita Cantwell & Augusto Trejo
  • Irving L. Eaks
  • Dan J. Gerawan
  • Awad M. Hussein
  • Jong Kee Kim
  • Joe & Diana Kitagawa
  • Seung Koo Lee
  • Tzong-Shyan Lin
  • Jim Lugg
  • Beth Mitcham & Steve West
  • Taufiqul I. Pius
  • Jintair Siriphanich

    Century Club - $100 - $999
  • Hamid Ahmadi
  • C.R. Aldine
  • Diane M. Barrett
  • Fredrick A. Bliss
  • Dillon & Evelyn Brown
  • Pictlaw Chen
  • Rodrigo A. Cifuentes
  • Roberta Cook
  • Hamdy M. Eisa
  • Louise Ferguson
  • Sergio Chavez Franco
  • M.I. Gil Munoz
  • Betty Jane Hantzen
  • Betty Hess-Pierce
  • Chao-Chia Huang
  • Evelyn Kasmire
  • Robert & Arleen Kasmire
  • Kazuhide Kawada
  • Yoshitaka Kawai
  • Dangyang Ke & Chingying Li
  • Eduardo & Cecelia Kerbel
  • Koyoko Kitagawa
  • Lisa Kitonoja & John Sargeant
  • Dr. L. Kondor
  • Yosutumi Kudoh
  • John Labavitch
  • Jeff Leshuk
  • Julio Loaiza
  • Gloria Lopez-Galvez
  • Peter Ly
  • James M. Lyons
  • Themis J. Michailides
  • Keri L. Morelli
  • George Nanos

  • John Raphael
  • Lawrence & Norma Rappaport
  • Leonor Rodriguz
  • Joan Rosen
  • Mikal E. Saltveit
  • Philip & Toni Scully
  • Jim Still
  • Gary & Penny Stockdale
  • Trevor Suslow
  • James Thompson
  • Walter & Nancy Tyler
  • Bonnie & Tony Walker
  • Peter A. Warren
  • David L. Williams
  • James & Cathey Wolpert
  • You Mei Wu
  • Elhadi M. Yahia
  • ShangFa Yang
  • Ru Jing Zong

    Contributor - $10 - $99
  • James & Peggy Mauk Adaskaveg
  • Mitzi S. Aguirre
  • Nehemia Aharoni
  • Mary Lu Arpaia & Christopher Corbett
  • Wesley Asai
  • Elizabeth A. Baldwin
  • Diane Beckles
  • Dick Bethell
  • James & Mary Beutel
  • William Biasi
  • Veronique Bikoba
  • Royce & Pearl Bringhurst
  • Brett & Lauren Buatti
  • Roberto Carbrera
  • Robert & Joan Carlson
  • Edo Chalutz
  • Charles & Teresa Cheyney
  • Virginia Coniff
  • Joseph & Rene Connell
  • Harold & Diana Davis
  • Rachel Elkins
  • Atilla Eris
  • Robert & Marilyn Fortlage
  • Pauline & Don Frommelt
  • Steve & Alice Fukagawa
  • Marvin & Janice Gerdts
  • Rik Van Gorsel
  • Brian Harradine
  • Lonnie & Lola Hendricks
  • Jim & Caren Hill
  • Tom Hinsch
  • Vernie & Norma Holman
  • Laurie G. Houck

  • John & Lavonne Hughes
  • Meng Jen We Hung
  • Aly M. Ibrahim
  • Yulmaz & Reinfriede Iker
  • John W. Inman P.E.
  • Harold & Barbara Johnson
  • Hunter Johnson, Jr.
  • Jerry & Teresa Kaneko
  • Dale & Daphne Kester
  • John & Margaret Krochta
  • Nathan & Diana Lange
  • James & Bette La Rue
  • Kietsuda Luengwila
  • Robert F. List
  • Donald Luce
  • George & Patricia Martin
  • Alan & Marie McCandless
  • Gale McGranahan
  • Scott McRitchie
  • Warren & Louise Micke
  • Leonard & Marsaille Morris
  • Masayasu Nagata
  • Joe & Margie Ogawa
  • Victor & Leona Osterli
  • D.M. Papin
  • R.C. Pearl
  • Bill & Mary Reed
  • Henry Rodegerdts
  • Donald & Ernestine Rough
  • Vincent E. Rubatzky
  • J. Rushing & E.A. Dinamarca
  • Ross & Caroline Sanborn
  • Donna Seaver & Tony Howard
  • Kenneth & Christine Shackel
  • John B. Shirley
  • William & Jewel Simms
  • Marvin & Luella E. Snyder
  • Noel & Connie Sommer
  • Robert Sorbello
  • Frank & Lois Spafford
  • M. Allen & Hermese Stevens
  • Henry & Ann Studer
  • Kawita Sukjamsai
  • Sven Thomas
  • Cindy B.S. Tong
  • Yoshimi & Alley Watada
  • Dean W. Wheeler
  • George & Claudi Wilson
  • Wesley Wooden
  • Mas Yamaguchi
  • Craig Yuhara
  • Jinhe Bai & Yanfei Zhou
  • It is the policy of the University of California, Davis and the UC Davis Foundation to utilize a portion of the gift principal and/or the short-term investment income on current gifts and grants to support the cost of raising and administering funds.

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    about/contributors.shtml updated December 19, 2008