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CANADA - Commercial Suppliers

C01   Applied Bio-Nomics Ltd.
11074 West Saanich Road
Sidney, British Columbia V8L-5P5
Telephones: (250)656-2123(Insectary)
Retail and wholesale. Distributor list available to
U.S.A. and Canada. Free literature and price
list. ANBP member.
FAX: (604) 656-3844
E-mail: bug@islandnet.com
C02 Beneficial Insectary Canada
60 Taggart Court, #1
Guelph, Ontario N1H-6H8
Telephone: (800) 477-3715
Retail and wholesale. Producing high quality
products. Entomological staff available.
ANBP member.
Web site: www.insectary.com
FAX: (888) 472-0708
E-mail: bi@insectary.com
C03 Better Yield Insects - Canada
RR 3 1302 County Road-22
Belle River, Ontario N0R-1A0
Telephone: (800) 662-6562
(Toll Free - U.S.A. & Canada)
Retail and wholesale. Specializing in beneficial
insects for twenty years. Free consultation by telephone or FAX.
FAX: (519) 727-5989
C04 BioBest Canada Ltd.
2020 Mersea Road #3, RR-4
Leamington, Ontario N8H-3V7
Telephone: (519) 322-2178
Retail and wholesale. Production of bumble bees
and other beneficial organisms. ANBP member.
FAX: (519) 322-1271
Bio-Controle (Services) Inc.
2600 Dalton
Sainte Foy, Quebec G1P-3S4
Telephones: (418)653-3101
(418)650-3709 (514-9232(Montreal)
Retail and wholesale. With purchase, information
sheets on how to use Trichogramma and lady beetles
successfully. Both French and English spoken.
FAX: (418) 653-3096
E-mail: biocontrole@accent.net
Coast Agri Ltd.
464 Riverside Road South RR#2
Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S-7N8
Telephone: (604) 864-9044
Wholesale only. Free informative catalogue available.
Consulting. ANBP member.
FAX: (604) 864-8418
E-mail: wporter@Coast-agri.com
Halifax Seed Company Inc.
P.O. Box 8026 Station-A
5860 Kane Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K-5L8
Telephones: (902)454-7456  (902)455-4364
Retail and wholesale. Providing beneficial organisms
for commercial and home use in Atlantic Canada.
FAX: (902) 455-5271
E-mail: hfxseed@sympatico.ns.ca
C08 Koppert Canada Ltd.
3 Pullman Court
Scarborough, Ontario M1X-1E4
Telephones: (416)291-0040
Retail and wholesale. Free literature and pricing
available upon request.
FAX: (416) 291-0902
E-mail: kcanltd@aol.com
C09 Manbico Biological Ltd.
Box 17, Group 242, RR2
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C-2E6
Telephones: (204)697-0863
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue, brochures
and distributor list.
FAX: (204) 697-0887
C10 Natural Beginnings
P.O. Box 21036
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2W-6B2
Telephone: (902)435-4882(Customer Service)
Retail only. Free organic home gardening
catalogues (Canada only). Beneficial organisms
available from April-July only. School and
environmental group fund raising programs available.
FAX: (905) 382-4418 (Customer Inquiries)
E-mail: natural@isisnet.com
C11 Natural Insect Control RR #2
Stevensville, Ontario L0S-1S0
Telephone: (905)382-2904
Retail and wholesale. 48 page catalogue.
Organic supplies. Ship world-wide. Large
selection of beneficials. Technical telephone
support. Bird and bat houses available.
ANBP member.
FAX: (905) 382-4418
C12 Nature's Alternative Insectary Ltd.
Box 19 Dawson Road,
1636 East Island Highway
Nanoose Bay, British Columbia V0R-2R0
Telephones: (250)468-7912 (250-7911
Retail and wholesale. Producer. Available
year round. Weekly shipments within U.S.A.
ANBP and IOBC member.
FAX: (250) 468-7912 -mail: nai@island.net
C13 Richters
357 Highway 47
Goodwood, Ontario L0C-1A0
Telephone: (905) 640-6677
Retail only. Specializes in use of beneficials on
commercial herb greenhouse and field crops.
Provides advice to seed and plant customers.
Web site: www.richters.com
FAX: (905) 640-6641
E-mail: info@richters.com
C14 Westgro Sales Inc.
7333 Progress Way
Delta, British Columbia V4G-1E7
Telephone: (604) 940-0290
Retail and wholesale. Literature and price list
available upon request. IPM consulting.
FAX: (604) 940-0258 -mail: westgro@westgro.com

MEXICO - Commercial Suppliers

M01 Alimentos Del Fuerte
Apartado Postal No. 810
Los Mochis, Sinaloa C.P. 81200
Telephones: (68)12-14-10(68)12-14-48
Retail and wholesale. Tomato and sweet corn.
Tomate y maíz dulce.
FAX: (68) 12-86-50
M02 Asociación Ganadera Local de General Bravo
Km. 124 Carretera Monterrey-Reynosa
Colonia Conferin Avispe
General Bravo, Nuevo Leon C.P. 67000
Telephone: (823) 4-04-46
Retail and wholesale.
M03 Bios COBI Inc.
Perez y Teran SusanaAv.
Miguel Aleman No. 33
Esq. Miami 2° Piso
Jalapa, Veracruz
Telephone: (28) 12-68-30
Retail and wholesale.
Corn and sugar cane.
Maíz y caña de azúcar.
M04 Centro de Reproducción de Organismos
Benéficos (Comité Estatal de Sanidad

Vicente Rodriguez s/n
Fracc. La Paz
Irapuato, Guanajuato C.P. 36530
Telephone: (462) 7-39-09
Retail and wholesale.
Broccoli and cauliflower.
Brócoli y coliflor.
FAX: (462) 6-74-01
M05 Consorcio Aga Div. Azucar
Cia. Azúcarera de Los Mochis

Prolongacion Vicente Guerrero s/n
Los Mochis, Sinaloa
Telephones: (68)12-88-30 (68)12-02-01
Retail and wholesale.
Sugar cane.
Caña de azúcar.
FAX: (68) 12-04-36

CREROB - Centro Regional de Reproductores de Organismos Benéficos. Son insectarios que fueron transferidos de manos del gobierno de México a compañías privadas y que ahora venden al público.

CREROB - Regional Center of Reproducers of Beneficial Organisms. These are insectaries that were transferred from the Mexican Government to private ownership and now sell to the public.

M06 CREROB - Apatzingan
Km. 1.5 Carretera Apatzingan-Aguililla
Apartado Postal No. 153
Apatzingan, Michoacan
Telephones: (453)4-19-57 (453)4-04-38
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton and sugar cane.
Algodon y cana de azucar.
M07 CREROB - Baja California
Km. 1.0 Carretera Mexicali-San Felipe
Apartado Postal No. 1087
Mexicali, Baja California Norte C.P. 21380
Telephone: (65) 61-70-86
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton and vegetables.
Algodon y hortalizas.
FAX: (65) 61-73-18
M08 CREROB - Caborca
Calle Obregon No. 278 Oeste y
Av. Luis Donaldo Colosio
Caborca, Sonora
Telephone: (637) 2-08-71
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton and vegetables.
Algodon y hortalizas.
M09 CREROB - Cesavesin
Francisco Villa No. 150 Pte.
Apartado Postal No. 926
Culiacan, Sinaloa C.P. 80000
Telephone: (67) 16-35-08
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, soy, and vegetables.
Maiz, soya y hortalizas.
FAX: (67) 16-46-46
M10 CREROB - Chilpancingo
Av. Ruffo Figueroa s/n
Colonia Burocratas
Chilpancingo, Guerrero C.P. 39039
Telephone: (747) 2-60-08
Retail and wholesale.
Melon, corn, and pastures.
Melon, maiz y pastos.
FAX: (747) 2-77-29
M11 CREROB - Ciudad Constitucion
Km. 205 Carretera Transpeninsular
Apartado Postal No. 158
Ciudad Constitucion, Baja Calif. Sur
Telephone: (113) 2-26-51
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton, corn, garbanzo, and vegetables.
Algodon, maiz, garbanzo y hortalizas.
FAX: (113) 2-08-66
M12 CREROB - Ciudad Fernandez
Juarez No. 73
Ciudad Fernandez, San Luis Potosi
Telephones: (487)2-37-24 (487)2-46-40
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, tomato, and sugar cane.
Maiz, tomate y cana de azucar.
M13 CREROB - Ciudad Juarez
Km. 9.5 Carretera Cd. Juarez-Porvenir
Zaragoza de Juarez
Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua
Telephone: (16) 82-05-32
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton, vegetables, walnut, apple, corn, and sorghum.
Algodon, hortalizas, nogal, manzana, maiz y sorgo.
M14 CREROB - Ciudad Obregon
Bvd. Rodolfo Elias Calles No. 711 Pte.
Colonia Sochiloa
Ciudad Obregon, Sonora C.P. 85150
Telephones: (641)6-54-07 (641)7-58-51
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, cotton, soy, vegetables, and garbanzo.
Maiz, algodon, soya, hortalizas y garbanzo.
M15 CREROB - Ciudad Victoria
Calle Ursulo Galvan No. 250
Ex-Hacienda de Tamatlan
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas C.P. 87060
Telephones: (131)2-41-54 (131)2-93-61
Retail and wholesale. Safflower, sunflower,
corn, sugar cane, soy, sorghum, pastures,
vegetables, avocado, poultry and livestock farms.
Cartamo, girasol, maiz, cana de azucar, soya,
sorgo, pastos, hortalizas, aguacate (palto),
granjas avicolas y de ganado.
M16 CREROB - Durango
Km. 5 Carretera Durango-Torreon
Boulevard Francisco Villa
Cd. Industrial
Durango, Durango C.P. 34220
Telephone: (181) 8-14-68
Retail and wholesale.
Apple, potato, and corn.
Manzano, papa y maiz.
M17 CREROB - Guasave
Km. 3 Carretera Internacional
Tramo Guasave-Los Mochis
Apartado Postal No. 55
Guasave, Sinaloa
Telephone: (687) 2-08-08
Retail and wholesale.
Garbanzo, corn, soy, sugar cane, and tomato.
Garbanzo, maiz, soya, cana de azucar y tomate.
FAX: (687) 2-08-08
M18 CREROB - Hermosillo
California No. 35
Hermosillo, Sonora
Telephone: (621) 7-26-94
Retail and wholesale.
Vegetables, garbanzo, corn, cotton, safflower,
apple, and poultry farms. Hortalizas, garbanzo,
maiz, algodon, cartamo, manzano y granjas avicolas.
M19 CREROB - Jalapa
Km. 3.5 Carretera Federal
Edificio Ex-ConaFrut
Jalapa, Veracruz
Telephone: (28) 12-62-70
Retail and wholesale.
Pastures, sugar cane, corn, citrus, and mango.
Pastos, cana de azucar, maiz, citricos y mango.
M20 CREROB - Matamoros
Km. 1 Sendero Nacional
Apartado Postal No. 550
Matamoros, Tamaulipas
Telephone: (891) 2-12-02
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, sorghum, sugar cane, poultry and livestock farms.
Maiz, sorgo, cana de azucar, granjas avicolas y de ganado.
M21 CREROB - Oaxaca
Administracion de Correos “C”
Apartado Postal No. 11
Santo Domingo Barrio Baja Etla
Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Telephone: (951) 6-30-63
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, wheat, sorghum, tomato, and sugar cane.
Maiz, trigo, sorgo, tomate y cana de azucar.
FAX: (951) 5-31-13
M22 CREROB - Tapachula
Km. 1.5 Carretera Tapachula-Puerto Madero
Tapachula, Chiapas
Telephone: (962) 5-18-56
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, soy, cotton, and watermelon.
Maiz, soya, algodon y sandia.
FAX: (962) 5-44-17
M23 CREROB - Tepic
Insurgentes No.1050 Oriente
Colonia Menchaca
Tepic, Nayarit C.P. 63150
Telephone: (32) 14-48-46
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, sorghum, and sugar cane.
Maiz, sorgo y cana de azucar.
FAX: (32) 14-48-46
M24 CREROB - Torreon
Calzada Cuauhtemoc No. 1540 Sur
Torreon, Coahuila
Telephone: (17) 13-69-84
Retail and wholesale.
Alfalfa, wheat, walnut, safflower, oat, sorghum, grapevine, corn, and cotton.
Alfalfa, trigo, nogal, cartamo, avena, sorgo, vid, maiz y algodon.
M25 Insectario de Cambell's Sinalopasta
S.A. de C.V.

Km. 149 +284 Carretera Internacional
Parque Industrial
Apartado Postal No. 185
Guasave, Sinaloa
Telephones: (687)2-83-02(687)2-87-55
Retail and wholesale.
FAXes: (687)2-83-00(687)2-84-04
M26 Insectos Beneficos de Sinaloa S.A. de C.V.
Ignacio Lopez Rayon s/n
Colonia La Piedrera
Guasave, Sinaloa
Telephone: (687) 2-95-05
Retail and wholesale.
Vegetables and corn.
Hortalizas y maiz.
M27 Insumos y Servicios Agropecuarios
de Occidente S.A. de C.V.

Guillermo Prieto No. 124-2
Colima, Colima
Telephone: (331) 3-10-00
Retail and wholesale.
Vegetables, corn, and sugar cane.
Hortalizas, maiz y cana de azucar.
M28 Laboratorio de Control Biologico del
Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
- Ciudad Villa Corzo

Domicilio Conocido
Ciudad Villa Corzo, Chiapas
Telephone: (965) 2-03-68
Retail and wholesale.
Corn and tobacco.
Maiz y tabaco.
M29 Laboratorio de Control Biologico del
Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
- Frontera Comalapa

Joaquin Miguel Gutierrez s/n
Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas
Telephone: (963) 2-39-13
Laboratorio de Control Biologico del
Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
- Frontera Comalapa
Joaquin Miguel Gutierrez s/n
Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas
Telephone: (963) 2-39-13
M30 Laboratorio de Control Biologico (UniFrut)
Calzada 16 de Septiembre

y Mariano Jimenez No. 16
Apartado Postal 676
Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua
Telephones: (158)2-00-95(158)2-00-41
Retail and wholesale.
Apple, corn, and walnut.
Manzana, maiz y nogal.
FAX: (158) 2-01-21
M31 Laboratorio de Produccion de
Organismos Beneficos (LAPROB)

2A Pte. No. 3
Tapachula, Chiapas C.P. 30700
Telephone: (962) 1-14-07
Retail and wholesale.
Tobacco, corn, and vegetables.
Tabaco, maiz y hortalizas.
FAX: (962) 5-45-22
M32 Laboratorio Reproductor de Fauna
Benefica S.A. de C.V.

Corregidora No. 529
Colonia Centro
Guasave, Sinaloa C.P. 81000
Telephone: (687) 8-01-11
Retail and wholesale.
Cotton, garbanzo, soy, and tomato.
Algodon, garbanzo, soya y tomate.
FAX: (687) 2-48-21
M33 Organismos Beneficos Para La Agricultura
(OBA) Lopez Rayon No. 25
Autlan, Jalisco
Telephone: (338) 1-01-15
Retail and wholesale.
Corn, vegetables, and sugar cane.
Maiz, hortalizas y cana de azucar.
FAX: (338) 1-01-15

UNITED STATES - Commercial Suppliers

U01 A-1 Unique Insect Control
5504 Sperry Drive
Citrus Heights, California 95621
Telephone: (916) 961-7945
Retail and wholesale. Formerly Unique Insect Control.                                                                  
Free brochure. Primary source for ladybugs.
Earthworms also available.
ANBP member. FAX: (916) 967-7082
U02 Activated Biological Control, LLC
P.O. Box 394
Elk Grove, California 95759
Telephone: (408) 469-7833
Retail and wholesale. Predatory mites available
on beans or corncob grits. Delivery or application
supervision available.
FAX: (408) 469-7833
U03 American Insectaries, Inc.
30805 Rodriguez Road
Escondido, California 92026-5312
Telephone: (760) 751-1436
Retail and wholesale. Se habla espanol.
Wide variety of beneficial insects and mites available.
FAX: (760) 749-7061
E-mail: jdavis@mailhost2.csusm.edu
U04 Applied Bio-Control
P.O. Box 118
Waterford, California 95386
Telephone: (209) 874-1862
Retail and wholesale. Consulting, domestic
and international. Se habla espanol. Specialize
in perennial crops. Problem solving teams available.
FAX: (209) 874-1808
U05 Applied Bio Pest
3310 Net Place
Oxnard, California 93035
Telephones: (805)984-9224
(800)787-BUGS (Outside California)
Retail and wholesale. Retail packaging -
drop shipping for garden centers.
Decollate snail and whitefly specialists.
FAX: (805) 984-1517
E-mail: biopest@jetlink.net
U06 Arizona Biological Control Inc. (ARBICO)
P.O. Box 4247 CRB
Tucson, Arizona 85738
Telephone: (520) 825-9785
Retail and wholesale. Catalogues are
available upon request.
World-wide consultation. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.usit.net/BICONET
FAX: (520) 825-2038
U07 Arnold Brothers
P.O. Box 450
Fairacres, New Mexico 88033
Telephones: (505) 526-6165
(14)35-06-23(“Bio-Tecno” in Mexico)
Retail and wholesale. Se habla espanol.
Consulting in southwestern U.S.A. and Mexico.
Pecan, cotton, vegetables, and corn.
Pacana, algodon, hortalizas y maiz. ANBP member.
FAX: (505) 526-8061
U08 Beneficial Insectary
14751 Oak Run Road
Oak Run, California 96069
Telephones: (800)477-3715
Retail and wholesale. Producing high quality
products. Entomological staff available. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.insectary.com
FAX: (916) 472-3523
U09 Beneficial Insect Company
244 Forrest Street
Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715-2325
Telephone: (803) 547-2301
Retail and wholesale.
Free catalogue and price list.
Supplying beneficial organisms to
southeastern growers since 1987.
U10 Better Pest Management
P.O. Box 1276
San Bruno, California 94066
Telephone: (888) 589-6531
Retail only.
Free brochure.
Specializing in fly control for horses. ANBP member.
FAX: (888) 589-6531
U11 Better Yield Insects
44 Bristol Road
Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882
Telephones: (800)662-6562 (Toll Free - U.S.A. & Canada)
(401)792-3416(Local - U.S.A.)
Retail and wholesale. Specializing in
beneficial insects for twenty years.
Free consultation by telephone or FAX.
FAX: (401) 792-8058
U12 Bio Ag Services
4218 West Muscat Fresno,
California 93706
Telephone: (209) 268-2835
Retail and wholesale. Consulting services
available. Biological control specialists.
Se habla espanol. ANBP member.
FAX: (209) 268-7945
U13 Bio Ag Supply
710 South Columbia Plainview, Texas 79072
Telephones: (800)746-9900
Retail and wholesale. Natural products for
organic production. Fish. Diversified consulting.
FAX: (806) 293-0712
E-mail: wwinters@texasonline.net
U14 Bio Collect
5481 Crittenden Street Oakland, California 94601
Telephones: (510)436-8052
Retail and wholesale. Free brochure.
Company provides information and insects
cleared by USDA-ARS for biological control of weeds.
FAX: (510) 532-0288
U15 Biofac Crop Care, Inc.
P.O. Box 87 Mathis, Texas 78368
Telephones: (512)547-3259
(800)233-4914(Toll Free)
Retail and wholesale. We provide field service
and progress reports with the insects where
appropriate; and project evaluation.
U16 Biological Control of Weeds
1418 Maple Drive Bozeman,
Montana 59715
Telephone: (406) 586-5111
Retail only. Weed feeding insects for rangeland
and natural areas. Free consultation and catalogue.
ANBP member.
FAX: (406) 586-5111
E-mail: biocontrol@montana.campus.mci.net
U17 BioLogic Company Springtown Road,
P.O. Box 177 Willow Hill,
Pennsylvania 17271
Telephones: (717)349-2789
Retail and wholesale. Free consultation.
U18 BioShield
P.O. Box 9068 Fresno,
California 93790
Telephone: (209) 226-7463

Wholesale only. Phone orders. Free brochure.
Consultation via telephone.
FAX: (209) 226-7463


BioSmith Pest Management Service
385 West Shaw Avenue #121
Fresno, California 93704
Telephone: (209) 265-0266

Retail and wholesale. IPM field scouting on
large acreage. Most commercially available
species offered.
U20 Biotactics, Inc.
425 La Cadena Drive,
West #12 Riverside, California 92501
Telephone: (909) 320-1366
Retail and wholesale. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.biohaven.com/bus/biotactics
FAX: (909) 781-6572
E-mail: benemite@biohaven.com
U21 Bountiful Gardens
18001 Shafer Ranch Road
Willits, California 95490
Telephone: (707) 459-6410
Retail only. We are a nonprofit organic
gardening supply source and we sell
untreated open-pollinated seeds.
FAX: (707) 459-6410
U22 Bowen Biosystems (Bo-Biotrol, Inc.)
2982 "G" Street, Suite A
Merced, California 95340
Telephones: (800)900-0246
Retail and wholesale. We provide complete
consulting services for the agricultural market.
We also provide seminars and training in
biological control.
FAX: (209) 384-1525
U23 Buena Biosystems
P.O. Box 4008
Ventura, California 93007
Telephone: (805) 525-2525
Retail and wholesale. Site specific consulting
available, domestic or international. ANBP member.
FAX: (805) 525-6058
U24 BugLogical Control Systems
P.O. Box 32046
Tucson, Arizona 85751-2046
Telephone: (520) 298-4400
Retail and wholesale. Complete line of high
quality beneficial insects and nematodes for
pest control.
Web site: http://www.buglogical.com
FAX: (520) 298-4400
U25 California Bio-Works
33016 Road 204
Woodlake, California 93286
Telephone: (209) 564-2620
Retail and wholesale. To assure delivery
during periods of peak demand, order
well in advance. Smaller orders generally
available upon request. ANBP member.
U26 Caltec Agri Marketing Services
P.O. Box 576155
Modesto, California 95357
Telephones: (800)491-BUGS(CA or
WA Only)(209)575-1295(Office)
(209) 531-7666(Mobile)
Wholesale only. Resellers only. UPS delivery.
Minimums of 1000 units. CCOF approved fungicide.
FAX: (209) 575-0366
U27 Central Coast Insectary
391 Hames Road
Watsonville, California 95076 U.S.A.
Telephone: (408) 726-1853
Retail and wholesale. Producer. Se habla espanol.
Free guidebook for control of twospotted spider mites.
FAX: (408) 726-3090
U28 Chico Game Fish Farm
971 East Avenue
Chico, California 95926
Telephone: (916) 343-1849
Retail and wholesale. Gambusia affinis for
mosquito control. Large mouth bass for control
of trash fish in farm ponds and municipal lakes.
Several other game fish available for pond stocking.
Pond consulting.
U29 CropKing Inc.
5050 Greenwich Road
Seville, Ohio 44273
Telephone: (330) 769-2002
Retail and wholesale. Hydroponic greenhouse crops.
Bumble bees. Beneficial microorganisms.
Web site: http://www.cropking.com
FAX: (330) 769-2616
E-mail: cropking@cropking.com
U30 EcoSolutions, Inc.
334 East Lake Road Suite
196 Palm Harbor, Florida 34685
Telephone: (813) 787-3669
Retail and wholesale. Free literature.
Focus: ornamental nurseries and strawberries
in southeast U.S.A.
U31 Evergreen Growers Supply
17492 South Eaden Road
Oregon City, Oregon 97045-9610
Telephone: (503) 631-7954
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue.
Web site: http://www.teleport.com/~jmaurer/egs.html 
FAX: (503) 631-3097
U32 FAR, Inc.
510 1/2 Foothill Parkway
Corona, California 91720
Telephone: (909) 371-0120 (Office/Orders) 
Retail and wholesale. Producer of beneficials for citrus,
avocados, almonds, and walnuts. Traps and lures.
ANBP member.
FAX: (909) 279-5150 (Orders)
U33 Fillmore Citrus Protective District
P.O. Box 904
1003 Sespe Avenue
Fillmore, California 93015
Telephone: (805) 524-2733
Wholesale only. We are a co-op and only sell when
we have excess parasites. ANBP member.
U34 Florikan E.S.A.
1523 Edger Place
Sarasota, Florida 34240
Telephones: (941)377-8666   
(800)322-8666(FL)    (800)552-8666(AL)
Wholesale only. Environmentally safe agriculture.
ANBP member.
FAX: (941) 377-3633
U35 Gardener's Supply Company
128 Intervale Road
Burlington, Vermont 05401-2850
Telephone: (800) 955-3370
Retail only. Free retail catalogue. Sells gardening
supplies, organic pest controls and fertilizers.
Pest control hotline.
FAX: (800) 551-6712
U36 Gardens Alive!
5100 Schenley Place
Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025
Telephone: (812) 537-8650
Retail only. Free catalogue.
 FAX: (812) 537-5108
U37 Gempler's, Inc
211 Blue Mounds Road
P.O. Box 270
Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin 53572
Telephones: (800)382-8473
(608)437-4883(Outside U.S.A.)

Retail and wholesale. Free IPM Buyers Guide
Visit our Web site: http://www.gemplers.com 
 FAX: (800) 551-1128

U38 Good Bugs Insectary
30761A Road 216
Exeter, California 93221
Telephones: (209)592-1681(Orders)   
(209)897-0891    (209)637-3115
Retail and wholesale. Aphytis melinus producer.
Contact Nick or Rob.
FAX: (209) 592-6412 
E-mail: bugman@lightspeed.net
U39 Great Lakes IPM, Inc.
10220 Church Road NE
Vestaburg, Michigan 48891
Telephones: (517)268-5693    (517)268-5911
Retail only.
FAX: (517) 268-5311
U40 Greenfire Inc.
347 Nord Avenue #1
Chico, California 95926
Telephones: (800)895-8307
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue. Ten years
experience in supplying a wide variety of beneficials.
Also specializing in biological insecticides,
organic fertilizers, and home of EARTH JUICE.
FAX: (916) 895-8317
U41 Gulf Coast Biological Controls
366 FM 2550
Huntsville, Texas 77340
Telephones: (800)524-1958(Orders Only)
(409)291-2302(Free Consulting)
Retail and wholesale. Producer of ANTidote ™
fire ant killer (nematodes). Various species of
parasitic nematodes.
FAX: (409) 291-0511
U42 Harmony Farm Supply
3244 Highway 116 No. C
Sebastopol, California 95472
Telephone: (707) 823-9125
Retail only. Free catalogue: organic growing
supplies. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.harmonyfarm.com 
FAX: (707) 823-1734  
E-mail: info@harmonyfarm.com
U43 Hydro-Gardens, Inc. (HGI Worldwide Inc.)
P.O. Box 25845
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80936
Telephones: (719)495-2266 (800)634-6362
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue and
consulting. Nematode producer. Complete
greenhouse supplies. Bumble bees.
FAX: (800) 634-6362 
E-mail: hgi@usa.net
U44 IFM - Integrated Fertility Mgmt. 
333 Ohme Gardens Road
Wenatchee, Washington 98801
Telephones: (509)662-3179   (800)332-3179
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue.
Consultation for organic production.
Tree fruit and soil specialists.
E-mail: philn@televar.com
U45 Inslee Fish Farm, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
Connerville, Oklahoma 74836
Telephones: (405)836-7150   (800)222-9505
Retail and wholesale. Check with local
regulators regarding the legality of shipping
diploid grass carp.

U46 Integrated BioControl Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 96
Aurora, Indiana 47001-0096
Telephone: (812) 537-8673
Retail and wholesale. Available for consulting
and contract research in biological control, IPM,
and population interactions. Experienced in
computer simulation modelling in population
ecology, etc.
FAX: (812) 537-8644 
E-mail: goodbug@seidata.com
U47 Integrated Consulting Entomology (ICE)
120 Stanislaus Avenue
Ventura, California 93004
Telephone: (805) 659-4137
Retail and wholesale. California citrus/avocado
bio-controls (releasing available). IPM consulting.
Licensed Pest Control Advisor. ANBP member.
FAX: (805) 659-4137
U48 Integrated Pest Insectary, LLC
2228 North Ila Avenue
Fresno, California 93705
Telephones: (209)456-0990   (209)284-1538(Cellular)
Wholesale only. Producer of sixspotted thrips
and western predatory mites for pest mite
control in ornamental, horticultural, and agricultural crops.
FAX: (209) 486-3849
U49 Integrated Pest Management Services, LLC
P.O. Box 989
Fresno, California 93714
Telephones: (209)456-0990 (209)284-1538(Cellular)
Retail and wholesale. Specializing in sixspotted
thrips and western predatory mite. Consulting
and monitoring. ANBP member.
FAX: (209) 486-3849
U50 International Technology Services
P.O. Box 19227
Boulder, Colorado 80308-2227
Telephone: (303) 473-9141
Retail and wholesale. BioBest distributor.
Beneficials, biopesticides, bumble bees, and consulting.
FAX: (303) 473-9143
U51 IPM Laboratories, Inc.
Main Street
Locke, New York 13092
Telephone: (315) 497-2063
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogues. Specialties are:
greenhouses, nurseries, and northeast U.S.A. manure
fly control. ANBP member.
FAX: (315) 497-3129 
E-mail: ipmlabs@baldcom.net
U52 Island Seed And Feed
29 South Fairview Avenue
Goleta, California 93117
Telephone: (805) 967-5262 
Retail only. Organic garden and farm supply.
Natural and least toxic pet products.
FAX: (805) 967-902 
U53 J & J Aquafarms
P.O. Box 922
Sanger, California 93657
Telephones: (209)875-0477   (209)262-2324
Retail and wholesale. Consulting. Common carp
for aquatic weed control. Mosquito fish and other
species for insect control.
E-mail: jjaquafarms@juno.com
U54 J. M. Malone & Son Enterprises
P.O. Box 158
Lonoke, Arkansas 72086
Telephones: (501)676-2800 (501)676-6554
Retail and wholesale. Sterile Chinese grass carp.
Aquatic growth, mussel control. Free literature.
FAX: (501) 676-2910
U55 Keo Fish Farm, Inc.
P.O. Box 166
6444 Highway 165 N
Keo, Arkansas 72083
Telephone: (501) 842-2872

Wholesale only. Sterile triploid Chinese grass
carp (white amur). USFWS inspection provided.
State permit may be required.
FAX: (501) 842-2156

U56 Koppert Biological Systems
2856 South Main
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
Telephone: (313) 998-589
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue and list of
side effects of pesticides on beneficials.
Consulting available. Bumble bees. Call for
information. ANBP member.
FAX: (313) 998-5557
U57 Kuida Ag. Supply Co.
P.O. Box 2598
Salinas, California 93902
Telephones: (408)758-9914
(209)674-3730   (310)378-5137
Retail and wholesale. Sales of Phytoseiulus persimilis.
FAX: (408) 758-9933
U58 Kunafin "The Insectary"
Route 1, Box 39
Quemado, Texas 78877
Telephones: (800)832-1113   (210)757-1181
Retail and wholesale. Credit cards and CODs
accepted. Consulting entomologists. Se habla
espanol. German also spoken. We mass rear
beneficials. Free brochures.
FAX: (210) 757-1468
U59 Ladybug Farms
4012 Stephen Drive
North Highlands, California 95660
Telephone: (916) 348-1917
Retail and wholesale. Expanding business.
Gathering & supplying ladybugs since 1975.
U60 Ladybug Sales
P.O. Box 903
Gridley, California 95948-0903
Telephones: (916)868-5059
(916)868-1638 (916)868-1627(Messages)
Wholesale only. Consulting/coordination.
FREE sample to bonafide prospects.
365 days a year.
FAX: (916) 846-2655
U61 Living Farm Systems 12230 Livingston-Cressey Road
Livingston, California 95334
Telephones: (209)394-1420 (Office)
Retail and wholesale. Consulting available
in the central San Joaquin Valley specializing
in trees and vines. Brochure on request.
FAX: (209) 394-4223
U62 Mary's Decollate Snails
912 Cassou Road
San Marcos, California 92069-9715
Telephone: (760) 744-9233
Retail and wholesale. Free brochure. Producer.
Mail orders accepted.
E-mail: borevitz@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
U63 Mellinger's, Inc.
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452-9731
Telephones: (330)549-9861
(800)321-7444(Orders Only)
Retail only. Free catalogue.
FAX: (330) 549-3716
U64 M & R Durango, Inc.
P.O. Box 886
Bayfield, Colorado 81122
Telephones: (970)259-3521 (800)526-4075
Retail and wholesale. Producer. Free brochure.
Technical support and consultation available.
ANBP member.
FAX: (970) 259-3857
E-mail: sales@goodbug.com
U65 Musgrove's Decollate Snails
2901 Everwood Drive
Riverside, California 92503
Telephone: (909) 785-1680
Wholesale only. Sales to permitted areas only.
Snails primarily used against European brown
garden snail and as general organic composters.
U66 Natural Pest Control
8864 Little Creek Drive
Orangevale, California 95662
Telephones: (916)726-0855(8-5 7days)
(916)923-3353(8-5 M-F)
FAXes:(916) 726-0855 (916) 923-3353
Retail and wholesale. Suppliers of retail packaged
beneficials to all kinds of retailers. Supplier of
beneficials to consumers and agriculture.
FAXes:(916)726-0855 (916)923-3353
E-mail: natpestco@cwnet.com
U67 Nature's Control
P.O. Box 35
Medford, Oregon 97501
Telephone: (541)899-8318
FAXes:(503) 899-9121 (800) 698-6250(Toll Free)
Retail and wholesale. Retail and complete dealer
program. Free brochure. Same day shipping. We
take credit card and COD orders, too.
E-mail: bugsnc@teleport.com
U68 Nematec - Biological Control Agents
P.O. Box 93
Lafayette, California 94549-0093
Telephone: (510) 735-8800
Retail only. Free brochure and literature available.
U69 Novartis BCM North America
P.O. Box 2430
Oxnard, California 93034
Telephone: (805) 986-8265
Wholesale only. Producer. Formerly Ciba Bunting
North America. ANBP member.
FAX: (805) 986-8267
U70 N-Viro Products Ltd.
610 Walnut Avenue
Bohemia, New York 11716
Telephone: (516) 567-2628
Wholesale only. Free consultation via telephone.
FAX: (516) 567-2628
U71 Oxnard Pest Control Association
666 Pacific Avenue
P.O. Box 1187
Oxnard, California 93032
Telephone: (805) 483-1024
Retail and wholesale. Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
produced year-round. Decollate snails available in bulk.
ANBP member.
FAX: (805) 487-6867
U72 Panhandle Biological
P.O. Box 3927
Amarillo, Texas 79116
Telephone: (806) 352-9569 
Retail and wholesale. Training and consulting available.
IPM program designs, agricultural, and confined
animal specialists.
FAX: (806) 379-9413
U73 Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
P.O. Box 2209
110 Spring Hill Drive #2
Telephone: (916) 272-4769
Retail only. Free 125 page catalogue of organic and
IPM supplies.
ANBP member.
FAX: (916) 272-4794
U74 Planet Natural
1612 Gold Avenue
P.O. Box 3146
Bozeman, Montana 59772
Telephones: (800)289-6656(Orders Only) (406)587-5891   FAX:(406)587-0223
Retail and wholesale. Natural products for home,
lawn, and garden. Free catalogue. Producers of
Nosema locustae
. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.planetnatural.com
E-mail: ecostore@mcn.net
U75 Plant Sciences, Inc. (Koppert)
342 Green Valley Road
Watsonville, California 95076
Telephone: (408) 728-7771
Retail and wholesale. All FAXed orders will receive
a FAXED confirmation. We also have bumble bees.
ANBP member.
FAX: (408) 728-4967
U76 PNE, Inc.
2900 A Longmire Drive
College Station, Texas 77845-5828
Telephone: (409) 693-5801
Retail and wholesale. Natural enemies of urban pests.
Free literature with SASE. Consulting recommended.
U77 Praxis
2723 116th Avenue
Allegan, Michigan 49010
Telephone: (616) 673-2793
Retail and wholesale. We sell site specific Biotool-kit TM.
All organisms listed and others not listed are available
through Biotool-kit TM for homes, businesses, and agriculture.
FAX: (616) 673-2793
Web site: http://www.datawise.net/
E-mail: praxis@datawise.net
U78 Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1555
Ventura, California 93002-1555
Telephones: (805)643-5407   (800)248-BUGS(2847)
Retail and wholesale. Free literature and price list.
Se habla espanol. Consulting. ANBP/AAIE members.
FAX: (805) 643-6267
E-mail: bugnet@west.net
U79 Rocky Mountain Insectary
P.O. Box 152
Palisade, Colorado 81526
Retail and wholesale. Pediobius foveolatus - a parasite
of the Mexican bean beetle. Write for order form.
U80 San Jacinto Environmental Supplies
2221-A West 34th Street
Houston, Texas 77018
Telephone: (713) 957-0909
Wholesale only. Complete organic/sustainable horticultural
and agricultural supplier. Manufacturer of organic fertilizers.
FAX: (713) 957-0707
U81 Sespe Creek Insectary
P.O. Box 176
Lindsay, California 93247
Telephone: (209) 562-6464
Retail and wholesale. Specializing in Aphytis melinus.
Producer. Sales in California only. ANBP member.
U82 Sierra Ag
2749 East Malaga Avenue
Fresno, California 93725
Telephone: (209) 233-0585
Retail and wholesale. Specialities: predaceous mites,
lacewings, Aphytis melinus. Consulting in the
San Joaquin Valley.
Web site: http://www.SierraAg.com
FAX: (209) 233-0633
E-mail: IPM@SierraAg.com
U83 S & J Ranch
P.O. Box 3347
Pinedale, California 93650
Telephones: (209)439-2598(Office)
Retail and wholesale. Producer. Technical support
and consulting. Complete farm management.
Se habla espanol. ANBP member.
FAX: (209) 435-8067
E-mail: sjranch@psnw.com
U84 Spalding Laboratories
760 Printz Road
Arroyo Grande, California 93420
Telephones: (800)845-2847(Orders)
(805)489-5946   (800)779-0201(Auto. Info.) 
Retail and wholesale. Fly predators - tiny insects
for control of manure and filth breeding pest flies.
ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.spalding-labs.com
FAX: (805) 489-0336
U85 Stanley Gardens
P.O. Box 913
295 Jackson Street
Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007-0913
Telephone: (413) 323-6196
Retail and wholesale. Producer; Neoseiulus fallacis,
a cold tolerant predator mite. IPM consulting available
within 100 miles.
FAX: (413) 323-9594 
U86 Sweetbriar Development, Inc.
1767 San Juan Road
151 Silliman Road
Watsonville, California 95076
Telephones: (408)722-5577(SB Office)
(408)332-4559(Mobile) (408)726-3256
Retail and wholesale. Brochure available.
Se habla espanol. Phytoseiulus persimilis
available on bean leaves or in bottles.
ANBP member.
FAX: (408) 722-0191
U87 Territorial Seed Company
P.O. Box 157
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424
Telephone: (541) 942-9547
Retail and wholesale. Write, FAX, or telephone
for free catalogue.
Web site: http://www.Territorial-seed.com
FAX: (541) 942-9881
E-mail: TSC@ordata.com
U88 The Bug Store
113 West Argonne
St. Louis, Missouri 63122
Telephones: (800)455-2847
(314)966-2287   (314)773-7374
Retail and wholesale. Specializing in pest control
for home gardeners and greenhouse production.
Customized release programs based on your garden
and location. ANBP member.
Web site: http://www.bugstore.com
E-mail: bugstore@mo.net
U89 The Green Spot
Department of Bio-Ingenuity
93 Priest Road
Nottingham, New Hampshire 03290-6204
Telephones: (603)942-8925(Main Number)
(603)942-5027(24 hr. Voice Mail)
Retail and wholesale. Detailed, comprehensive
Green Method TM catalogue available. Free
telephone consultation and technical support.
ANBP member.
FAX: (603) 942-8932
E-mail: GrnSpt@internetMCI.com
U90 The Ladybug Company
Box 329
Berry Creek, California 95916
Telephone: (916) 589-5227
Retail and wholesale. Free catalogue and price list.
U91 Thermo Trilogy Corporation
7500 Grace Drive
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Telephone: (410) 531-4079
Wholesale only. Major U.S.A. producer of beneficial
nematodes for turf, citrus, ornamentals, greenhouse
production, and agriculture.
FAX: (410) 531-4780
U92 Tip Top Bio-Control
P.O. Box 7614
Westlake Village, California 91359-7614
Telephone: (805) 375-1382
Retail and wholesale. Free brochure. Beneficials for
home and farm in both large and small quantities.
VISA and MC accepted. Earthworms and nematodes.
Large quantities of ladybugs. ANBP member.
FAX: (805) 375-3180
U93 Visalia Insectary Inc.
P.O. Box 3205
Visalia, California 93278
Telephones: (209)732-6249  
Retail and wholesale. Growers and shippers
of predatory mites. ANBP member.
FAX: (209) 732-6249
Email: sailmax@aol.com
U94 W. Atlee Burpee & Company
300 Park Avenue
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
Telephones: (800)8881447(Order Toll Free)
(800)3335808(Customer Service) 
Retail only. Seeds, plants, garden supplies,
garden related gifts, and beneficial insects.
Web site: http://garden.burpee.com
FAX: (800) 4875530
U95 Worm's Way Inc.
7850 North Highway 37
Bloomington, Indiana 474049477
Telephones: (800)2749676(Mail Orders)
(800)2839676(FL)   (800)2849676(MA)
Retail only. Free 4-color catalogue - organic
and hydroponic garden supplies.
Web site: http://www.wormsway.com
FAX: (800) 316-1264 (Mail Orders)
E-mail: jwray@wormsway.com