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Welcome to Education

Intertidal MonitoringThe ocean has the power to astonish all of us with its mysteries and vast forces. As toddlers and as seniors, a trip to the beach is also a visit to another world that exerts great pull on our curiosity. Whenever we approach the ocean we ask questions.

Outdoor ClassroomOlympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary is like a textbook. It holds answers to questions we haven't thought of. Part of the Sanctuary's mission is to organize and present educational resources reflecting what we know about this place. We strive to improve the understanding of future generations of citizens - students - now in school classrooms. We assist teachers educate tomorrow's scientists and endeavor to help people in local communities and around the globe see their role in enjoying and protecting the Sanctuary.

Educational OutreachOlympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary regularly conducts unique education events and programs as well as ongoing outreach events in communities throughout the region. In addition, each of our staff is expert in some important field of science, education and marine protection - we regularly furnish speakers for informative and up-to-date presentations on important subjects.

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This page last modified on: Friday, July 16, 2004