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Leopold Center

The Leopold Center is interested in research and programs that can make agriculture more profitable and keep small and mid-sized farmers on the land. Most of our current work is done in one of our three initiatives, with funds granted on a competitive process. Read the Center's most recent Request for Preproposals (RFP).

If farmers are to stay in business, they need to take advantage of new marketing opportunities as quickly as possible. Check this page for current projects and activities in the Marketing and Food Systems initiative.

Policy decisions affect many things that happen in agriculture. Check this page for current projects and activities in the Policy initiative.

Increasing biodiversity and using free ecosystem services can transform agriculture. Check this page for current projects and activities in the Ecology initiative.

To fulfill its legislative mandate to conduct research, the Center has operated a competitive grants program since 1988, and supported issue teams, special projects and issue-based research initiatives. Check this page for summaries of completed grants and other projects.


The Leopold Center also serves as a catalyst and convener to bring people together to tackle projects that address the social, environmental and economic challenges in agriculture. Check this page for special projects or work we're doing with other partners.



Marketing Policy Ecology