Kentucky State University

University Police

Kentucky State University is responsible for the safety and security of KSU community as well as property owned or controlled by the University.  The University Police is on staff 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. KSU understands this concern and accepts its responsibility to the students to employ a public safety program, which will provide a safe, secure, and enjoyable environment in which to further one's education. However, public safety requires the cooperative efforts of the University, students, faculty and staff. All sworn police officers have the full law enforcement authority. Their jurisdiction includes the campus and adjoining streets and roads.

Escorts are provided by the University Police Department from dusk to dawn for the safety of anyone walking alone on campus at night. An escort can be requested to accompany an individual to any University academic building, parking lot or residence hall.

Any visitor, student, faculty member or staff can report potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus directly to the University police by dialing extension 597-6878, please use this number for emergencies only.  For non-emergency dial 597-6877.

The Kentucky State University Police Department is located near the main campus entrance in the Exum Center with our department facing the side parking lot. We have a lobby entrance for servicing the campus community by the dispatcher.

Crime Bulletin
Jeane Clery Act
Michael Minger Act
Mission Statement       Management Staff              
Message to Students
Policies      Fire Policy        Parking Regulations     Parking Decals            Records