Kentucky State University

The Division of Mathematics and Sciences

Inquiry into the nature of physical phenomena is among the most persistent of human concerns. During the past century, both the scope and pace of such inquiry have broadened and accelerated, and its influence on our civilization has become pervasive. The discoveries and consequences of scientific inquiry have profoundly affected the human race—both in daily life and in practically all domains of intellectual life.

The Division of Mathematics and Sciences believes that an understanding of mathematics and the sciences is an indispensable part of a sound education. Coursework in the Division provides students with instruction that addresses fundamental issues in the broad range of scientific inquiry. The Division seeks to instill in students an appreciation of critical thinking as well as knowledge of specific subjects. Students who decide to major in one of the disciplines of the Division undertake specialized study and research in their selected fields.

The Division offers majors in Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The major in Biology includes three options: General Biology, Pre-Professional and Biology with Teaching Certification. The major in Mathematics includes three options: Applied Mathematics/Pre-Engineering, Pure Mathematics and Mathematics with Teaching Certification. The major in Mathematics leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree and the others lead to a Bachelor of Science degree. Minors are offered in Aquaculture, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. (See the Division of Education and Human Services sub-section of the College of Professional Studies section in this Catalogue for more details on the certification programs.)

The student majoring in Applied Mathematics/Pre-Engineering pursues a five year curriculum leading to two degrees: a Bachelor of Arts degree in Engineering from the University of Kentucky, the University of Maryland at College Park, Vanderbilt University, or Florida A & M University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from Kentucky State University. More information about this program may be found in the sub-section describing the Mathematics offerings or by contacting the Chairperson of the Division of Mathematics and Sciences.

The Division offers a curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in programs related to the health professions. Students interested in medicine, optometry, physical therapy, pharmacy, or other allied health fields should consult the chairperson of the Division of Mathematics and Sciences or the Pre-health professions advisors. The following section of this Catalogue describing allied health offerings also contains information relevant to these fields.

NOTE: Students must complete all prerequisite courses in the Division of Mathematics and Sciences with a grade of “C” or better before they may attempt the next course in a course sequence