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NREL Research Fellows


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Research Fellows Council advises the Lab's executive management on enhancing the quality of and defining the strategic direction of science and technology for the Laboratory.

NREL's research fellows each have national and international recognition in their fields of theoretical physics, solid–state physics, bioenergy, physical chemistry, and nanoscience. The scientific leadership that they provide to the Laboratory helps us develop opportunities for new directions in research, and mentor other scientists and postdoctoral students.

The Laboratory's Research Fellows — along with our many other talented researchers, scientists and engineers — help make NREL the world's premier laboratory for developing renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Working together in research centers and with industry and university partners to conceive innovative ideas, turn ideas into new technologies, develop concepts into prototypes, improve existing technologies, integrate multiple technologies, engineer entire systems, and provide technical assistance in a wide variety of areas — NREL helps the nation and the world make the transition to a new and sustainable energy future.

Research Fellows


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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008