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Set Your Computer Clock to NIST Time

It's fast and easy to synchronize your computer clock to NIST time ....

You can synchronize your computer clock with UTC(NIST). There are two easy ways to connect to NIST, as described below:

  • By Internet

    This is the method of choice for most computer users. The NIST Internet Time Service (ITS) allows you to quickly synchronize the clock of any computer connected to the Internet. Simple client software allows you to synchronize your clock as often as necessary, and the service is completely free.

  • By Telephone

    The NIST Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS) allows computers with analog modems to synchronize their clocks by telephone using simple client software. This service is intended for computers that are not connected to the Internet, or that are behind a firewall. It requires making a phone call of less than 1 minute each time you set your clock. The call is long distance outside of the Denver/Boulder, Colorado calling area.

    Keep in mind that ACTS only works with analog modems that use ordinary telephone lines. Digital modems, such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and cable modems, cannot connect to ACTS. If your computer has a digital modem, use the Internet Time Service to synchronize to NIST via your Internet connection.

    You can also manually set a clock on time using the nist.time.gov web site.

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