Frequently Asked Questions

Agriculture Facts
     Ag Marketing facts (pdf)
     USDA Agriculture Statistics for Idaho

•Who do I contact for Animal Cruelty Issues?

•How do I contact the Idaho State Brand Inspector?

•How do I contact my Congressional Delegation?
     Congressman Bill Sali
     Congressman Mike Simpson
     Senator Larry Craig
     Senator Mike Crapo

Can I burn my crop residue?

Who do I contact if I find a dead bird?

•How do I contact my local University of Idaho County Extension Office?

•Where can I find out about Food Stamps?
     Personal use 1-800-926-2588
     Business licensing 1-503-326-5971

•Frequently requested phone numbers (pdf)

•What are the rules for importing/exporting my animals?
     Within the United States of America.
     Outside the United States of America.

•About PDF documents.
What is a PDF?
     Download Adobe Acrobat

•How do I obtain a public record?

•How can I contact other State Departments of Agriculture?
     National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
     Association of American Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO)

•How do I contact the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ?
     Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS)
     APHIS Veterinary Service
     APHIS Wildlife Service
     Farm Service Agency (FSA)
     Forest Service (USFS)
     Rural Development (USDA)
     USDA Homepage

•Useful Links
     Agriculture Acronyms (provided by (pdf)
     Agriculture Dictionary (provided by

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