Community Alliance with Family Farmers

Join CAFF Today!

We need you! As a member, you will be part of a state-wide community of people who care deeply about food and the land that feeds us.

We offer a Basic yearly membership for $50, $100, or $250.

We also offer a Student/Limited Income Rate of $35 to encourage everyone to become a member, regardless of means.

Please become a member today!

Donate to CAFF

Benefits for CAFF Members

All members are partners in promoting local food and family farms, and receive:

    • the Agrarian Advocate, a quarterly journal on news from the field, farmer profiles, and accomplishments made possible by their support
    • email alerts and policy updates
    • invitations to special events and activities

Are you a business or organization committed to family-farmed, local food? Consider becoming a CAFF Business member!

Benefits for Business Members

Business names are listed on the CAFF website and in Local Food Guides (where available). Business memberships begin at $250 and we offer a Business membership for $75 available for farmers only.

$250 Buy Fresh Buy Local point of sale cards and bumper stickers

Business name & link on CAFF website

Small Buy Fresh Buy Local banner


Name, link & logo on CAFF website

Large Buy Fresh Buy Local banner

$2500 Personalized Buy Fresh Buy Local banner

For questions about these programs and opportunities, call Kristen Schroer at (530) 756-8518, ext. 39 or email

Thank you for your generous support!

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