Kentucky State University

KY State Improvement Grant

The Kentucky State Improvement Grant Nurturing All Learners KYSIGNAL, as mandated by the passage of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and IDEA 97, represents our state's plan to build upon our previous State Improvement Grant in ways fundamental to insuring demonstrated gains in academic achievement and post school success for students with disabilities across the Commonwealth.

Our plan addresses eight major initiatives:

1. Access to the general curriculum through universal design for
learning and fully integrated curricular and assessment approaches
UDL main website
Bluegrass Technology Center

2. Access to the general curriculum in inclusive settings through
collaborative service delivery

3. Improve student results through improved instructional climate
Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline main website

4. Increase the number of highly qualified minority special education

5. Increase the instructional capacity of paraeducators
Paraeducators of Kentucky main website

6. Improve secondary transition and post school outcomes (including
an increased graduation rate and higher percentages of students
achieving employment and post secondary outcomes)
Kentucky Transition Collaborative main website
Current upgrading of Kentucky Transition website

7. Increase the number of highly qualified special educators in early
intervention programs
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Certificate Main website

8. Increase parent involvement
Kentucky Special Parents Involvement Network Main website

For more information, please contact:

Joyce Bell
Project Coordinator
Kentucky State Improvement Grant
(502) 597-5768