Kentucky State University

College of Professional Studies

The college of Professional Studies at Kentucky State University offers undergraduate programs that prepare students to combine their broad liberal backgrounds with specialized training that applies both in their everyday lives and in their technical and social-service careers. The College offers coursework leading to baccalaureate degrees in the fields of Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Education, Public Administration, and Social Work. The College also offers Masters Degrees in Business Administrations, Public Administration and Special Education.

The School of Business Administration programs (B.A. and MBA) provide knowledge and skills that can be directly utilized by business professional in both the private and public sectors.

The School of Public Administration, Social Work, and Criminal Justice offer three undergraduate degrees and a Master of Public Administration. Criminal Justice and Social work programs are geared toward human needs and public services. Programs within the area of Applied Human Sciences focus on the welfare of the family. Social work and criminal justice programs are designed to prepare students to help remedy social problems on individuals and groups.

The School of Education Programs works to ensure that teacher Education graduates obtain the skills, knowledge, and dispositions needed to serve as “Liberators through Education”. The teacher Education programs prepare students for careers as teaching professionals. Teachers candidates must successfully complete the relevant PRAXIS II and Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) tests as one of the degree requirements. The advantages gained by Teachers preparation students at the secondary level should continue during their academic pursuits at Kentucky State University and carry forward in their careers.

The University’s Liberal Studies Requirements strengthen all baccalaureate program within the College and are compatible with the requirements of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teachers Education (NCATE), the Kentucky Education Professional Standards (EPSB), Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Public Administration (NASPA), and the Council on Social Work Education.

Support is available to develop articulation agreements with the community colleges to provide a seamless education transition to KSU in an effort to provide duplication of coursework and ensure that students are adequately prepared to enter KSU programs. Interested students should contact the Dean of the College of Professional Studies for further information.