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Our Programs

Cascade Harvest Coalition has a variety of programs to accomplish our goal of re-localizing the food system in Washington and more directly connecting consumers and producers. Each program focuses on an important step in the process of getting local farm products from seed to market:

Puget Sound Fresh is the region’s premier “eat local” farm product branding and consumer education program.

Washington FarmLink is the state’s only program that links aspiring farmers with landowners and helps grow new sustainable farming operations.

Farm-to-Table: Connecting Local Farmers with Local Food Buyers is an annual series of workshops that connect local farmers with local buyers in an effort to create access to new markets and expand sales for locally grown farm products.

The Puget Sound Food Project is assessing the feasibility of and strategically planning for the development of a multi-purpose agricultural processing facility for small- and mid-sized producers in the Puget Sound region.

Harvest Celebrations are annual on-farm festivals to honor, celebrate and share in the bounty of local agriculture and an opportunity to connect urban residents with rural communities.

The Helping Hands Project is a series of work parties where local community volunteers help out on the farmand in exchange the farm donates fresh produce to local food banks.
