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Smiling little girl.
Competitive health plans keep you and your family healthy and happy.



Employees have a choice of participating in one of five medical plans. Nationwide employees (excluding Hawaii) can participate in the UnitedHealthCare (UHC) and CIGNA Premier PPO Plans, the UnitedHealthCare (UHC) Standard PPO Plan and the CIGNA In-Network Plan. The UHC plans are administered by UnitedHealthCare and the CIGNA plans are administered by CIGNA. California based employees can also participate in the Kaiser Permanente Traditional HMO Plan.

If employees elect medical coverage within the first 31 days of service, they will be covered from their first day of employment. Medical coverage changes may be made annually during the Open Enrollment period.

Employees contribute a portion of the monthly premium for all plans.


Sandia offers two dental plans administered by Delta Dental. The Dental Expense Plan (DEP) is free to employees and their eligible dependents. Employees are covered by DEP from their first day of service. Eligible dependents are also covered from the first day as long as the employee elects dental coverage for them within the first 31 days of service. DEP pays 100% of Usual and Customary charges for certain preventive and diagnostic services, such as exams and cleanings. For other types of care, the plan pays a scheduled amount after each participant pays an annual $25 deductible.

The Dental Deluxe Plan (DDP) is offered every two years to employees at a group rate premium. DDP increases the scheduled reimbursements Sandia pays for restorative service by 25%. This plan has a mandatory two-year participation. The next opportunity to enroll in the Dental Deluxe Plan is during Open Enrollment in the fall of 2005.


Employees are covered by the Vision Care Plan from their first day of service. Eligible dependents are also covered from the first day as long as the employee elects vision coverage for them within the first 31 days of service. Sandia pays the entire cost of this plan for full-time employees and their eligible dependents. Employees and enrolled eligible dependents are covered for eye exams and lenses once every 12 months and frames once every 24 months. The Vision Care Plan is administered by Superior Vision Services.