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Competitive Salary

Your pay will be based on your job classification and number of academic credit hours completed in the term ending prior to your internship. Pay for summer-only interns is based upon the preceding Fall transcript.

Round-trip Airfare

If you live more than 75 miles from Sandia you can be reimbursed for one round-trip airfare via the most direct route between your home or university and Sandia. If driving, reimbursement is for one round-trip on a per mile basis. Information will be provided in your offer package about Sandia's travel guidelines. You must adhere to these guidelines in order to be reimbursed.

Finding Your Way Around

You will be teamed up with a full-time mentor who will work closely with you to make your internship a rewarding experience. Bookmark Events Calendar — a great way to keep up-to-date on what's going on and to connect with other interns at Sandia. Orientation meetings during your first week will help you find your way around. Throughout your internship there will be a variety of activities to help you network with Sandians and other interns.

Logging Your Time

Interns work a 40-hour week (during the summer). If you work with a mentor who participates in Sandia's 9/80 flexible scheduling, you may opt for that schedule, with your mentor's permission. In that case, you will work four 9-hour days, Monday through Thursday each week. One Friday you will work 8 hours and the next Friday you will have off!

If you are a high school or undergraduate intern, living in the area and working part-time, you may work up to 25 hours a week. Graduate students may work up to 30 hours a week. All part-time interns may work full-time during official school breaks, under the supervision of their mentor.

Learning while you earn

Not to worry — you won't be stuck in the lab all day! You can attend scientific seminars, hands-on workshops, tours of Sandia, and brown bag lunches with Sandia's staff of talented scientists and engineers

Your money matters

All Sandia interns and their families are eligible for lifelong membership in the Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union. The credit union is located onsite, making it easy for you to open and maintain a checking and/or savings account. You can also take advantage of automatic paycheck deposits to your credit union or other financial institution accounts.

Medical Coverage

Interns, along with their eligible dependents, who are not covered by another medical plan can enroll in a low-cost PPO plan. Year-round undergraduate and graduate student interns, along with their eligible dependents, who are not covered by another medical plan can select coverage from a choice of medical plan options.

Use of the health services clinic and the employee assistance program are all available for interns.