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The National Atomic Museum, operated for the Department of Energy by Sandia Labs, continues important educational outreach as well as historic preservation and presentation activities.

Science in the Summer

Each year the museum presents the "Science is Everywhere Summer Camp" program. This exciting event exposes kids to hands-on experiences with robots, rockets, the environment, engineering, and energy, all in a fun and exploratory fashion. This year, the museum will serve 200 kids, from 8 to 12 years of age.

National Atomic Museum

Science on the Road

The National Atomic Museum is launching a mobile "Science and Math Outreach" program that will take educational materials to small towns and pueblos in New Mexico. Students in their communities across New Mexico will have a chance to benefit from the museum.

Science over the Air

The museum recently opened the first "ZOOMzone" in New Mexico, which is one of only 15 nationwide. ZOOMzone is a place for kids to explore science in the museum that is part of the public television program "Zoom" seen daily. Our ZOOMzone is open daily and features great experiments, video, and computers. Partners for our ZOOMzone include the University of New Mexico's Computer and Electrical Engineering Departments, WGBH-TV in Boston, and KNME-TV in Albuquerque, as well as our local schools.