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Volunteers are an integral part of Cascade Harvest Coalition's success.  We rely on their service and enthusiasm to achieve our mission and accomplish our goals.  As a volunteer, we offer fun, inspiring and educational opportunities to support local farmers, support local consumers and build healthy communities.

Volunteer recruitment occurs year round as individual and group opportunities arise for our various programs, activities and special events. These could include, for example:

  • Tabling at community events
  • Helping at on-farm events
  • Lending a hand at fundraisers
  • Project work
  • Deliveries
  • Data entry and other office tasks
  • Research

Every task is important!  If you are interested in volunteering with us, please email or call 206-632-0606.

Volunteer Opportunties

  • NW Flower & Garden Show: February 18-22, 2009
  • Puget Sound Fresh Farm Guide deliveries: TBD

Volunteer Thanks!

Erin Schau, Mark McIntyre, Alison Leber and Bob Hilgenberg for sharing their enthusiasm about the good work of CHC to consumers at the Whole Foods Thanksgiving Passport event.

Tim Bernthal for helping register participants and handle the cash at our recent event with Michael Ableman - and Kate Halstead for wrangling an appropriate projector and the skill to make it work!

Ashley DeForest for sharing her great creativity and talents in helping us draft a community outreach strategy.

Lydia Caudil for helping with market research comparing food sales at chain grocery stores, local grocery stores and farmers markets - AND the Eat Local for Thanksgiving campaign.

Aaron Harmon for conducting processor surveys as part of the Puget Sound Food Project, data entry and crafting the weekly email blasts for the Eat Local for Thanksgiving campaign.

