The Diptera Site
Research & Collections
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The Diptera Site

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Research Reports

NAMES: The Keys To Biodiversity (Thompson)
Rare and Little Known Flies (Various Authors)
Flower Fly (Syrphidae) Projects (Thompson)

Archives of Diptera

Translations of Critical Diptera Papers:
Wiedemann Prefaces (Translated by Adrian Pont)
Wiedemann's Editorial Reminder (1817, Zoologisches Magazin) (Translated by Martin Spies)

Rare and Little Known Diptera Papers:
ACHIAS: Dipterorum Genus, A Fabricio Condutum; Illustratum Novisque Speciebus Auctun et Conventui Physicorum Germanorum oblatum (Chr. Rud. Guil. Wiedemann)
Une Notice sur une mouche carnivore, accompagnee d'une planche; par le Directeur perpetuel de la Societe (Gotthelf Fischer)

Content by F. Christian Thompson
Please send questions and comments to Chris Thompson.
Last Updated: November 23, 2005 by Irina Brake