publications | cgc

MCS Climate and Global Change Reports

The following reports are listed in numerical order.  For more information, please contact Judy Beumer at beumer@mcs.anl.gov.

CGC-001.pdf, or CGC-001.htm


J. Taylor, "Workshop Report - Bridging the Climate Information Gap," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-001-0200, February 2000. Workshop held at Argonne National Laboratory Sept. 29, 1999.
CGC-002.pdf J. A. Taylor and J. C. Orr, "The Natural Latitudinal Distribution of Atmospheric CO2," Global and Planetary Change 26 (2000), pp. 375-386.  Also Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-002-0400, April 2000.
CGC-003.pdf R. D. Doctor, J. A. Taylor, and J. D. Shannon, "Atmospheric Mercury -- Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Sources, and Sinks," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-003-0600, January 2000.
CGC-004.pdf J. Taylor, "Global Environmental Management: A Historical Perspective," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-004-0900, September 2000.
CGC-005.ps.Z, CGC-005.pdf R. Jacob, C. Schafer, I. Foster, M. Tobis, and J. Anderson, "Computational Design and Performance of the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model, Version One," Proc. 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, eds. V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, C. J. K. Tan, Springer-Verlag (to appear 2001).   Also  Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-005-0401, April 2001.
CGC-006.ps.Z, CGC-006.pdf L. R. Leung, J. G. Michalakes, and X. Bian, "Parallelization of a Subgrid Orographic Precipitation Scheme in an MM5-based Regional Climate Model," Proc. 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, eds. V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, C. J. K. Tan, Springer-Verlag (to appear 2001).  Also Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-006-0401, April 2001.
CGC-007.ps.Z. CGC-007.pdf J. W. Larson, R. L. Jacob, I. Foster, and J. Guo, "The Model Coupling Toolkit," Proc. 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, eds. V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, C. J. K. Tan, Springer-Verlag (to appear 2001).  Also Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-007-0401, April 2001.
CGC-008.pdf J. Taylor and J. Larson, "Resolution Dependence in Modeling Extreme Weather Events," Proc. 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, eds. V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, C. J. K. Tan, Springer-Verlag (to appear 2001).  Also Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-008-0401, April 2001.
CGC-009.pdf J. Taylor, J. Larson, and S. Voeltz, "Climate Modeling at the Regional Scale," Int'l J. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (to appear).  Also Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-009-0601, June 2001.
CGC-010.pdf J. Taylor, M. Dvorak, and S. Mickelson, "Developing Grid Based Infrastructure for Climate Modeling," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-010-0102, January 2002.
CGC-011.ps.Z, CGC-011.pdf M. Dvorak, J. Taylor, and S. Mickelson, "Designing a Flexible Grid Enabled Scientific Modeling Interface," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-011-0102, January 2002.
CGC-012.pdf, CGC-012-Figures.pdf, CGC-012-Table1.pdf, CGC-012-Tables2and3.pdf


C. J. Anderson, R. W. Arritt, E. S. Takle, Z. Pan, W. J. Gutowski, Jr., F. O. Otieno, R. da Silva, D. Caya, S.-C. Chen, J. H. Christensen, D. Lüthi, M. A. Gaertner, C. Gallardo, F. Giorgi, S.-Y. Hong, C. Jones, H.-M. H. Juang, J. J. Katzfey, W. M. Lapenta, R. Laprise, J. W. Larson, G. E. Liston, J. L. McGregor, R. A. Pielke, Sr., J. O. Roads, J. A. Taylor, "Hydrological Processes in Regional Climate Model Simulations of the Central United States Flood of June-July 1993," J. Hydrometeor. 4 (2003), pp. 584-598.  Also  Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-012-0402, April 2002.
CGC-013.pdf S. A. Mickelson, J. A. Taylor, and M. Dvorak, "Simplifying the Task of Generating Climate Simulations and Visualizations," Climate and Global Change Report ANL/CGC-013-0402, April 2002.
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