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Resources for Research

Computers and advanced visualization systems are becoming increasingly fundamental to the advancement of science and engineering, complementing and in some cases substituting for conventional methods of theory and experiment.

Advanced Computing Facilities In the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne, we provide access to world-class supercomputing resources (e.g., our Chiba City Linux cluster) integrated with advanced visualization and support for wide area real-time collaborations. These resources are intended to enable a new generation of computational science applications that couple massive computation with immersive visualization.
TeraGrid Argonne, together with seven other institutions, is developing the world's largest distributed computing infrastructure devoted to scientific research. The DTF will provide more than 40 teraflops (trillions of calculations per second) of computing power.
Divisional Computing Resources The division computing environment is based on a network of diverse computing devices, including Linux machines, MACs, and Windows systems. .
Futures Laboratory The Argonne Futures Laboratory performs basic and applied research in advanced communications, collaboration, and visualization technologies (e.g., teleimmersion) to enable the development of wide-area collaborative computational science. Our focus is on the development and evaluation of high-end technologies and systems that extend and complement commercially available tools and resources.
Distributed Systems Laboratory Networked "virtual supercomputers," composed dynamically from diverse components, promise to become increasing important in scientific problem solving. The DSL is dedicated to making distributed supercomputing systems broadly accessible for computational science and engineering.  The DSL equipment includes parallel computers, high-performance workstations, large databases, and VR devices.
Laboratory for Advanced Numerical Software Researchers in the Laboratory for Advanced Numerical Software (LANS) conduct basic and applied research leading to new algorithms and software that fully exploit high-performance computers. We envision that this new technology will lay the groundwork for new scientific insights and approaches for solving challenging problems in science and engineering.
Optimization Technology Center


Designed to enable users to solve optimization problems easily and automatically over the Internet, the OTC includes state-of-the-art optimization solvers (with user guides), a Web browser, a submission tool (a high-speed socket-based interface for Unix workstations), and an interface with automatic differentiation tools. The user simply submits a problem specification; the NEOS Server provides the solution, as well as derivatives and sparsity patterns for nonlinear problems.  The OTC is a collaborative effort of Argonne and Northwestern University seeking to make potential users in industry, government, and academia aware of how optimization techniques can aid their work.
Frequently Asked Questions MCS maintains a list of FAQs -- and answers! -- about computer architecture, Web use, slide production, mail systems, and printers.
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