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Wylie C. Barrow, Jr., Ph.D.


Wylie Barrow pictureWylie C. Barrow, Jr., Ph.D. 1990. Louisiana State University. Bird-habitat relationships, foraging ecology of passerines, stopover biology of Neotropical migratory landbirds, and conservation biology of birds and their habitats.

Barrow's research has focused on studies of Neotropical migratory landbirds during the breeding season in bottomland hardwoods of the southern United States and during the nonbreeding periods in coastal forests of the Chenier Plain and rain forests of southern Mexico. He is currently exploring the use of Doppler radar for providing an instantaneous, broad-scale, and quantitative measurement of bird abundance in relation to landscape features. Other research has involved habitat relations of endangered Puerto Rican parrots.

Prothonotary Warbler picture

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Barrow's NWRC Publications

The following list of publications is current only through 2001. For an update, please go to the online NWRC publications data base ( to search for the bibliographic citations of individual staff members.


Barrow, W.C., Jr., C. Chen, R.B. Hamilton, K. Ouchley, and T.J. Spengler. 2000. Disruption and restoration of en route habitat, a case study: the Chenier Plain. Studies in Avian Biology 20:71-87.

Barrow, W.C., Jr., and D.N. Pashley. 1997. Wilsonia citrina (Verdin de Capucha, hooded warbler). Pages 568-569 in Enrique Gonzáles Soriano, Rodolfo Dirzo, and Richard C. Vogt, eds. Historia Natural de Los Tuxtlas. Universidad Naticional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.

Barrow, W.C., Jr., and D.N. Pashley. 1997. Baisileuterus culicivorus (Verdin coronidorada, Golden-crowned warbler). Pages 557-558 in Enrique Gonzáles Soriano, Rodolfo Dirzo, and Richard C. Vogt, eds. Historia Natural de Los Tuxtlas. Universidad Naticional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.

Gutzwiller, K.J., and W.C. Barrow, Jr. 2001. Bird-landscape relations in the Chihuahuan Desert: coping with uncertainties about predictive models. Ecological Applications 11(5):1517-1532.

Leberg, P.L., T.J. Spengler, and W.C. Barrow, Jr. 1996. Lipid and water depletion in migrating passerines following passage over the Gulf of Mexico. Oecologia 106:1-7.

Ouchley, K., R.B. Hamilton, W.C. Barrow, Jr., and K. Ouchley. 2000. Historic and present-day forest conditions: implications for bottomland hardwood forest restoration. Ecological Restoration 18(1):21-25.

Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and W.C. Barrow, Jr. 1999. Winter ecology of the endangered Golden-cheeked warbler. The Condor 101:762-770.

Spengler, T.J., P.L. Leberg, and W.C. Barrow, Jr. 1995. Comparison of condition indices in migratory passerines at a stopover site in coastal Louisiana. The Condor 97:438-444.

Other Peer Reviewed Publications

Antrobus, T.J., M.P. Builfoyle, W.C. Barrow, Jr., P.B. Hamel, and J.S. Wakely. 2000. Bird community composition. Pages 32-35 in M.K. Burke and M.H. Eisenbies, editors. The Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-38. Asheville, NC.

Barrow, W.C., Jr., 2001, Interactions between migrant landbirds and an invasive exotic plant: the Chinese tallow tree: Flyway, v. 8, no. 1, p. 11.

Barrow, W.C., Jr., 2001, Interactions between migrant landbirds and an invasive exotic plant: the Chinese tallow tree: Louisiana Wildlife News, December, 2000, 5.

Barrow, W.C., Jr., K. Ouchley, C. Chen, and R. B. Hamilton. 1994. A simple and inexpensive system for elevating mist nets. National Biological Survey Research Information Bulletin 33. 2 pp.

Cordes, C.L., and W.C. Barrow, Jr. 1996. The National Biological Services's Neotropical Bird Research Program in the Chenier Plain of the Gulf of Mexico. Pages 31-34 in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Minerals Management Service's Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Guilfoyle, M.P., W.C. Barrow, Jr., P.B. Hamel, J.S. Wakeley, S.L. King, and T.J. Antrobus. 2000. Response of bird communities to natural disturbance. Pages 34-35 in M.K. Burke and M.H. Eisenbies, editors. The Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-38. Asheville, NC.

Meyers, J.M., F.J. Vilella, and W.C. Barrow. 1993. Positive effects from Hurricane Hugo: record years for Puerto Rican parrots nesting in the wild. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin 18(1):1, 10.

Pashley, D.M., and W.C. Barrow. 1993. Effects of land use practices on neotropical migratory birds in bottomland hardwood forests. Pages 315-320 in D. Finch, and P. Stangel, eds. Status and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds. U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report RM-229. 420 pp.

Spengler, T.J., W.C. Barrow, and P. Leberg. 1996. Lipid and water depletion in migrating passerines following passage over the Gulf of Mexico. National Biological Service Information Bulletin 14. 3 pp.

Wilson, S., W.C. Barrow, K. Ouchley, and R.B. Hamilton. 1994. A microvideo camera for inspecting nests. National Biological Survey Research Information Bulletin 34. 2 pp.

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