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Image Gallery

WTC Fire Experiment Images | Gallery of Recovered World Trade Center Steel at NIST | Computer Simulations of World Trade Center | Metallurgy of World Trade Center Steel | Microanalysis of Recovered World Trade Center Steel

Gallery of WTC Fire Experiment Images (click on images to see high-resolution version)

fire experiment showing simulated wall of buildings with flames.

WTC Fire Experiment #6 shortly after initiation of fire

Multiple (three) typical WTC North Tower workstation cubicles with Jet A fuel sprayed on them are inside this experimental setup. Left side of enclosure front has glass wall. Right side of enclosure front has simulated exterior columns without glass (the space between the "columns" is the same distance apart as the actual columns in the WTC North Tower).

This experiment was conducted in December 2003 to validate the ability of computer models to predict the heat release rate as a function of time accounting for different kinds of combustibles and ventilation. Similar tests were conducted on single workstations in the Summer of 2003.

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WTC Fire Experiment #6 showing build-up of fire.

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WTC Fire Experiment #6 showing room completely enveloped in flames and showing failure of two glass panels (on left).

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Three-dimensional computer model of NIST fire experiment setup showing three typical WTC North Tower workstations.

Simulated exterior columns without glass are shown on right wall.

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Typical WTC North Tower workstations as set up prior to a NIST fire experiment.

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Typical WTC North Tower workstations as set up prior to a NIST fire experiment.

Openings in wall represent exterior columns of the WTC North Tower (the space between each "column" is the same distance apart as the actual columns in the tower).

Wrapped poles in picture support temperature-measuring thermocouples.

(click on image to see high resolution version)


WTC Steel Truss Burn Experiment

Uninsulated steel truss (black parallel beams with triangular connections) similar, but not exactly the same as those used in the towers. The burn experiments of this truss type and the one below were used to validate the ability of computer models to predict the temperature rise of uninsulated structural steel elements.

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Two steel trusses, one steel column and one steel rod (all insulated) prior to NIST WTC burn experiment.

(click on image to see high resolution version)








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Last updated: 01/15/04