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Links to video B-roll and computer simulated animations for WTC investigation


  1. Video showing various aspects of fire tests of truss elements similar to ones in the WTC towers. (May 7, 2003)

  2. Video showing recovered WTC steel, early WTC computer simulations and microanalysis of steel. (Aug. 21, 2002)

  3. Video showing fire test of mockup WTC office environment with multiple workstations—from two camera angles (December 2003)

  4. High-speed video (30,000 frames per second) of a 4-millimeter-square sample of WTC steel being impact tested by NIST's Kolsky Bar apparatus to determine the steel's response to stress similar to the impact of an aircraft. (December 2003)


  1. Comparison of two computer simulations of the fire behavior in the upper stories of the WTC North Tower (1 WTC) based on different internal conditions and fuel distribution. The left simulation shows very large flames extending from the exterior damage holes with the right showing few flames extending out. The simulation on the right seems to agree more with pictorial records:

  2. Simulation of the WTC South Tower (2 WTC) fireball seconds after impact of the plane:

  3. A computer simulation showing the smoke plume generated by the fire in the WTC North Tower (1 WTC).

  4. A computer simulation showing the combining of the smoke plumes generated from the fires in the upper stories of WTC North and South Towers (1 WTC and 2 WTC):

  5. Computer simulation showing the impact of a Boeing 767 aircraft engine into an exterior wall panel and two core columns of a WTC tower.

  6. Computer simulation showing the impact of a Boeing 767 aircraft engine into an exterior wall panel, floor system and core columns of a WTC tower.

  7. Computer simulation (containing 90,000 elements) showing the response of the WTC North Tower to wind loads.

  8. Computer simulation showing some of the progression of the fires on the 97th floor of the WTC North Tower.

  9. Computer simulation (containing 40,000 elements) showing the response of the 96th floor of the WTC North Tower to gravity loads.

  10. Computer simulation showing the response to gravity and elevated temperatures of a strip of floor (including floor trusses and concrete slab) connected to an exterior column of a WTC tower.




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Last updated: 8/15/06