Kentucky State University

Pest Management

Research Focus

Evaluation, development, and integration of entomopathogens, transgenic insecticidal cultivars (TIC), parasitoids, and predators for management of beetle and moth pests of stored products. Primary interests are evaluation and development of novel isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and TIC for controlling beetle and moth pests of stored grains (corn), interactions of Bt, TIC, and beneficial insects, life histories of parasitoids and predators, environmental studies, deployment protocols, and impact on grain quality. The overall objective is to develop alternative management tactics and strategies for management of insect pests of stored grain that minimize reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides.

Current Projects

  • "Impact of Transgenic Grain on Pest and Beneficial Insect Populations Under Different Storage Conditions"
  • "Life History Attributes of Stored Grain Moth Pests as Influenced by Bacillus thuringiensis Cry 1Ab, MPG 2, Cry 1 Ab + MPG 2, Cry 1F, and Cry 9C Transformed Corn"
  • "Influence of Cry 3 and 168G1 Transformed Corn Kernels on Stored Grain Beetle Pests"
  • "Resistance of Stored Grain Moth Pests to Transgenic Grain"


  • John Sedlacek, Principal Investigator
  • Open Position, Co-Investigator

Student Involvement

Undergraduate and Graduate students conduct original research related to the current projects being investigated. Undergraduate students may satisfy Biology Department major requirements by enrolling in BIO 410 and conducting one or more experiments and writing a paper on the research they perform. Exceptionally talented students are hired as part time undergraduate research assistants during the school year and for full time summer employment. Graduate students conduct research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Currently I have three M.S. students working on degree programs and conducting their research in my laboratory and at the stored grain research facility at the KSU Agricultural Research Farm. Two undergraduate students are working in my laboratory this year and are conducting BIO 410 related research.

Recent Publications

Sedlacek, J. D., A. M. Hanley and T. M. Wilkins. 2003. Implications of Bacillus thuringiensis transgenic corn in stored product insect management and ecology. Thirteenth Biennial Research Symposium 2003, p. 100.

Sedlacek, J. D., B. D. Price and A. M. Hanley. 2001. Insect fauna of ear corn stored in cribs on small farms in Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(1): 82-83.

Sedlacek, J. D., S. R. Komaravalli, A. M. Hanley and B. D. Price. 2001. Life history attributes of Indian meal moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Angoumois grain moth (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) reared on transgenic corn kernels. Journal of Economic Entomology 94(2): 586-592. PS (CAP 94-38814-0593)

Sedlacek, J.D., S. R. Komaravalli, A.M Hanley, B.D. Price, and P.M. Davis. 2001. Life History Attributes of Indian Meal Moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Pyralidae) and Angoumois Grain Moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Gelechiidae) Reared on Transgenic Corn Kernels. (In press, J. Econ. Entomol.)

Faulkner, J. R., A. M. Hanley, B. D. Price and J. D. Sedlacek. 2001. Influence of Cry9C Bacillus thuringiensis transformed corn kernels on two stored product moth pests in the laboratory. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(1): 80.

Hanley, A. M., J. D. Sedlacek, B. D. price and M. R. Tinsley. 2001. Impact of Cry1Ab transformed corn kernels on Indian meal moth and Angoumois grain moth populations in farm storage. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(1): 80.

Price, B. D., J. D. Sedlacek and A. M. Hanley. 2001. Effect of several beetle-active Bacillus thuringiensis products on life history attributes of lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(1): 82.

Rivers, L. III, A. M. Hanley, B. D. Price and J. D. Sedlacek. 2001. Influence of Cry1AaAbAc2A Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin on a non-target parasitoid, Habrobraconhebetor. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(1): 82.

Hanley, A. M., J. D. Sedlacek and B. D. Price. 2000. Resistance development of several Indian meal moth strains to Dipel, a commercially available Bt product. Association of Research Directors 12th Biennial Research Symposium, p. 40-41.

Price, B. D., J. D. Sedlacek and A. M. Hanley. 2000. Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis treated Indian meal moth larvae on several life history attributes of Habrobraconhebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Association of Research Directors 12th Biennial Research Symposium, p. 39.

Rivers, L. III, J. D. Sedlacek, B. D. Price and A. M. Hanley. 2000. The effects of several beetle-active Bacillus thuringiensis products assayed against maize weevil, Sitophiluszeamais Motschulsky, using artificial kernels. Association of Research Directors 12th Biennial Research Symposium, p. 38.

Sedlacek, J. D., A. M. Hanley, B. D. Price and T. M. Wilkins. 2000. Unforeseen advantages and potential disadvantages of Bacillus thuringiensis transformed corn kernels in the post-harvest environment. Association of Research Directors 12th Biennial Research Symposium, p. 69.

Sedlacek, J.D. and P.V. Vail. 2000. Application and Evaluation of Entomopathogens for Managing Lepidoptera in Stored Products. In Field Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology, (eds. L. Lacey and H. Kaya). Klewer Netherlands

Wilkens, T. M., John D. Sedlacek, Anthony M. Hanley and Bryan D. Price. 2000. Survival, fecundity, and development of Indian meal moth and Angoumois grain moth on Bacillus thuringiensis transformed seed corn. Association of Research Directors 12th Biennial Research Symposium, p. 50.

Price, B.D., J.D. Sedlacek and P.A. Weston. 1999. Quality of on-farm stored shelled corn as influenced by pirimiphos-methyl and thiabendazole. J. Entomol. Sci. 34: 225-238.

Sedlacek, J.D., B.D. Price, M.J. Sharkey and S.J. Hill, Jr. 1998. Parasitoids found in on-farm stored shelled corn in Kentucky. J. Agric. Entomol. 15: 223-230.

Sedlacek, J.D., R.J. Barney, P.A. Weston and B.D. Price. 1998. Efficacy of malathion against coleopteran populations in newly-harvested vs year-old stored corn. J. Entomol. Sci. 33: 282-291

Sedlacek, J.D., P.A. Weston, B.D. Price, and P.L. Rattlingourd. 1998. Survey of insect pests in shelled corn stored on-farm in Kentucky. J. Entomol. Sci. 33: 171-179.

Hill, S.J.,Jr., J.D. Sedlacek, P.A. Weston, J.H. Tidwell, K.D. Davis, and W.L. Knight. 1997. Effects of diet and organic fertilization on water quality, and benthic macroinvertebrate populations in ponds used to culture freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. J. Applied Aquaculture. 7: 19-32.

Tidwell, J.H., S.D. Coyle, C.D. Webster, J.D. Sedlacek, P.A. Weston, W.L. Knight, S.J. Hill, Jr., L.R. D’Abramo, W.H. Daniels, and M.J. Fuller. 1996. Relative prawn production and macroinvertebrate densities in unfed, organically fertilized, and fed pond systems. Aquaculture. 149: 227-242.