Programs - Overview

Contract Agriculture Reform

In the face of record low commodity prices and ever-increasing market concentration, RAFI's Contract Agriculture Reform program promotes fair and equitable contract arrangements between individual farmers and processors.

Farm Sustainability

This program assists farmers and communities in adapting to changes in agriculture with sustainable solutions. The program provides skilled in-depth farm planning and financial counseling, assists farmers with access to federal agriculture programs, provides research and analysis of farm policy impacts on farms and rural communities and advises independent marketing and conservation initiatives aimed at assisting small and mid-scale farmers. It also trains farmers, communities and churches in disaster assistance and addressing community issues resulting from disasters and farm loss.

Tobacco Communities Initiatives

RAFI serves as a resource for farmers and communities seeking to survive changes in the tobacco economy, and promotes the reinvestment fund model as a way for state and private agencies to support agricultural enterprise in tobacco dependent communities.

Just Foods

An umbrella term for a set of RAFI activities aimed at promoting a systems-approach to achieving a more sustainable food and fiber supply. It is one that not only strengthens biodiversity and food security, but also models and supports fairness, justice and equity-based means of producing food and fiber.