Kentucky State University

Pathways and Access to Careers in Technology (PACT) Summer Program

The PACT Program began in July of 2006 by the Land Grant Program of Kentucky State University. It was developed to motivate high-achieving middle school students to pursue careers in technology, science, mathematics, and related fields of study. The program is based upon a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum1 that encourages critical thinking and enhances interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.

Students are primarily recruited from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky to participate in this free, one-week, residential program. To participate in the program, a student must have completed the 5th, 6th, or 7th grades by June of 2007. Each student must also complete and/or submit an application, a 200-250 word essay (see application for essay topics), and a report card from the most recently completed grade. Acceptance to the PACT Program is highly-competitive and focuses on academic achievement, writing fluency, and classroom etiquette as reported by citizenship marks on student report cards.

Program Goals and Objectives

The PACT Program is designed for participants to:

  • Gain exposure to career opportunities related to technology within the areas of science and math.
  • Increase confidence levels in their ability to master concepts in science, math, and technology.
  • Gain hands-on experience creating alternate sources of energy and experiment with other scientific models.
  • Visit regional sites that use high-functioning technology in the areas of math and science.
  • Interact with local and regional professionals with expertise in science, technology, mathematics, and more

Program Format

Each child will remain in an assigned group according to grade level throughout the week. Every grade level will participate in workshops and activities that are appropriate based on age and grade level completed. The workshops have been either selected or created in alignment with benchmarks2 defined by the Commonwealth’s State Department of Education. Students are expected to have grade level mastery in math, science, computer literacy, and language arts to successfully participate in PACT workshops and activities.

The 2007 PACT Summer Program will focus on some of the technological and economic development challenges faced by some rural Kentucky communities. Each grade level will be assigned a challenge faced within the Commonwealth. They will be guided through library and field research to offer solutions to the specified challenge. Workshops and field trips will provide them with information for their research. By week’s end students will be able to describe the challenge and offer a solution to it based upon their library and field research. The final conclusions will be presented during the culminating banquet on Saturday, the final program day.

Contact Information:
Mrs. Rachael Steward, Interim Program Director
PACT Summer Program
Chappell Building Rm. 107
400 E. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

1PBL and the Lively Classroom. Kurt Burch. January 1995. A Newsletter of the Center of Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware. February 20, 1997.