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National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outlook 2002 Conference

Tuesday March 12, 2002

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Name of Session


Available Formats

Overview of the Annual Energy Outlook 2002

Mary J. Hutzler

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Keynote Address: What We Do and Do Not Know About How Electricity Markets Work

James Bushnell

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Electricity Deregulation after California: Status and Future Prospects - Scott Sitzer 

Challenges in Deregulating Electricity: Drawing the Right Lessions from California Timothy J. Brennan

PDF, Word

California Electricity: Where Do We Go from Here? Mark Bernstein

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

To Be or Not to Be?: The State of Retail Energy Competition Ken Malloy

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Future Natural Gas Price Uncertainty and the Financing of New Investments - Philip Budzik 

Technological Progress and Natural Gas Resource Depletion: Past Experience and a Prognostication of the Future Pulak Ray

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Natural Gas Prices: Riding the Roller Coaster Bruce Henning


Impact of Price Volantlity on New Gas Projects Adam Sieminski

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

IT Sector Growth and Electricity Demand in Buildings - Steven H. Wade  - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

IT-Related Electricity Demand in Annual Energy Outlook 2002 Erin Boedecker

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Latest Measured Data on Data Center Power Use in the U.S. Jonathan G. Koomey

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Energy Consumption by Commercial Office and Telecommunications Equipment Kurt W. Roth


New Developments in International Energy Modeling - Andy S. Kydes 
Incorporating Learn-by-doing into the MERGE Model Alan S. Manne

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Overview and Special Features of the SAGE Model Pia Hartman

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Bottom-up, Top-Down, and Non-Convex: Recent Modeling Efforts at IIASA-ECS Leo Schrattenholzer

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF  

Ethanol on the Brink: Significant Growth and New Technology - James M. Kendell 
Cellulose Ethanol Technology in an Expected Market John Sheehan

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Agricultural Requirements for an Expanded Ethanol Industry John Urbanchuck

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Storage and Distribution Requuirements for an Expanded Ethanol Industry Robert Reynolds

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Challenges in Transportation Services: Will Railroads, Pipelines, and Transmission Systems Meet the Needs? - Robert T. Eynon 

Natural Gas Transmission Infrastructure: How Much is Necessary, at What Cost, and Who Pays For It? Kevin Petak

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Transmission Limitations, Pricing Pitfalls Ted Humann

HTML, Powerpoint

Transportation - The Next Battleground Stan Kaplan

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Potential Markets for alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles - John D. Maples

The Future of ZEV Mandates: Concerns and Potential Impacts David Hermance

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

EPAct Regulatory Programs Light Duty Vehicles Margo Melendez

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Infrastructure Requirements of Advanced Vehicles Using Natural-Gas-Based Fuels Marianne Millar Mintz

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Prospects for Industrial Energy Demand: Alternative Views - T. Crawford Honeycutt 

Industrial Energy Projections from Annual Energy Outlook 2002 Brian Unruh

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Modeling the Impacts of Voluntary/Information Programs on US Industry's Energy Intensity Gale Boyd

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Characterization and Analysis of Regional Energy-Efficiency Potential in Agriculture and Mining Sectors R. Neal Elliott

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Manufacturing Energy Use in IEA Countries: Long-term Impacts of Changes in Structure and Energy Intensities Fridtjof Unander

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Prospects for Renewables in U.S. Electricity Supply: Opportunities and Barriers Through 2020 - Thomas W. Petersik 

Estimating the Availability of U.S. Biomass Supplies for Energy Production Zia Haq

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Renewable and Emerging Generating Technologies in U.S. Electricity Markets Arnold Leitner

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

How Much Does Renewable Energy Really Cost? Steve Clemmer

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Renewable Power in California: Challenges and Opportunities Tim Tutt

HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


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