Soil Association

Soil Association


Displaying 5 stories
January 14

Soil Association wrote a note.

Wednesday at 6:32am
The Soil Association dismissed claims made by the pesticide industry that all carrot growing in the UK may cease if the proposed EU legislation on pesticides is approved as "nonsense".

Organic farmers prove you can grow good crops with minimal or no use of pesticides.
December 4

Soil Association uploaded a new video.

December 4 at 9:26am
3:50 Added about a month ago
December 3

Soil Association wrote a note.

December 3 at 7:44am
At an awards ceremony in London in December, The Prince of Wales praised 26 schools in England for their contribution to organic and locally-produced food.

The Prince of Wales has long-believed in the importance of young people knowing where their food comes from.
November 5

Soil Association wrote a note.

November 5 at 2:45am
Did you know that some nurseries spend a pitiful 25p a child for a day's food?

That colourings and additives not allowed in manufactured foods for children are allowed in nursery food?
September 21

Soil Association wrote a note.

September 21 at 2:50pm
Worldwide, there has only been one published trial on the effect of GM food on humans. It was carried out by Newcastle University for the UK government's the Food Standards Agency. Despite worrying results, the trial - published in 2004 - has never been repeated.


Company Overview:
First things first. Become a fan (with one click, top right). Now we can send you important organic updates.

Organic food is grown as nature intended, harnessing the power of the sun.

Organic food is good for the planet. There are more birds, butterflies, bats and wildflowers on organic farms.

You might expect something this vital to be government-supported. But it isn't.

It's a charity - and relies on your help.
Save our planet - choose organic!
We are THE pioneering and leading global organic charity and you are its lifeblood.
Displaying 5 of 19 wall posts.
Jackie wrote at 5:37am yesterday
I live in london and I am interested in vouluntering on an organic farm and also doing an organic farming course can anyone help me please with info

Marisa wrote at 7:07am on January 8th, 2009
If anyone has a question about organic food and farming, there's a wealth of information on the Soil Association website here:

Best wishes
Soil Association wrote at 3:39pm on December 11th, 2008
It's a mixed picture because business is steady for many. Triodos the ethical bank reports no slowdown in requests for organic loans, according to the latest issue of Organic Farming. The organic market stayed healthy during the last recession. In fact Green & Black's organic chocolate launched mid-recession, growing massively, right from the start. Organic is not a fad - once people 'get' quality, naturally-grown food, they don't go back.
Toni wrote at 2:37am on December 10th, 2008
How recession effects organic farming, purchasing? it is opportunity for expansion or not?
Sarah wrote at 4:49am on November 14th, 2008
I'm setting up a local Soil Association group in York - we're going to be buying organic meat direct from producers, maybe setting up a community orchard, going on farm visits etc. If you live in York and would like more info then message me!

Best way to help small producers?

2 posts by 2 people. Updated on May 31, 2008 at 1:25am

Why is organic food popular?

2 posts by 1 person. Updated on April 21, 2008 at 7:32am