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Individual and Family Services Program

The Individual and Family Services Program is a different approach to the old Family Support programs.

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The legislature has asked the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to consolidate its three existing Family Support programs into a single program.  The new program will be called the Individual and Family Services Program.  The intent is:

  • To partner with families as care providers for children with developmental disabilities and adults who choose to live in the family home;
  • That individual and family services be centered on the needs of the person with a developmental disability and the family; and
  • To the maximum extent possible, individuals and families must be given choice of services and exercise control over the resources available to them.

Background of Individual and Family Services Program

DDD has been operating multiple Family Support Programs (Traditional, Opportunities and Pilot).  DDD has wanted to combine the multiple programs into a single program.  In November 2006 DDD and stakeholder representatives submitted a report to the legislature requesting a new, combined Family Support program. 

In April 2007 the Washington State Legislature passed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5467 which instructed the Division of Developmental Disabilities to create the new Individual and Family Services Program.  The new program is very similar to what the DDD and its stakeholder representatives had requested.

The new program will include the following:


The Individual and Family Services (IFS) Program allows participants to use their allocation to pay for any of the following services related to, and resulting from, their disability and identified and agreed to in your DDD Assessment Individual Support Plan (ISP):

  • Respite Care
  • Therapies
  • Architectural and vehicular modifications
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Specialized nutrition and clothing
  • Excess medical costs not covered by another source
  • Co-pays for medical and therapeutic services
  • Transportation
  • Training
  • Counseling
  • Behavior management
  • Parent/Sibling education
  • Recreational opportunities

Need-Based Allocations

To receive funding in the new Individual and Family Services program a DDD assessment must be administered to determine the person’s need.  Once the need has been established the funding amount will be based on the person’s level of need.  There are four allocations:

  • Level 1 = $2000
  • Level 2 = $3000
  • Level 3 = $4000 
  • Level 4 = $6000

Transition from Traditional Family Support, Family Support Opportunities, and Family Support Pilot

Current Family Support participants will transition to the IFS program beginning in July 2007.   Starting in the fall, new participants will be brought onto the IFS program over a period of time.  Families and individuals who are known to have emergent and/or high needs situations and families and individuals who have been waiting the longest will be assessed for participation in the program. 
The family member must:

  • Be determined eligible for DDD services;
  • Require assistance in meeting their needs;
  • Have the eligible family member living with her/his family.
  • Have a DDD Assessment administered to determine need level. 

When the person's eligibility for the program is determined, the continuing eligibility may be time limited and subject to review. 

Overall Timeline

The transition from the current family support programs to the Individual and Family Services Program will occur over time.  People who are currently receiving family support will be gradually transitioned to the new program starting July 1, 2007.   Other people will start being added to the new program beginning in Fall 2007.

Current Status

DDD is currently drafting new rules (WAC) for the Individual and Family Services Program.  These rules will explain how the program will work.

How to Participate 

To review the draft rules and/or to be involved in the rule making process, contact the Rules and Policy Assistance Unit (RPAU) at (360) 664-6094 or

Resources and Other Information

Contact Information

For more information about the Individual and Family Services Project, contact the program manager at: (360) 725-3415

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