Home > Energy Finance >Mergers and Alliances > Mergers and Acquisitions by U.S. Major Oil Companies
Mergers and Acquisitions by U.S. Major Oil Companies

The structure of the U.S. oil industry has changed substantially over the past several years.   The following two presentations summarize the mergers and acquisitions of the U.S. major oil companies that have occurred, in some cases, over approximately the last 20 years.   The mergers and acquisitions included in the following two summary presentations are confined to transactions that represented the merger of entire companies (or at least the entirety of the corporate U.S. oil and gas production or U.S. refining operations). Transactions that involved only some of the corporate assets within the relevant line of business (i.e., U.S. oil and gas production or U.S. refining) are omitted here. (The dates given for the transactions are intended to be the date the transaction closed. Please forward any corrections to the author at the indicated e-mail address.)

Genealogy of Major U.S. Oil and Gas Producers (PDF-format, 3 pages, 22 kilobytes)

Genealogy of Major U.S. Petroleum Refiners (PDF-format, 4 pages, 31 kilobytes)

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URL: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/finance/mergers/summary.html

File last modified: January 18, 2007

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Neal Davis
(202) 586-6581