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Contents|Florida Botany|Native Plants|Endangered Plants|E-Flora |Everglades| Links|Research|Poisonous, Invasive and Pest Plants

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Common Names of Plants

New Links! In case you are wondering, What is Shea Butter?

Read this new book by Daniel F. Austin, Research Associate, Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coral Gables, FL
Florida Ethnobotany

Winner of the 2005 Klinger Book Award
Presented by The Society for Economic Botany


grey2.gif (875 bytes)Florida Botanical Research Groups
The Who's Who of who's working on what and where.

grey2.gif (875 bytes)General links for Botanists

grey2.gif (875 bytes)Florida Botany

Aspects of Florida botany.

grey2.gif (875 bytes)Florida Native Plants
Nature's choice for the Florida Landscape.

grey2.gif (875 bytes)Florida Endangered and Threatened Plants
They say endangered means there's still time.

grey2.gif (875 bytes)Mangroves
The mangrove ecosystem in Florida; information on mangroves worldwide,

grey2.gif (875 bytes)Sustainable Everglades Library
Keeping up with the destruction and restoration of the Everglades ecosystem


Do Panhandle State Botanists (PSB) think alike? Find out by reading  Scott's Botanical Links
Scott's (University of Oklahoma, Norman) database can be searched from floridaplants.com! Teachers, students, and researchers find receiving the Botanical-Link-of-the-Day a useful service. If you'd like to receive the Link please auto-enroll on Scott's Listserv.
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Bot-Linx or Nominate a site for review.

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Above Hymenocallis "Spider Lily"

Below Crinum "String Lily"
Images from Kerry Dressler's Southern Aquatic Plants

crinumam1.htm.JPG (22453 bytes)

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