Issues - Disaster Programs

Disasters are an inevitable part of farming. Federal risk management and relief programs provide crucial protection for family farms. However, farming is experiencing structural changes in ownership, products and markets, and federal disaster programs are falling behind.

RAFI-USA provides assistance to individual farmers seeking access to disaster and risk management programs, provides training for farmers and farm advisors on the range of disaster programs available for farmers, and provides policy analysis of disaster programs based on our experience with individual farmers and our knowledge of federal agricultural policy.

Current disaster and risk management programs provide little or no coverage for a growing number of farms. In addition to facingdisaster losses unassisted , farmers with inadequate disaster protection have trouble accessing credit and face an economic disadvantage.

Gaps in risk management have broad implications. RAFI has long advocated for the ability of farmers to transition to emerging markets for environmentally-beneficial products. These products bring a greater percentage of the food dollar back to the farm and provide environmental and health benefits to our communities. The widening gaps in federal protection create an economic disincentive for farmers making this transition, and increase the risk of losing the farm for those who do.

RAFI advocates for disaster and risk management policies that support family farmers in increasing the sustainability of their farms. Better risk management can save farms and help our changing rural economies thrive.

Disaster Updates

July 29, 2008 - Farmers without crop insurace or NAP may certify crops for disaster programs until Sept. 16, 2008

April 22, 2008 - Cost-Share Program to Help N.C. Farmers Recovering from Drought

January 28, 2008 - N.C. Farmers Should Sign Up Now for 2007 Disaster Damages

December 17, 2007 - Deadline for 2005 - Feb. 2007 Disaster Programs Extended

August 27, 2007 - USDA Announces Sign-Ups for Losses Suffered Feb. 28 - Dec 31, 2007

May 29, 2007 - USDA Declares N.C. Counties Disaster Area; Congress Approves Disaster Provisions

USDA Farm Service Agency Fact Sheets for 2007 Disasters

Livestock Compensation Program

Livestock Indemnity Program

Crop Disaster Program

Emergency Compensation Program

Emergency Forestry Conservation Reserve Program



RAFI provides expert knowledge in complex lending situations and two decades of experience fighting to keep family farmers on the land. We do not provide direct financial relief.

If you are a farmer in need of assistance, please call RAFI at (919) 542-1396 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday – Friday. If you need immediate assistance, please call Farm Aid at (800) FARM-AID.

The Farmer's Legal Action Group also provides disaster information, including The Farmer's Guide to Disaster Assistance.


Farmers without crop insurace or NAP may certify crops for disaster programs until Sept. 16, 2008

Congress added a waiver to the 2008 Farm Bill standing disaster programs that allows farmers who do not have either crop insurance or NAP to pay an administrative fee and certify their crops for disaster program participation. The deadline for this certification is September 16, 2008. Read the FSA fact sheet on the sign up here.

This is an important deadline for N.C. producers, especially small scale, specialty market and livestock producers. If they do not sign up now, they will not be eligible for disaster payments later.

Over the last few years, several important disaster programs have required participation in risk management programs, either crop insurance or the Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) for eligibility. Several of the provisions of the new standing disaster program in the 2008 farm bill also require this participation. The waiver was enacted because the 2008 sign up period for these programs had expired before the farm bill passed.

This sign up is especially important for small farms, specialty crop farms and direct or specialty market farms because risk management programs are least economically feasible for these farms, and they are therefore less likely to have the required participation. This sign up period allows them to gain access to the disaster programs that are taking shape in USDA. If they do not sign up before the September 16 deadline, they will not be eligible.



Disaster Programs and the Changing Face of Agriculture in North Carolina - This report explores the growing gap between the needs of North Carolina farmers and the protection provided by federal disaster programs. Read the executive summary (PDF) or the full report (PDF) online.

Disaster Programs Discourage Organic and Natural Food Production - Current disaster relief and crop insurance programs put organic and natural farmers at a serious diadvantage. Read this white paper (PDF) to learn why, and what can be changed.

Disaster Assistance for Reestablishment of Pasture - Scott Marlow, RAFI and Karen Krub, FLAG, Mar. 2008 - This white paper (PDF) discusses federal disaster assistance to help farmers reestablish pastures that were severely damaged by the 2007 drought.


Contact RAFI at (919) 542-1396.