Community Alliance with Family Farmers

POLICY :: Programs and Resources

Public Affairs

CAFF is a strong advocate for family-scale agriculture that cares for the land, sustains local economies and promotes social justice. It is CAFF's goal to change the course of agriculture and to do that, we need to influence institutions like the University of California, commodity boards, state and federal agencies and legislators who set public policy. Each of these institutions has a tremendous impact on food and farming issues. We're proud of our history of successful legislative efforts.

There are many opportunities to engage in each of these areas, so we have to be strategic and focused with our limited resources. Take a look at our recent updates on two key pieces of legislation -- Farm to School efforts and the GMO debate.

Our board of directors takes a strong role in setting the organization's policy directions. If you want to know more about this work, contact Dave Runsten, CAFF's Executive Director
Phone: (530) 756-8518 extension 25 Fax: (530) 756-7857
U.S. Mail: CAFF, P.O. Box 363, Davis, CA 95617

CAFF Policy Positions

Biological Farming

We work to direct additional public resources toward research and extension for biological farming. We advocate additional institutional support for programs that encourage creation of on-farm habitat for wildlife.

Water Resources

Urban residential development should not be allowed where local governments cannot demonstrate the availability of a reliable water supply.
The regulations established in SB 901 in 1999 should be strengthened.

Water markets should be structured so that they do not endanger rural communities, family farmers and the natural environment. If water markets are to occur, CAFF advocates regulations that provide:

  • Adequate public notification for potentially impacted parties
  • An evaluation process prior to approval of significant water transfers to prevent harm to farm communities or the environment
  • A database open to the public to track and monitor water transfers, including information necessary to evaluate economic and environmental impacts

CAFF supports water quality and efficiency measures that support both farmers and the environment. We advocate programs that provide assistance to farmers as they learn new techniques that reduce the use of chemicals that endanger the water supply.

CAFF advocates economic mitigation measures for farming communities impacted by water supply reductions.

In 2007-2008, CAFF with the following organizations came together to determine ways in which agriculture can, while remaining profitable, be a better steward of available water resources through better water management, reduced on-farm demand and/or improved water use efficiency and other strategies.

Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association
California Institute for Rural Studies
Ecological Farming Association
Polaris Institute
WATER Institute of the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center

This collaboration lead to the creation of Water Stewardship: Ensuring a Secure Future for California Agriculture . Download the PDF from California Agricultural Water Stewardship Initiative to learn more about the impact of agricultural water stewardship in California.

Farmland Protection

Publicly subsidized agricultural land retirement programs should include mitigation for impacted communities. Purchase of land from willing landowners is not sufficient because rural communities will be left with few options.

CAFF supports stronger land use planning tools at the local level. For example, local zoning and general plan processes should be strengthened to improve the effectiveness and quality of mitigation programs that protect farmland. We support adoption and enforcement of stronger ag elements in County General Plans.

CAFF supports restrictions on local general plan annexations. We support urban growth boundaries that limit or control the direction of growth.

CAFF advocates a land transfer process that prevents the conversion of farmland to development. We want to ensure that farm operations are valued in ways that minimize conversion to development during the probate, bankruptcy and foreclosure processes.

CAFF supports the work of Land Trusts to protect farmland.



CAFF supports a moratorium on genetically engineered food and crops until the following conditions are met:

  • objective, long-term testing of the impacts of any GMO on human health and the environment has been conducted,
  • results of such tests have been disseminated to farmers, consumers and any other affected parties,
  • farmers are assured full indemnification of liability,
  • all food containing GMOs should be labeled,
  • and GMO patent holders are held fully liable for any adverse impacts on human health and the environment resulting from GMOs developed with their technology.

CAFF is a founding member of the Californians for GE-Free Agriculture coalition.


State Legislation

You can get a copy of bills signed by the governor on the Senate and Assembly Web home pages: and

To contact your state senator, you can try to find them on the above home pages or go to

To see your legislative district maps, go to

Federal Legislation

You can get a copy of bills and reports on other activities at the United States Senate and House of Representatives Web home pages: and

To contact your United States Senator or Representative, you can try to find them on the above home pages or enter your zip code below which goes to the web site.

To see California's Congressional (and other legislative) district maps, go to

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