Kentucky State University

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) at Kentucky State University (KSU) assures that students with disabilities receive equal access to education by providing services and auxiliary aids in accordance with statutes in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Assistance to students is not limited to the aforementioned statutes as various other laws such as those pertaining to building accessibility and website accessibility are also applicable.

Special Education Liaison, Mrs. Bonnie Sobel, is an Instructional Counselor in the Communication Skills Center, conducts learning style assessments for DRC. She has earned a Bachelor of Science in Special Education from the University of Michigan and holds a Master Degree in Learning Disabilities from the University of Memphis. Mrs. Sobel also is a professional mediator and is astute in remedial intervention.

Peer Tutors

Kendis Smith, a Master of Public Administration degree seeker, serves as a peer tutor for DRC. Mr. Smith has taught on the college level and specializes in mathematic and computer science. Mr. Smith is often praised for his ability to simplify course work for hard to reach students.

Lalawna Jones, a senior honor student at KSU, tutors special needs students in English as well as other subjects. She is a Political Science major and is on-track to graduate Summa Cum Laude in the near future. Ms. Jones is often lauded for her patience and compassion with special needs students.

Note Takers and Readers

In addition to using assistive aids such as tape recorders, listening devices, screen readers, etc., DRC employs several Note Takers and Readers to assist its special needs students. These individuals sit in on courses being taken by the special needs students to assure that the materials covered by the professors are taken down accurately and subsequently understood by the recipient.

For further information concerning the availability of services at the Kentucky State University Disability Resource Center, contact us at (502) 597-5093 or via FAX – (502) 597-5532.

Web Accessibility Statement for Kentucky State University
Office of Continuing and Distance Education ADA policy

The Kentucky State University Office of Continuing and Distance Education is committed to making all alternative delivery courses and professional training workshops accessible to all students and faculty. This pertains to all  Kentucky Virtual University (KYVU) online classes, and Kentucky Tele-Linking Network (KTLN) ITV offerings and all Center for Innovation in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CITLA) workshops. OCDE staff will work with the Disability Resource Center Director and the University Counsel to meet all Federal and State ADA guidelines. A student with a disability who needs accommodation in a course will be referred to the Disability Resource Center Director. OCDE will make every effort to provide accommodations to its offerings but cannot guarantee that requested services will be available. Staff of the Disability Resource Center will determine eligibility for services and provide appropriate accommodations. Support services and accommodations are available to encourage students with disabilities to take full advantage of the University’s educational, social, and cultural opportunities.