Community Alliance with Family Farmers

POLICY :: Farm to School

This page was last updated on (August 07)

  1. The Issue
  2. Our Platform
  3. Bills & Proposals
  4. Our Advocacy History
  5. Press Coverage
  6. Articles & Reports
  7. What You Can Do
  8. Links to Relevant Sites

The Issue


Our Platform

CAFF has long supported greater linkages between sustainable farming and nutritious foods. That’s why we work around the state to promote Farm to School programs that bring fresh produce directly from local farmers to local schools: it’s good for our farmers and good for our kids.

Bills & Proposals


Our Advocacy History

  • For second year, the Appropriations Committee refuses to pass bill to establish statewide Farm to School program... (Summer 2007)
  • Farm to School efforts unsettled... (Summer 2006)
  • Several legislative efforts to provide more nutritious foods at schools… (Spring 2006)
  • Governor vetoes AB 826 (Nava) (Fall 2005)
  • CAFF sponsors bill to create new Farm-to-School programs
    (Summer 2005)


Press Coverage


Articles & Reports


What You Can Do

To stay up to date, join our Action Alert Network.


Links to Relevant Sites



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