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Top Ten Science Stories of 2008 (News)

December 23, 2008
What were the top science stories in 2008? Museum Education Associate Susan Heilman has compiled her list of the ten best, based on the relevance of the story to the intersection of science and society. 1. Water and the Red Planet Earthlings continue to search for life elsewhere in the universe, ... (details).

Science in Action: Researchers Live! (News)

December 08, 2008
The Museum of Science is fortunate to be located in a region alive with leading developments in many exciting fields of science. Our proximity to world-class colleges and universities, hospitals and laboratories, established companies and start-ups gives us access to accomplished researchers based in ... (details).

Firefly Watch Website Wins MITX Award (News)

November 21, 2008
Firefly Watch, the Museum's online Citizen Science project, has won a 2008 Massachusetts Innovation and Technology Exchange (MITX) award in the education and learning category. More than 1,000 Internet professionals were on hand for the annual awards ceremony, which honors interactive technology achievements in the New England area ... (details).

Help Us Pick Future Films (News)

October 30, 2008
The Mugar Omni Theater is showing some great films right now — The Greatest Places, Wild Ocean, and Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk, to name a few — but we want your help in picking future features. Please follow the link above to take a brief survey. On the final page, you'll have ... (details).

"Triceratops Cliff" Goes to the Doctor (News)

October 15, 2008
Just as children go in for a checkup before their first day of school, "Triceratops Cliff" paid a visit to Children's Hospital Boston this week for some routine X-rays and a CT scan. The feet and jaw of the 65-million-year-old fossil, which goes on display at the Museum on November 15, were carefully ... (details).

Science in Action: Live Presentations (News)

June 12, 2007
Come face-to-face with a falcon, witness an indoor lightning storm, discover the secrets behind magic tricks...all in one day. No, you're not dreaming — you're attending just a few of the live presentations held throughout the day, every day in the Exhibit Halls. Go to one, sample several, or build ... (details).


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Did you know?

The Clark Collection of Mechanical Movement Models (Blue Wing, Lower Level) contains 120 working models designed by American engineer William M. Clark.